
Sunday 25 May 2014

Showcase Sunday #53

Showcase Sunday is a weekly meme hosted by Vicky at Books, Biscuits and Tea. The aim is to showcase our newest books or book related swag and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed from libraries, bought in bookshops and downloaded onto eReaders this week.  

Hi all, I hope you've all had a wonderful couple of week's. Rachel and I have a three day weekend this week! I'm sure I can say this from both of us, we are absolutely thrilled about this. I'm hoping to use it to catch up with reading, I am so behind on my Goodreads reading goal at the moment, I did pretty well for Bout of Books last week, as I read four books! But this week I didn't end up finishing anything, I seem to be getting distracted way too quickly, by Instagram, Twitter or just binge watching Game of Thrones (I am finally up to date, my gosh things are crazy!!), so definitely need the motivation to read more :(. Anyway I received some amazing books this past two weeks, so I'm hoping these pretties will get me back to reading.


Thank you Indigo and Bloomsbury UK

Of Beast and Beauty by Stacey Jay | Open Road Summer by Emery Lord

Can you believe there's less than a month before the release of Ruin and Rising? I can't wait to find out how things will go in this latest book, so I was thrilled to receive a sampler from Indigo, I really want to read it right away, but I'm thinking I'll be dying for more, so may wait closer to the release date. I read The Winner's Curse a few months back and it really was a gem of a read, the UK publisher's were nice enough to send me a UK edition (I definitely think it's my favourite out of both covers). And the lovely Siiri at Little Pieces of Imagination, who I can say has become an amazing friend this last few months, sent me Of Beast and Beauty and Open Road Summer from my wish list *hugs* I can't thank you enough!!

Let's see what Rachel received.

Kindling the Moon (Arcadia Bell, #1)  Banishing the Dark (Arcadia Bell, #4)  Turning Up the Heat (La Vie en Roses, #0.5)  Attachments Cruel Beauty Happenstance

Thank you to Pocket Books, SYNC and Edelweiss.

I'm excited to start Jenn Bennett's Arcadia Bell series. After reading and LOVING Bitter Spirits I wanted to get my hands on her other titles and big bonus: all the books are out! I saw that Laura Florand's Turning Up the Heat was only .99 cents on Amazon I had to get a copy!  The audio book of Attachments was on sale at Audible for $3.95 so I snatched that up. If you like audio books you should definitely sign up for Audible's Daily Deal email.  I get so many great books on sale that way.  If you didn't know SYNC has a program running all summer for free audiobooks.  Two titles are released each week and you can still download Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge. Click HERE for the schedule and instructions.


  1. Ooo, Of Beast and Beauty! And Cruel Beauty! That's so cool that one of you got one Beauty and the Beast retelling, and the other reviewed another Beauty and the Beast retelling! Errr, I think it's cool :D I hope you two enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a fabulous weekend!

    Check out my STS post!

    1. Thanks Alyssa! I didn't realise that until now and yes it is pretty cool!

  2. Great haul, ladies! Rachel - I can't wait to see what you think of Attachments! I loved that book and everything by Rainbow Rowell

  3. I really want to read The Winner's Curse and Attachments as well. Looks like you both got some great titles this week.

  4. Siiri asked me if Of Beast and Beauty and Open Road Summer would be good choices for you, Jasprit, and I was quick to say yes. I'm crossing my fingers that you're going to love both as much as I did. :)

    I'm very curious to see what you think of Cruel Beauty, Rachel. It's one of those books that has received very mixed reviews.

    Enjoy your lovely reads, ladies! :)

    1. Aww thanks Nick! I'm sure I will end up loving them just as much as you did!

  5. AWW RUIN AND RISING SAMPLER!!! *SQUEEE* I really liked The Winner's Curse! I hope you'll enjoy it! I want to read Open Road Summer since I've been craving for a light summer read <3

    Happy reading, ladies! :D

  6. I've already read Attachments and I liked it! Hope you will, too! Keep reading.

  7. Oh I need to read The Winner's Curse soon enough! :) Awww Siiri is a sweetheart. I really hope you'll enjoy of Beast and Beauty and I need to read it soon. Rachel I cannot wait to see what you think of Attachments!! Great haul, ladies :)

  8. Well. DAMN. I AM SO JEALOUS :D All the lovely things from Indigo. <3 Ruin and Rising sampler! Want more than anything. <3 Sniffs. So jealous, hih :) I hope you love it. And ack. I really want that big volume of S&B + S&S. So pretty :D I also really loved Cruel Beauty. <3 I hope you both enjoyed everything you got this week :D And ohh. The Winner's Curse! One of the best books. So damn good. Sigh. :)

  9. Jas - lovely hardbacks! I'm looking forward to R&R, too!

    Rach - I am defo signing up for the Sync audio books, such a great program!

    Mands @ The Bookish Manicurist

  10. ooh great haul! loved the Shadow and Bone can't wait to read the rest of the series :)

  11. AHHHH RUIN AND RISING. Alarkling forever <3 I have The Gathering Dark and that ARC of S&B and S&S too :D as well as the hardback of S&B lol.
    I didn't really like The Winner's Curse but I was the black sheep in this case. I do adore that cover though.
    I have both Open Road Summer and Of Beast and Beauty in those beautiful hardbacks but haven't read them - heard amazing things though!
    Rachel, I have Attachments too but haven't read it lol. I've heard Happenstance is pretty good.
    Enjoy reading through the long weekend girls!

  12. Open Road Summer is such a great summer read - an instant favourite of mine! Enjoy! :)

  13. Ha, I understand where you're coming from! GoT, Twitter, and Instagram are all very distracting. ;) I love both covers for TWC. Hoping to read it soon! As for R & R, sooo excited for the actual book to come out and quite scared too if I'm honest. I'm hoping Alina and Mal end up together!

  14. Of beast and beauty was pretty good :D I would never read the sampler for Ruin & Rising, because I'm already too impatient, haha. Reading that would make the wait even longer! Happy reading.

  15. Ooosh, some pretty books here! I'm seriously considering The Grisha Trilogy and if I can get it from a library then I'll be straight on it, so many good things have been said about it! The Winner's Curse is a beautiful cover, but I'm not that good with historical fiction, so I shan't be reading that, but you've got a beautiful haul Jasprit! Rachel, I confess, I don't know a lot first hand about your books, but people liked Cruel Beauty and I've heard good things about Happenstance so far from other McGuire fans, so good luck with that one! :D

  16. Lots of great books!! Of Beauty and Beauty is a favorite of mine---I hope you love it!

  17. I love fairy tale retellings and Of Beauty and Beast looks really good! I enjoyed Attachments though it took me awhile to really get into it. Have a great week!

  18. Such pretty hardbacks. <3 Hope you enjoy reading them (Tho I am ahead of my reading challenge on GR :D)

  19. YAY!!! I AM SO SO happy to see Arcadia Bell in your book haul Rachel, I loved the series and I hope you'll love it just as much as I did (and Lon.. LONNNN). Also another YAY for Cruel Beauty, that book was absolutely marvellous and I hope you'll enjoy it just as much as I did!

    I really need to read Of Beauty and Beast as well Jasprit so I hope you enjoy it! :D And I've heard wonderful things about Open Road Summer so I hope you'll enjoy that too!!! I hope you love The Winner's Curse as well, I still need to read that one too but I am hopeful the hype won't let me down .-.

    Great haul and happy reading ladies!! :)

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

  20. Hi ladies! It looks like you both got a lot of good books. I picked up Attachments, too, Rachel. I'm trying to get back into audios. I also got Turning Up the Heat. I can't wait to start that series!
    I hope you both enjoy your weekend and your books!

  21. Eeee! Another Game of Thrones fan. :D I'm currently reading the second book and am really enjoying it. Am dying to find out what's going on, even though that'll inevitably spoil the show for me. lol Oh well. Ruin and Rising! Sampler or not, that's super exciting. I can't wait to get my hands on that one.
    I loooveeee Jenn Bennett's series, but have yet to get around to Bitter Spirits! Attachments is the only Rowell book I've read so far but it's a fantastic read.
    Hope you two enjoy your new reads!

  22. Happenstance sounds great, and hope that you enjoy.

  23. The Winner's Curse and Of Beast and Beauty are both awesome reads! <3 I haven't read Attachments yet, but I've been meaning to. Oh, and Cruel Beauty was pretty great! Happy long weekend, girls!

  24. Ladies, I was in a serious reading slump for about two months, too. We've been SO crazed offline that it's been difficult for us to maintain a regular blog schedule as well, but I think we're back on track as of this week! June is nuts, but we're definitely going to do our best.

    I loved The Winner's Curse so much. And yesss, I got that R&R sampler as well, Jasprit, but I decided against reading it because it would be too torturous to wait.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden
