
Sunday, 8 April 2012

In my Mailbox (#1)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren in which bloggers share their books which they have recently received.

My mailbox this week actually covers the books I have received over the last two weeks, you should have seen my face when I received some of my books, as usual it means my reading schedule has gone out of the window, but I don't mind as I have some awesome little gems to devour.

Night Sky by Jolene Perry and Spectral by Shannon Duffy. Thank you to Tribute Books for the review copies. I finished Night Sky the other day and it was a surprisingly good read. I will have my review up soon.

Overprotected by Jennifer Laurens. Thank you to Wendy from The Midnight Garden for the heads up on this freebie on Amazon.

Unraveling by Elizabeth Norris. This book has been popping up everywhere and after I read Maja from the Nocturnal Library and Sam from Realm of Fiction's review I knew I needed to get my hands on a copy. So thank you to Edelweiss for this exciting review copy. (You can read Maja's review for this book here and Sam's review here)

Flirting in Italian by Lauren Henderson and The Book of Blood and Shadow by Robin Wasserman. A big thank you to Random House and Netgalley for these awesome books. I hadn't even realised until just before it's publication date that The Book of Blood and Shadow was up on NetGalley, I really thought that I had missed out, but thankfully received a copy. I found it really diffiult to get into, but now I just can't put it down! I'm absolutely loving it.

Arcadia Awakens by Kai Meyer. I won this at Realm of Fiction, a big thank you to Sam for hosting the giveaway!

So that's me done, looks like I'll have a fun reading week ahead! I'd love to know what you got in your mailbox this week?


  1. Jasprit, you know I am dying for you to get started on Unravelling! I hope you love that book as much as Maja and I did, and thank you for linking my review. :)

    I'm also glad to hear you enjoyed Night Sky. Looking forward to your review on that one! Great haul this week for you - hope you enjoy getting stuck into all those books. :)

  2. FLirting in Italian looks great!
    Happy Reading:-)

  3. Awesome books this week!! Hope you enjoy them!!
    Unravelling looks so awesome!!!!

    check out mine:

    P.S. I followed:)

  4. OMGosh I want to get Flirting in Italian so bad! It looks like the perfect, fun summer read :D Hope you enjoy!

    You can check out my IMM video and post for this week at the link below-- Happy Reading! :)

    Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland

  5. LOL yes! x) Maja and Sam were the main reasons why I wanted to pick up Unraveling too -- I just started it so I'm excited that you have it too! And Flirting in Italian sounds like such a sweet contemporary book, so I'm really excited to hear your thoughts on that one as well! It's bound to be fun and flirty for Meg Cabot and Sophie Kinsella fans like us, right? ;)

    Amazing mailbox this week, Jasprit! I hope you enjoy all of your beautiful books! :) <3

    1. Thanks Mimi, I have a few books to get out of the way before I start Unraveling but I'm so excited! I hope you enjoy it too! :)

  6. Awww, I really REALLY hope you'll enjoy it, Jasprit. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
    I'm about to start The Book of Blood and Shadow, Giselle finally convinced me (not that it took much) and I can't wait to compare notes. I'm very excited about it.

    1. I hope I like it too! But I'm sure I will, I just finished the Book of Blood and Shadow and loved it, I can't wait to see how you find it! :)

  7. I liked hearing your thoughts on the books. Enjoy your reading.

  8. Book of Blood and Shadow is so good! Enjoy everything :D

    Shortskie @ Rondo of a Possible World
    My Mailbox

  9. Awesome IMM this week, Jasprit! I am really dying to read Unraveling and congratulations for winning Arcadia Awakens!

    Hope you enjoy all the books you got this week and happy reading! ♥

  10. ohh!!! I want to so much grab the Unraveling out of the screen! I've heard a lot of good reviews of it! You have such a great haul!
    Happy reading!

    Aai Marsh @ My Mailbox :D

  11. Yay for Unravelling! Maja and Sam have convinced me I need to read it too! And I have had the Book of Blood and Shadows on my shelf for months, I really need to get to it!

    1. I finished The Book of Blood and Shadow the other day and I still can't stop thinking about it, it's definitely helped me out of my book slump! I really hope you like it too! :)

  12. Awesome week Jasprit! Hope you enjoy them all. Donna xxo

  13. I am soooo jealous you got Unraveling! Also, let me know what you think of Night Sky.
