
Review Policy

We read young adult literature. Genres we prefer are; contemporary, chick lit, realistic fiction, romance and paranormal.

We occasionally read fantasy, urban fantasy and dystopian.

We do not read religious or non-fiction literature.

We accept both physical copies and e-books. We accept most e-book formats, but prefer e-book formats which we can read on our kindles if possible.

We will try and review every book we accept, but if we are unable to finish a book, a review cannot always be guaranteed.

We will aim to read and review any books we receive as soon as possible, (please take into consideration that we may have several books to get through and it may take us several weeks to read and review a particular copy). However if you need reviews to be posted by a specific time e.g. before publication date please let us know and we will try our best to do so.

Our reviews will be based on our own personal opinion, if we rate a particular book quite low we will honestly explain why that certain book didn’t work for us.

We will post our reviews on our blog, our goodreads page, Amazon and will be linked on to our twitter, if you would like us to post our reviews on any additional websites please let us know.

For review requests or any further queries regarding our review policy please contact us at