
Tuesday 2 October 2012

My trip to Prague!

As usual it was a last minute decision to book our holiday to Prague, so we were kind of flapping about when we got there as to the attractions and places we should visit. I of course had books well one book in particular on the brain during the entire trip; The Book of Blood and Shadow as for the most part it was set in Prague, so no matter what I had decided that I had to go and see the places that were mentioned in the book. (Secretly I was hoping to bump into Eli when he was busting out his ninja moves or talking in rapid fire Czech!). Then I totally remembered that The Daughter of Smoke and Bone was also set there. After this sudden realisation I was so ecstatic to be visiting one of the most beautiful cities in the world. 

You can check out Robin Wasserman's Prague influences behind The Book of Blood and Shadow here.

We were lucky as our hotel was smack bang in the middle of the city centre, so we had the Charles Bridge (from The Book of Blood and Shadow) on one side and some great shops on the other.

The Charles Bridge.

State Opera

Most of the best places to visit could be reached by walking distance like the State Opera, the National Museum in Wenceslas square and the river boat.

We used the hop on hop off city tours to get to other places such as Old town square, Prague castle and the TV tower.

Old town square.

The TV tower is renown to be the world’s third ugliest building, but don’t let this put you off because as soon as you reach the top you are surrounded by the most beautiful views of Prague. 

The TV tower
Babies crawling on the TV tower

View from the top of the TV Tower

Super comfy seats
They also have the awesome chairs in one of the rooms which you can totally sit in and read all day!

Me relaxing in on one of the seats

I also managed to find some book stores, I love seeing the different covers we get in other countries. I also found a bookstore where they had copies of Divergent, Unearthly, A Monster Calls and so many others. I was ready with my camera, but the lady in the bookstore didn’t let me take any photos!

I so didn’t want to come back home after visiting such a beautiful city. I definitely recommend visiting Prague; it’s a totally worthwhile and unforgettable experience. I'll leave you with some more memorable photos from my trip.

My favourite photo. You can see Charles Bridge in the distance

Overlooking Prague from Prague Castle

One of the coolest statues outside a hotel.

Yummy chocolates anyone?

Found this in the local Tescos! I couldn't get enough!

Lots of talented artists on Charles Bridge.


  1. So beautiful, Jas! Someday...someday. Sigh. Did you bring Daughter of Smoke and Bones with you as a tour guide? :)

    1. Oh no I didn't! I really should have! If I had more time beforehand I would have love to re-read both books just so they were fresh in my memory!

  2. What a wonderful trip! I never considered Prague as a location I would enjoy visiting, until DoS&B. But now I think I would love it. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous photos!

  3. PRAGUE!<3 Jasprit, your pictures are GORGEOUS! Charles Bridge, The Old Town Square, and the overall picture of Prague you took from the castle are probably my favorites. I also loveee those babies on the TV Tower - so cute! I've never seen anything like it before, especially in the US. Plus, LOOK AT YOU! You look beautiful, dear! :) If I could get one of those chairs in my house, they'd be perfect for curling up to read! :D I love the bookstore and it's a shame the lady wouldn't let you take any pictures, but the one you got looks amazing! I love looking at foreign covers too - so many of them are much prettier than the ones I usually see. I have to admit though, my FAVORITE picture is of those chocolates. I would become SO fat if I went to Prague - I can't resist chocolate if my life depended on it! Plus, those chocolates are just HUGE slabs! Clearly, I need to move to Prague ASAP! ;) Wonderful, wonderful post, Jasprit! I loved it! :D <33

  4. I am so beyond thrilled to be reading this post, Jasprit! It's my dream to visit Prague one day and I'm SO GLAD you had such a beautiful vacation there. The scenary is beautiful (especially Charles Bridge, the view from Prague Castle and Old Town Square) those seats look really comfy and the food look absolutely scrumptious! Thank you for sharing your wonderful experience Jasprit, and seeing those book covers is incredible. :) In all my excitement, I nearly forgot to say how much I adore the new blog design. It's really lovely!

  5. Your an amazing photographer Jasprit!!!!! I love the caption of babies crawling (lol!) and the picture of you in that what looks like an amazing reading spot! :) I'm glad you had an amazing time in Prague! Thanks so much for sharing about your travels!

  6. Oh my gosh I'm so jealous Jasprit! I've always wanted to visit Prague, it looks absolutely stunning! Thanks so much for sharing your pictures:) And those chocolates and the pastry? I want to climb in those pictures and shove them in my face like the champion healthy eater I so clearly am:)

  7. I fell in love with Prague after reading Daughter of Smoke and Bone, Shadow and Bone solidified it! This is definitely a city I must visit someday! Loved all the photos and I totally want one of those bubble chairs. Thanks for sharing, Jasprit!

  8. I was also in Prague this summer :D I was so excited because Daughter of Smoke and Bone is set there ^^ I loved the architecture! And I bought so much stuff on Charles Bridge, what talented people! The Dome in the castle district was really impressive! And I totally checked out the foreign book covers too, haha ^^
    *sigh* Your beautiful pictures make me nostalgic! I want to go back already, despite the ten-hour train ride. Did you see a Black Theatre performace? It was so unique, unlike anything I've ever seen before!
    (And yes. Let's not even get started on all the candy :P )

  9. Wow! What an amazing trip you had! the pictures Jasprit! So glad you had a wonderful time! I noticed your new blog design too! Love it!!

  10. Oh wow! I love posts like these, and scrolling through the beautiful pictures is so much fun! Prague sounds like an amazing, gorgeous place and I'd love to visit it someday. Thanks so, so, so much for sharing this lovely post with us, Jasprit! :D xxx

  11. I love Prague so much! Daughter of Smoke and Bone made me miss it so, but I love your pictures! I never understood why some people wouldn't let you take pictures of the merchandise. If it's your won intellectual property sure, but books??

  12. Oh wow! So jealous! Beautiful photos. The first thing I thought of was Daughter of Smoke and Bone :) --Noelle

  13. Look at those comfy chairs! I need one (or several!) of those in my house. :D It's fitting for you to have taken The Book of Blood and Shadow! I'm glad you had a lovely holiday, Jasprit. :)

  14. Jasprit, that is absolutely gorgeous! Except for the babies crawling up the TV tower. WTF? I was definitely thinking of Karou from Daughter of Smoke and Bone. Great pics!

  15. Jasprit, I'm so envious! I've always wanted to go to Prague and the pictures you've shared is exactly why! It's gorgeous there. Boo on the lady not letting you take a photo of the books! Thanks for sharing you're wonderful holiday with us. :)

  16. These pictures are so great, Jasprit. I think someone could make a killing by creating travel books based on all our favorite YA books. When you first talked about the Robin Wasserman book, I was like, "JASPRIT! ALSO DAUGHTER OF SMOKE & BONE!!" Thank goodness you remembered that:)

    Um, those babies on the TV Tower? CREEPY. But the chairs seem so comfortable. Imagine snuggling up in one of those suckers and reading all day with a view of the city all around you. So lovely. Then again, reading all day almost anywhere is just perfect.

  17. Oh it looks like you had a wonderful trip! We went to Prague maybe 8 or 9 years ago and I absolutely loved it. I kind of want to go again and see it, especially after reading books like The Book of Blood and Shadow and Daughter of Smoke and Bone!

  18. Fantastic pics Jaspirit. Glad you had such a great time. But babies climbing up the tv tower? Is that not a bit weird? lol

  19. Looks like you had a fantastic time hun. Jealous! <3
