
Tuesday 3 April 2012

Top Ten Tuesday (1)

Is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where each week they post a new top ten list and ask fellow bloggers to share their lists on that topic. I’m actually a little obsessed when it comes to making lists, so I thought this would be the perfect meme for me to do!
Today’s Top Ten Tuesday topic is Top Ten books to read in a day.

1.       Can You Keep a Secret by Sophie Kinsella
2.       Queen of Babble in the Big City by Meg Cabot
3.    Boy meets Girl by Meg Cabot

Sophie Kinsella and Meg Cabot are two of my guilty pleasures, I know when I need a quick pick me up I can always turn to their books. The above three books are my absolute favourites that I have read time and time again.

4.       Where she went by Gayle Forman
5.       Hunting Lila by Sarah Alderson

These two books were completely unputdownable. Hunting Lila was just so action packed that it had me constantly on the edge of my seat. Whereas Where She Went I couldn’t put down because it was such a  heart wrenching story and I just couldn’t bear to part ways with the characters especially Adam *sigh*

6.       High Society or Society Girls (in the U.S) by Sarah Mason
7.       Split Ends by Sarah Harvey
8.       Past Perfect by Leila Sales

These three books are the funniest books I’ve ever come across, they always have me in endless hysterics.

9.   Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
10.  Amy and Rogers Epic Detour by Morgan Matson

Both of these books left me with warm fuzzies, they’re such feel good books that quickly brought a smile to my face!

I’ve just realised these ten books are typically my rainy day comfort reads, books I can turn to when I need cheering up.

So which books made it to your Top Ten to read in a day?


  1. Hey :) Great list of books!! I'm following your blog BTW

    Here are my Top Ten. Please check them out!

  2. New follower. :)
    I love your list, I just added a few of those to my TBR pile. I loved Anna and The French kiss. <3 have you read lola and the boy next door? :)
    My TTT;

    1. Hey I still have to get around to reading Lola, there's been a lot of mixed reviews for it, I really hope I enjoy it as much as Anna :)

  3. What a great list! Hunting Lila was really great and I love how it grew into an exciting read. I featured Anna on my list as well! :)

    my top ten

  4. Sophie Kinsella and Meg Cabot are two of my biggest guilty pleasures too! :D Even when I don't have much time to read, I still always like to squeeze some of their books in because they're always a ton of fun to read! And Hunting Lila (ALEX!!), Where She Went, and Anna and the French Kiss are three of my favourite books of all time, so I'm really happy to see them on your list!

    Awesome top ten, Jasprit! We have a ton of books in common, and I sure have to make those other books in common soon too! :) <3

  5. That is a great collection, Jasprit. I haven't read Sophie Kinsella or Meg Cabot. I guess I need to, they sound like staples in a vanilla diet! Haha! I, of course, loved Hunting Lila, great action pick. Some of the books I've read in a day: Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuirre, Jane by April Lindner, Where She Went (like you I couldn't put it down, heart-wrenching is right!), On the Island by Tracey Garvis-Graves.

    Can't think of any others off the top of my head. Great post, Jasprit! :)

  6. Meg Cabot is a bit of a guilty pleasure for me too. ;) I completely agree about Where She Went - I lost sleep for that book but it was completely worth it! :D

  7. I love the Queen of Babble series. Nice choice!

  8. Oh, I have definitely devoured Can You Keep a Secret? in a couple of hours more than once! It's such a fun book! Also, if you like cute chicklit, might I suggest checking out Jill Mansell's books? They're SO good!
    And I totally read Past Perfect in a day too! :)

  9. I love 'Can You Keep a Secret'!!!! I was reading it while flying and I was laughing so hard people were looking at me weird. I just LOVE this book. Now I think I'll go re-read it.

  10. This list is perfect. Cabot and Kinsella are always megaquick reads for me. Past Perfect! Anna! I've also added those two Society books to my TBR. If you think they're hilarious, I bet I will too:)

  11. I agree with Flann, this list is brilliant.
    Oh, how I adore Can You Keep a Secret? :-D

    Jack <3

  12. You've named some of my faves like Where She Went and some I want to read like Hunting Lila and Past Perfect (I love that you said that this book is funny, I cannot get enough of books that make me laugh!)

    1. Hunting Lila is amazing, you should seriously get onto it asap! And Past Perfect is definitely one of those laugh out loud books, I couldn't stop laughing!

  13. Hi Jasprit, I am glad I finally made it over here to meet you. I love your cute little blog. This is a fantastic little list. I have read several on this list and many are in my TBR, like Hunting Lila. I loved Anna and the French Kiss and Lola as well. Great list, Jasprit :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by Heidi, it's sounds like we have quite similar tastes in books, you should read Hunting Lila as soon as you can it's one of my favourites :)
