
Friday 5 April 2013

Blog Tour: Shadowed by Sarah Alderson

Hello everyone, today I am thrilled to share a special post with you as part of the Shadowed blog tour by Sarah Alderson. Many of you already know how much I adore Sarah Alderson's books, so I'm so excited to be part of this tour. Today I will have one of my favourite characters Cyrus who were first introduced to in book two in Fated series; Severed answering some questions for me, but first here's a bit about the book.

Shadowed (Fated #3) by Sarah Alderson
Publisher: Amazon
Publication date: March 31st 2013.

Fate has won. The realms have been severed...but the fight’s still far from over. It’s been three months since the devastating battle that closed the way through between this world and the demon realms but Evie’s still reeling from all she's lost. When news reaches her that a group of Originals is on the prowl in LA and growing in numbers, Evie must decide whether to join the rogue Hunters in a final battle or fight her fate one last time. The way through might be closed. But that doesn’t mean Evie’s got closure.

Q & A with Cyrus

Jasprit: Hi Cyrus welcome to The Readers Den. For those ladies who haven't had the good fortune to meet you yet. Could you introduce yourself in 5 words?
Cyrus: Hey. Thanks. Sure: Better than Lucas in bed.

Jasprit: Why do you think the ladies find your character so appealing?
Cyrus: What can I say? I'm a charming guy. Or maybe it's the size of my muscles.

Jasprit: For the Lucas fans out there what do you have to offer?
Cyrus: Let's see. A sense of humour for a start. And I'm a way better fighter. Oh, and I don't have a perma-scowl etched on my face.

Jasprit: Describe your dream date.
Cyrus: I'm not sure I'm too fond of the term 'date'. Let's see. I'd probably suggest we skip the dinner and a movie and move straight on to the 'come up to my place for a coffee' part of the evening.

Jasprit: You were born as a Hunter. Despite your mum not wanting you to follow this path, would you have it any other way? Do you think about having a normal life?
Cyrus: No way. I was born to do this. And It's what I do best. OK, second best. Killing unhumans is a lot of fun. I can't really see myself as a lawyer or a banker. I don't really get the whole suit and tie thing. No place to hide a flamethrower.

Jasprit: You're an upbeat kind of guy, always bringing up the mood during a stressful situation. What motivates you in always being such a happy go lucky kind of guy?
Cyrus: Life's short. There are a lot of unhumans out there that need dispatching. You can't take stuff like that too seriously, you got to mix it up a little or you end up like Lucas. All scowl and no fun. The guy looks like he really needs to let loose you know? Take a load off.

Jasprit: What do you like to do in your spare time when you're not chasing down Thirsters and Mixen?
Cyrus: You really need to ask? Just check out the bunk bed in my spare room.

Jasprit: Thank you for stopping by on The Readers Den today Cyrus.
Cyrus: You're welcome. So, hey, what are you doing later?
Jasprit: *blushes*

Having spent most of her life in London, Sarah quit her job in the non profit sector in 2009 and took off on a round the world trip with her husband and princess-obsessed daughter on a mission to find a new place to call home. After several months in India, Singapore, Australia and the US, they settled in Bali where Sarah now spends her days writing by the pool and trying to machete open coconuts without severing a limb. She finished her first novel Hunting Lila just before they left the UK, wrote the sequel, Losing Lila, on the beach in India, and had signed a two book deal with Simon & Schuster by the time they reached Bali. A third book, Fated, about a teenage demon slayer, which was written during their stay in California, was published in January 2012 by Simon Pulse (an imprint of Simon & Schuster). The sequels to Fated are slated for release in November 2012 and March 2013, while two standalone YA thrillers will be out in summer 2013 & summer 2014. She is currently co-writing the Hunting Lila screenplay and working on several other books and screenplays (multi-tasking is one of her favorite things).


  1. Jasprit, I remembered seeing your tweet about today's post being one of your favorite blog tour posts ever so I had to check it out. I haven't even read the first two books in this series but after reading this hilarious character interview, I so need to! I would love to meet Cyrus and his personality just seems too awesome to pass up. And I'm so curious about these inhuman things now! Fantastic post, Jasprit! :)

  2. Wow, talk about a single-minded individual! I still prefer Lucas, I'm afraid, but Cyrus is certainly charming enough to change my mind some day. Plus, a sense of humor is the most important thing in a guy and Cyrus seems to be hilarious. Thank you for sharing, Jasprit!

  3. I haven't read the first two book before, but this sounds interesting. Also, Cyrus is hilarious!

    - Ellie at The Selkie Reads Stories

  4. I haven't read the first two books but somehow Cyrus sounds interesting. I can assume what type of a guy he is :) I hope I'll meet him soon. Great interview :)

  5. I've never heard of this series before but Lucas and Cyrus sound like characters that I want to meet! I'll have to be on the lookout for the first two books in the series.

  6. Ah, a man with confidence, gotta love that ;-) Cyrus seems like one of those cocky boys I just can't get enough of, so I'm super excited to meet him. If I remember this series correctly, book 2 ended with a whopper of a cliffhanger right? So I definitely need to have book 3 on hand immediately after? It's possible I'm completely confused and this is that series at all though. Fail.

    Watch out Cyrus, here I come:)

  7. Oh my. That second to the last question! *fans self* Haha! I haven't still read the second book (I don't why) but ha! after reading this I think I have to get reacquainted with these people and meet this Cyrus guy. He seems quite a hottie! Haha! Thanks for sharing this, Jasprit. :)

  8. Aw, what a fun interview! Hee. I STILL have yet to read a Sarah Alderson book, and I really don't know what's wrong with me. Cyrus and Lucas sound pretty dreamy. :)

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  9. Oh wow, this is one of the most hilarious interviews I have ever read! For some reason, I have not read these books yet, but now I have GOT to meet this Cyrus! He definitely has a wonderful sense of humour, that's for sure. And I adore his very large ego. :P If Sarah Alderson can create such a memorable character like Cyrus, she must be incredibly talented! I must get started on this series.

    Thank you so much for sharing this brilliant post with us, Jasprit! It has genuinely made my day. :D

  10. Well, it is no secret what Cyrus has on his mind! Skip the dinner and movie and just move to the coffee part of the evening. Well, I have to admire that he doesn't waste time and gets right to the point! This was lots of fun! I really need to read one of Sarah's books. She has been on my wishlist forever!

  11. Ooh, this one sounds great! I love Cyrus so far and although Alderson isn't a favorite author of mine, her books are great fun. Thanks for sharing, Jasprit!(:

  12. I'm firmly a Lucas fan, but Cyrus sure is entertaining... and cocky! ;) I love his choice of 5 words, hah. :D Thanks so much for sharing! I think I might like Cyrus more here than in the actual book. :)

  13. Ha, I do love Cyrus even though I'm completely Team Lucas. I still think Cyrus should have his own story - I hope so x

  14. I love Cyrus, he's a fantastic character. And this is an awesome interview. I love the answer to Q1 and on Q2, I read muscles but thought something else lol :)

  15. I cracked up on reading Cyrus' response to your first question, Jasprit. He's such a charmer. Loved the interview.
    Love that he made you blush!
    I need to continue this series. I still haven't read book 2 and book 3 is already out!
    Fabulous interview, Jasprit! :)

  16. Look who is blushing here? ;)

    Thanks for sharing, Jas! It's a lot of fun to get to know Cyrus through the interview... he's surely cocky!

  17. Ha, love this Q&A! Definitely need to get around to reading these books, especially after this interview!

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