
Monday, 15 October 2012

Author Event Recap and Giveaway: Libba Bray

Hello readers! Tonight I had the privilege of attending an author event for the lovely Libba Bray!  I had met Libba at another signing so I knew I was in for a treat because this woman is laugh-out-loud hilarious!  The signing was held at the independent bookstore Vroman's in Pasadena, California.  Don't forget to scroll down and enter our giveaway for a signed finished copy of The Diviners below.

Libba as spunky as ever!
Libba was on tour for her newest book The Diviners, which is a mad-cap adventure, equal parts fun and creepy! You can read my review for it here. I'm happy to report that The Diviners is the first in a four book series, and each will be as long or close to as long as the first one.  Libba says the book doubles as an upper body workout, when you need a break from reading.  Libba started research on the 1920's four years ago as part of writing this book! Impressive, and it shows in the writing, in my opinion. 

A pensive Libba
Libba talked about her process she goes through writing stories and said she's often in the "naughty seat" when it comes to deadlines.  Her worst experience with that was with the writing of the last installment to the Gemma Doyle triology.  She said it "was like the Bataan Death March without the funny bits."  She turned in her copy and just knew it was just wrong.  She received back a twelve-page single-spaced editorial letter saying basically "what were you smoking when you wrote this?"  Obviously, she had much to change for the final copy and chalks up the difficulties to not wanting to say goodbye to the story.  

When questioned about how she gets rid of writer's block, she says she "just puts a dead body in something, if I feel blocked, I just need to disembowel someone."   Seriously, she said that she thinks writers block is about fear of being vulnerable and putting out something bad, and you have to get over that.  Fun fact: Did you know David Levithan, writer of Every Day is her editor?!

I had a blast at the this signing!  Libba could easily make a serious amount of cash being a comedian.  She's quick,  witty, and very obviously talented! 

I must mention this is the first time I've ever been to a signing where the publisher ordered pizza for the crowd attending and I thought it was very sweet and generous!  Way to go Little Brown Books for Young Readers!  

Ooooh books! I could browse for hours!
Meeting Libba again was a wonderful experience, but as an extra bonus, I also got to meet one of my first Goodreads friends, Arlene with Winterhaven Books!  We had such a blast, talking like we were old friends, even though we've never met in person before!  We shopped after in the amazing YA section.  (Vroman's has such a superb selection). We basically closed the coffee shop down, chatting and gossiping away after the event! It was so very nice to finally meet you, Arlene!  I hope we get to do again real soon.
The Diviners (The Diviners, #1)

We’d like to show our appreciation to you lovely readers so we’ve decided to give away a SIGNED finished hardcover of The Diviners.  The giveaway is INTERNATIONALSo fill out the rafflecopter below for a chance to win!  The only requirement is that you follow the blog via GFC. The giveaway will run for two weeks, so make sure you get your entry in soon.  Thanks for visiting and good luck! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. I thought you'd be there for sure, Nicole. Will you be at Mrs. Nelson's for David Levithan and Rachel Cohn?

  2. Thanks so much for making this International! I don't live anywhere near where bookish events are held so it's a great pleasure (and envy! :P) to read recaps. The Diviners sounds intriguing and Libba such a fun person! The 'naughty seat' eh? xD

  3. I'm so glad we finally met Rachel! So glad we were able to hang out. :)

  4. Libba Bray seems like such a bubbly person, full of colour and character! I'm so happy that you got to meet her! I recently read The Diviners, and although I didn't love it, the writing was superb! It's a four-part series? Wow! I found The Diviners was a bit too long for my liking but I'll definitely check out the other books when they're released! And the publisher ordered pizza? Yum! Thanks for telling about the event, Rachel <3

    Sorry I haven't been round much lately - I have been super busy but I do ADORE the new look <3 It's very pretty and vanilla-like ;)

  5. Wow! That is such a wonderful experience, Rachel. I really wish I live in US. Haha. And how fun it is not to just meet a fantastic and witty author but also to meet a Goodreads friend? Glad to see you had such an amazing time in that event. Thanks for the giveaway! I hope I win this time. :)

  6. Aaah, that sounds like such an awesome event! Very cool. I would totally be entering the giveaway, but I opened your site in three different browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari) and all three loaded an error message (502 Bad Gateway
    nginx/1.2.0) instead of the rafflecopter. Just wanted to let you know!

  7. OMG this sounds like a realllyyyyy fun event!! Your so lucky you got to go there! Thanks for the chance to win this book!
    - Farah @ MajiBookshelf

  8. Sounds like an amazing time! Libba does seem like such a fun person to listen to. And pizza?! How lucky! Thanks for sharing!

  9. This is so wonderful! I absolutely loved The Diviners and Libba sounds like an amazing, creative person. It's true that those 4 years of research really show in her book.
    Btw, David Levithan is Maggie Stiefvater's editor too! :)
    Books and pizza, what's not to like? :)
    I'm glad you and Arlene had fun.

  10. What an amazing event Rachel, I'm so jealous you got to meet Libba! She seems like such a cool person and obviously very funny. The disemboweling someone comment made me snort. Nothing like a gruesome murder to get those creative juices flowing ;-) Thanks so much for sharing!

  11. Rachel such a awesome recap! So you got to meet an hilarious author, get signed copies, meet an awesome friend from Goodreads and get pizza too? That is so not fair! I'm totally on the next flight out to California! :)

  12. I. Love. This. Post. Libba Bray sounds like so much fun! And I totally agree with J, that's not fair. Jas, please take me with you? ;)

    That part about how she likes to disembowel people made me laugh. I have a feeling she'd get on veeery well with one of my closest friends. She's weird that way too. Good weird, of course. I think. Anway, absolutely awesome post! I'm really looking forward to whenever I can read The Diviners because it seems such a favourite, and I really enjoyed her Gemma Doyle trilogy. Thanks for the fab giveaway too! :)

  13. AHHH I AM SO JEALOUS! I want to meet her SO badly! I loveee her writing and she seems like such a fabulous person, so I definitely need to go for her signings soon! Wonderful post, Rachel! I love what Libba said about...well...EVERYTHING! Plus, the pictures you got were awesome and CONGRATS on meeting your first GoodReads friend! I can't imagine how exciting that must be! Thanks for sharing this with us, Rachel, and I'm so glad you got the chance to meet her! :D

  14. I have never met Libba Bray (I need to beg her to come to London!) but I can tell from her presence online and the humour in her books that she is a very entertaining and fun person. I loved The Diviners so I agree that she's very talented. :)

  15. Ooooh, she sounds so awesome and fun!

    *ducks in shame* I have never read a Libba Bray book to date. Although I do have the first in her Gemma Doyle trilogy, so all hope is not lost.

    Glad to you had a good time, and thanks for the giveaway!

  16. I love going to Vromans :) It sounds like you had an awesome time at the signing, too. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  17. Aw man, it sounds like you two had a blast. I really wish I could've been there:-/ Pizza?! That is so exciting; I've never had pizza at a book event before but it would definitely be an added bonus. The only book of hers I've read is the first Gemma Doyle one and it didn't really work for me. I think I'll still give Diviners a try, though, because I really like historical books from that era. I can't wait til we can do bookish things together in JanuarY!
