
Sunday 29 September 2013

Showcase Sunday #36

Showcase Sunday is a weekly meme hosted by Vicky at Books, Biscuits and Tea. The aim is to showcase our newest books or book related swag and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed from libraries, bought in bookshops and downloaded onto eReaders this week.

Hello lovelies, I hope you've had a great week. I actually received quite a few books since I last posted our haul, but I don't want to overwhelm you so I've decided to share a few of the goodies I received. 


Thank you to Hodder & Stoughton

I was lucky to finally have to chance to visit the Foyles book store in London this past week, I'd heard great things about their incredible range of books through fellow bloggers, so couldn't wait to have a look around myself. Their Young Adult section was just amazing, I was so surprised by the amount of US books that they had. Of course I couldn't leave without purchasing a few gems; Pivot Point, The Distance Between Us, Bruised and The Waking Dark. Going Vintage and The Disenchantments were books which had been high on my wish list for sometime, so I was pleased to get them through a swap, along with Cruel Summer which fellow bloggers Jess @ Jess Hearts Books and Leanna @ Daisy Chain Books Reviews really enjoyed, (you can click on the links to read their reviews). And World After, seriously I was over the moon at receiving a copy of this book out of the blue, I think my sister was a bit scared of my reaction when I opened up my package to find this book inside. I of course started it as soon as possible, it has been a lot different to what I was expecting, but I'm so happy to be back with Raffe this world once again.

Over to Rachel to see the goodies she received.

Cinderella Screwed Me Over by Cindi Madsen | The Wager by Rachel Van Dyken | Cold Blooded by Amanda Carlson | Capstone by Misty Provencher | Into the Still Blue by Veronica Rossi | Isn't She Lovely by Lauren Layne.

Thank you to Entangled Publishing, Forever, Orbit, Misty Provencher, HarperCollins, Random House, Netgalley, and Edelweiss!

I’m really excited to read Cinderella Screwed Me Over because I love Cindi’s writing, and I recently saw a status update from Andrea @The Bookish Babe that makes me even more so!  Two series’ that I’m eager to pick up are The Cornerstone Series and the UF Jessica McClain series. I’ve heard a lot of good things about both, and I’ll be able to read all the books one right after the other! Always a big win in my books!

I have to mention the awesomeness of getting approved for Into the Still Blue, the last book in the Under the Never Sky series! Both my husband and I LOVE this series and hopefully I’ll be reading it when this post goes live. Yeeessss!!!

If you have posted a book haul of any sort, feel free to leave a link in the comments and Rachel and I will stop by later to check it out! 


  1. Jasprit, I really enjoyed both Bruised and The Disenchantments, not to mention that Going Vintage is SO much fun! :) I'm dying to read World After myself - RAFFE! - and am STILL torn about picking up both Pivot Point and The Distance Between You and Me, so I'm hoping your opinions on those two will help me make up my mind!

    Rachel, I got Into the Still Blue too! I can't WAIT to finally read it. Perryyyyy! :D

    Wonderful haul, ladies! Happy Reading!

  2. OMG RACHEL YOU GOT APPROVED FOR INTO THE STILL BLUE I'M DYING AHH. *dies of jealousy* *tries to get up* *falls to the ground again* Seriously I'm a huge fan of Under the Never Sky, and am dying for the last book! I can't wait to see your thoughts about it! Also, Cinderella Screwed Me Over seems like such a fun book!!

    Jasprit, it seems like this Foyles store has some great taste in US YA books! I've just recently gotten Pivot Point, and so I really can't wait to start it, especially since I've heard such great things. I also REALLY want to get The Distance Between Us, since it looks so cute!! <3 And Bruised seems like a fabulous book as well, so I can't wait to see what you think of it.

    Awesome haul you two!!

  3. AHHHH World After. Oh my gosh I'm so freaking excited for that one. And oh! I didn't even notice Waking Dark at a glance. Different cover! Loved that one though. Happy Reading!

  4. GAH so many amazing books, you guys!!! WHAT WHAT WHAT Into the Still Blue?!! It seems like only yesterday I was pining over an ARC of Through the Ever Night! Can't wait to read your review, Rachel. :D Aaah Jasprit, I've been dying to read The Distance Between Us for so long, I hope it lives up to the hype. Looking forward to your thoughts on it. :)

    Enjoy your fabulous haul, girlies. <3 x



    Enjoy all your wonderful books, ladies!

  6. I'm really looking forward to reading The Distance Between Us and Pivot Point! Own both, but haven't had time to get to them yet.
    And I'm so excited to read Into the Still Blue. I have an ARC from Edelweiss too but need to re-read the series before getting to it.
    Awesome haul, you guys :)

    My IMM

  7. Jasprit, I loved Bruised and I hope you do too. The Waking Dark and Going Vintage sound awesome!! Rachel, Cinderella Screwed Me Over sounds so hilarious and I'm looking forward to your review of it! And that's so awesome that you AND your husband like Rossi's books. I NEED TO GET ON THOSE BOOKS. Happy reading, ladies!

  8. Rachel, your husband loves this series, too? That's AWESOME! Heh:) So glad you got approved and I can't wait to see what you think. Oh, you guys should do like.. a he thinks, she thinks review like on Andrea's blog where they are reviewing Kristen Ashley's books right now. It'd be so fun to see a guy and girl's take on things.

    As for Jasprit, I hear that Pivot Point and The Distance Between Us are such great reads and I hope you love them:) I read a similar theme to TDBU and I'm not sure I want to read it, but I hope that if I do pick it up one day, I'll enjoy it a lot. Oh and that Going Vintage cover is so pretty that I don't even care what this is about, I want to read it lol. Such a good haul for you guys. Again :D Have a lovely Sunday, girls!

  9. Ooh, I had no idea that Foyles stocked US books! Must make a trip these some time. I really cannot wait to see what you think of World After. After the long wait I hope it lives up to book 1. Happy reading!

  10. Oh, wow. Jasprit, I have a feeling you're going to love Bruised and Pivot Point and The Distance Between Us. I just know it. And I know how long you've waited for Angelfall two so I'm really happy to see you're reading it.
    Rachel, I was lucky enough to beta read Capstone a while back. I can't wait to read your thoughts on it. I hope you'll get a chance to read it soon.

  11. Ya know what Jasprit? I don't think I can talk to you anymore. YOU HAVE A COPY OF WORLD AFTER OMG LUCKY. Ehehe. And Rach, I also have a copy of Into The Still Blue, it's a pweety cover >.<

    Happy reading, ladies! <33

  12. I am so jealous of Into the Still Blue! Still waiting to hear if I got it or not! And I just won a copy of Pivot Point! I hope I like it! Awesome haul!

  13. I am so jealous of World Over! I'm just coming to the end of Angelfall and am glad I waited to read it so I can read the next one STRAIGHT AWAY!
    I'd also really like to know what you think of Bruised! And I have Cruel Summer to read so I hope you like it as I think it sounds like a great one!

    Wooo for Into the Still Blue! hope you enjoy that one. And well, I hope you both like/love all of the books you got this week!

    Faye :)

  14. Nice haul! A lot of these I haven't heard of but I'm definitely checking some of them out. Hope you guys enjoy all the books :)
    My STS

  15. Ah, lots of amazing :D Hope you enjoy it all. <3 I cannot wait to read The Waking Dark. I loved loved loved Into the Still Blue :) So good. Happy reading. <3

  16. Loved Pivot Point and hope that you do too.

  17. Going Vintage sounds like such a cute book! And I'm super jealous of The Distance Between Us. I've just added Cinderalla Screwed Me Over to my wishlist, I hadn't heard of it before now. I hope you both enjoy reading these :)

  18. Ah Jasprit I'm having hard time not to be jealous at World After, but I have no doubts that Raffe is in safe hands. I'll read it as soon as it comes out :) Also I need to read Pivot Point - I have no idea why I haven't done that.
    Rachel you'll have to kick me from time to time just to remind me to read Under the Never Sky. Yes I do have the book but yeah I haven't read it yet. I've been a bad, bad reader.
    Great haul ladies :)

  19. Soo many good books!! I LOVE the Foyles book store in London :D It has such a wide range of books, I just wish they weren't so expensive D: I've spent a lot of time there recently since I had to buy all my French books for university there and I usually spend hours in there just browsing/reading :DDD

    Hope you guys enjoy all your books!!

    Here's my SS :)

    Laura @ What's Hot?

  20. Ooh so many awesome books! I also have Pivot Point, but have not read it. I heard so many good things about it though. Hope you end up loving all your books!


  21. So many incredible books! I really want to read Kasie West's books. Cinderella Screwed Me Over was so sweet, and I can't wait for Into to Still Blue.
    Enjoy your books!

  22. I can't wait to see what you think of Cruel Summer. I couldn't get enough of that one! Definitely one of my faves of the year so far! :)

  23. Ahhh so many great books this week! I've yet to read any of these, but I know I can always count on you ladies for fabulous recommendations. I'm definitely interested in reading all your great reviews now! Happy reading :)

  24. AHHHHHHH!!!! Look at the awesomeness in both your mailboxes this week! I'm DYING for World After, I need to know what's going to happen with Raffe! So looking forward to your thoughts. And Rachel, you got Into The Still Blue! YESSSSSSSSSS! I love that your husband loves that series too, I wish I could get mine to read any of the books I love, but alas, it's just not his thing as playing Black Ops on Playstation is not mine:) Can't wait to hear all about it!

  25. Seeing the people who are getting the new Susan Ee book has me DYING to get it in my hands. I really can't wait to read that one and can't believe it is finally going to be coming out. I really liked The Distance Between us and Pivot Point so I hope you do too!
