
Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Author Event Recap and Giveaway: Richelle Mead

Hi everyone!  Last night I had the great privilege of meeting Richelle Mead at an author event and signing at the Barnes and Noble in Santa Monica, California.  Richelle is one of my all-time favorite authors, so I was beyond excited!  I guess a lot of other people were too, because it was packed!

Richelle Mead
Richelle did a reading from The Golden Lily to begin with. To my surprise, instead of picking a swoon-worthy moment, she picked a funny scene.   A scene involving:  a defense-class, Sydney, Adrian, and someone nicknamed Captain McTropical Shorts.  Everyone was laughing!  This reminded me of the great amount of snarky humor she includes in all her stories that make them so much fun to read.  

Here are some interesting tidbits she shared:

On writing Rose: Richelle just thinks:  "What would I not do?"   Richelle said that Rose is the polar opposite of her but really fun to write.  Rose is always the kind of person to punch first and ask questions later.  Sydney is very different.  She's so smart and oblivious.  Of the two, Richelle is more like Sydney personally. Also, Richelle knew she would write the Bloodlines spinoff series about half-way through the Vampire Academy series. When she begins a series, she always knows how they will end.  Wow!

The Indigo Spell, the third book in the Bloodlines series, comes out February 14, 2013.  Yay!! We don't have to wait a full year for the next one.  If you've read The Golden Lily, the title should mean a little something to you……

Foretold, which releases August 28, 2012, will have a Rose and Dimitri short story where they visit Russia together!  Sounds romantic.   I've been excited for Foretold since I saw Maja's Wow on it a few weeks back.

Movie of VA? There is a production company that has the film rights and they are trying to pitch it to studios.  So far no one has taken a bite.  She thinks we may be in vampire burnout, and it may not be until all the Twilight films have run their course that a studio would be interested.  She doesn't have any dream cast in mind because the characters have always looked a certain way in her head, and no actors currently fit the image.

Did she have to do more research for VA or Bloodlines?  Answer: Bloodlines.   The most research being the insane random trivia that Sydney dolls out (She's supposed to be a genius).   Richelle had to learn all about Ford Mustangs for The Golden Lily, because Sydney is a car buff.There was more Alchemist research, and research into tourist attractions in Palm Springs.  The windmill farm in there is real, by the way.   

Input on the covers?  She did have some, like picking the models.  She thought that was cool because not a lot of authors have any say on the book cover.  This is something I've heard from a lot of authors at book signings.

Her new adult series: Age of X is set to come out late 2013.  It's a futuristic sci-fi with paranormal elements to it.  It's set one-hundred years into the future, in a world where the US and Canada have merged into one country.  This world is very anti-magic, anti-supernatural.   It's about a guy and a girl who travel, find reports of magic, then go and try to debunk it.  She wants to keep the paranormal force in that series under wraps, a surprise.


The Golden Lily (Bloodlines, #2)

I loved The Golden Lily.  You can read my review for it here.  So I wanted to share my fun with all you awesome people by giving away a signed copy of The Golden Lily, along with the signed VA poster shown.  The giveaway is international and runs for a week.  The only requirement to enter is that you follow the blog via GFC. Just fill out the rafflecopter below.  Thanks for visiting and good luck!

                                                                                                                    a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. My favorite character from the VA series is oddly Christian. I love how reckless and fierce he is. :)
    Looks like you had a great time, Rachel. It's really nice of you to share your time with us. :)
    Honestly, I'd rather they not make a VA movie. The series is too awesome for a movie.
    Thanks so much for the giveaway, Rachel. :)

  2. hum dimitri

    thanks you a lot for the international giveaway

    all the best

  3. Ahhhh, you are so lucky! I'd love to go to one of Richelle's events, I hope I get to one day!

    Yay for all the info you shared with us, thanks for reminding us about Foretold, I'm going to pre-order the Kindle version!

  4. My fave character, without a doubt, is Adrian. He's hilarious!

    Thanks for the giveaway!!

    Tasnim S xx

  5. Definitely Dimitri! I'm a sucker for foreign accents :D

  6. Oh my gosh, YOU ARE SO LUCKY, RACHEL! I'm pretty sure that I would pass out a little if I met Richelle Mead LOL but that doesn't stop me from really wanting to! I think it would be so amazing to have a VA movie (or TV show? :D), and even though I usually don't have actors in mind for a dream cast, I do for Adrian: Chace Crawford! Isn't he so perfect?? x) Adrian will forever be my favourite character!

    Thanks so much for sharing, Rachel! I love hearing about all of your bookish author adventures, although I really wish I could trade places with you sometimes. How would you feel about living in Canada? :') <3

    1. Mimi, from what I've seen of Canada, it's beautiful, so sure. Let's trade places for a while. Not sure what your mother would say, though! :)

  7. Richelle Mead has create amazing characters in her series. I love them all but my favorite character is Dimitri. He is really unique, complete character and I guess the man who all women dreaming. The only problem is he is fictional. Why?
    Thank you for the giveaway!

  8. Woohoo you're very lucky to met Richelle! Glad you had a good time. My favourite character has to be Dimitri. I love his presence in the book. =)

  9. I'm so jealous you got to meet Richelle!! My fave character is Dimitri.....not sure I really need a reason why when it comes to him lol though I think he is perfect <3

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!

  10. Hum... I would have to pick Dimitri and Adrian. I seriously love both of them :D

    Thanks a lot for the giveaway, I'm glad you had so much fun!!!

  11. Another amazing author event you got to go to Rachel! Richelle sounds like such a nice person and this post just makes me want to rush out and start the series asap, it seems like I'm missing out on so much fun!! I think I should move to the U.S already just so that I can go to some of these awesome author events! :)

  12. Thanks for the great giveaway! I'm embarassed to say that I haven't read any of the Vampire Academy series or Bloodlines yet. I know! They are high up on my TBR list, I just need to get to them!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I love Dimitri but Adrian is super hilarious.

    Thank you so much for the giveaway! Love both the VA and Bloodlines series very much.

  15. Adrian! I love him :)
    Thanks for the giveaway :)

  16. Thanks for sharing all this wonderful information Rachel!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Great recap post, Rachel! I agree with Jasprit - it seems like the US is the place to be when it comes to author events! :D Thanks for sharing some of what you heard at the event. I really hope VA does become a movie as I'm sure many of us would see it. ;)

    My favourite character from VA has to be Rose. She is one the best kick-ass female main characters there is. :)

  18. Ahhhh! There's going to be a Rose/Dimitri short story in FORETOLD? I had no idea! I fail. I will be buying that for sure, I can't get enough of Rose and Dimitri. This sounds like such a cool event, and I love that she picked a funny scene (I have got to meet Captain McTropical Shorts). Thanks so much for sharing Rachel!

  19. Ohh, Rachel, I know how much you love Richelle's books, I am so happy that you were at this event! It sounds wonderful and I appreciate that you wrote all about it for us less lucky ones.
    I didn't enter the giveaway since I already own a copy. :)

  20. This was so fun, Rachel:) Man, her upcoming adult series sounds right up my alley--I can't wait to see what it's like! Isn't she such a nice person? One of my book clubs in Seattle was reading her Dark Swan series and she signed and gave us enough ARCs of the newest one so that we could all read it together.

    I'm excited for a Rose and Dimitri short story, too:)

    1. She was really nice, Flannery. That is sooo sweet she gave your group ARCs! I bet she's doing an event in your area. She lives up there by you, right?

  21. Its so great that you got to meet Richelle. Authors rarely come to Ireland.

    My favourite character, from both series, is Adrian Ivashkov. I love him :)

  22. I like Adrian! Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win!

  23. Thank you so much for the giveaway!
    My favorite character is Rose!!

  24. I am so jealous that you got to see Richelle Mead. The Smart Chicks tour is coming here. But she is not going to be at my location.

    I love VA series. And am so anxious for The Golden Lily.
    Favorite character? I'm not sure. For VA it is probably Rose. But from Bloodlines it is probably Adrian.

  25. Rose is my favorite in the VA series. I haven't started the new series yet.

  26. My favorite from the VA series is Rose! She's an amazing heroine.

  27. My favorite character would have to be Adrian. He is so kind and sweet, yet arrogant all rolled into one.

  28. I've never been to a bookish event, so I'm jealous that you got to attend Richelle's! It sounds like you had a fabulous time. I've never read any of her books, but I've heard amazing things about all of them. Awesome post, Rachel! :)

  29. Favorite character - Adrian! <3

  30. Adrian and Rose i think are my favorites... and Dimirti too!

  31. I would have to say my favorite character from Vampire Academy is Rose followed closely by Dimitri. For the Bloodline series: Adrian all the way!! I wish they had cool events like this near me! That is just awesome!

  32. My fave from VA are Dimka and Rose! I love them both! But I like Adrian also! :)

  33. I think my favorite is Dimitri mostly because I love his name :x

  34. My favorite character in VA/Bloodlines has to be Rose. :D

  35. My favorite character from the VA series is Dimitri :)

  36. Wow thanks so so much for this awesome giveaway, Rachel!! You rock!! You are so lucky you got to meet Richelle Mead!! She is so awesome and she seems really funny too. XD My favorite character would DEFINITELY have to be Adrian, hands down. <3 LOVE him! Can't wait to read The Golden Lily!! I'm so excited! I hope it'll be amazing. I loved your review of it by the way!! Eeep!! Awesome post and giveaway Rachel! Happy Thursday! Tomorrow is Friday! Woot!! Sorry for all the exclamation marks I am just SUPER excited for the weekend :')


  37. I'd have to say Dimitri for sure!

  38. Awww, that's so lucky of you to meet her, Rachel! Thank you so much for sharing! <3 Richelle has always been one of my favorite authors, so it's just super awesome that you get to meet her! Ah, how I wish I could come to US and meet all my favorite authors (and bloggers) hehe! x)

    My favorite character is absolutely, totally, and without a doubt Adrian Ivashkov. Gosh, how I wish he could be real! :P I'm very excited to hear about Richelle's new adult series too! I know that it's bound to be awesome. <3

    Thank you so much for the amazing giveaway, Rachel! x)

  39. Wow, you're SO lucky to have met Richelle Mead! Loved all the fun stuff in this post. That scene with Captain Tropical McShorts sounds hilarious! I cannot wait to read the book! Age of X also sounds like a fun series... I wouldn't mind reading it when it's out. I cannot wait for Feb 14th aagh :D till then, have The Golden Liy to read! Fab post, Rachel!

  40. Sounds like a wonderful experience. I keep seeing The Golden Lily on blogs this week, I'm clearly missing out!!!

  41. Vampire Academy is my favorite series, I haven't found another book that's better than this one. My favorite character from VA it's Liss. I do have a crush on Dimitri, and Adrian, he's so hot but he's not Dimitri. This hot dhampir will always be in my heart! I can't wait to read this book!

  42. I haven't read both series, so i don't have favotire character.

  43. i really" love dimitri belikov.. i hope he was living in the real world :)

  44. My favourite character has to be Dimitri.

  45. No one can be better than Rose. I love her!

  46. Christian! Gotta love his weirdness!

  47. Rose Hathaway, of course! :))

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway! ♥

  48. My favorite character in Bloodlines is Adrian. Thank you for the giveaway.

  49. I think it would have to be Rose! But then again I love how deep and dark Demitri is.

  50. I like many characters but if i have to choose i'll go with Rose. I like the fact that she's unpredictable and got guts!

  51. In VA, Dimitri and Rose were my favourites because they were the opposite of each other, yet they completed each other and made this story so much fun to read. But in Bloodlines, Adrian, that I liked a love in VA, just stole my heart. I seriously don't think any of these books would be the same without his witty (sp?) comments hahaha

  52. Thanks for the giveaway. Gotta say Adrian is my fave, but I also love Christian

  53. Adrian definitely!!
    Thanks for the giveaway! =)
