
Friday 5 October 2012

Review: The Assassin's Curse by Cassandra Rose Clarke

  The Assassin's Curse
  Author: Cassandra Rose Clarke
  Publisher: Strange Chemistry
  Publication date: 2nd October 2012
  Source: NetGalley
  My rating: 4 stars

Ananna of the Tanarau abandons ship when her parents try to marry her off to an allying pirate clan: she wants to captain her own boat, not serve as second-in-command to her handsome yet clueless fiance. But her escape has dire consequences when she learns the scorned clan has sent an assassin after her. 

And when the assassin, Naji, finally catches up with her, things get even worse. Ananna inadvertently triggers a nasty curse — with a life-altering result. Now Ananna and Naji are forced to become uneasy allies as they work together to break the curse and return their lives back to normal. Or at least as normal as the lives of a pirate and an assassin can be.

Recently I’ve noticed that the type of books I seem to get the most enjoyment out of as late are fantasy books. Contemporary novels are typically my best friend, I know I can turn to them when I need a quick pick me up and they always deliver through and through. But in the last few weeks’ books such as Throne of Glass, Defiance and Stormdancer, books which at the beginning of the year I never would have considered are ending up as my favourites of 2012. They seem to bring that extra oomph through their magical world building and their exotic characters. The Assassin’s Curse was no different. Annana comes from a family of pirates; she’s typically a kick butt heroine who’s learnt how to hold her own. So when it is arranged that she will marry Tarrin of the Hariri, something she doesn’t want, she decides to run away. Knowing that as a consequence she is putting her life at risk; of course Tarrin’s family won’t allow it, they will probably hunt her down themselves or hire an assassin to do it. Annana’s heard her fair share of assassin stories and so knows they’re not ones to mess with. But Annana’s plans go straight out of the window when she ends up stuck with the assassin Naji who was hired to kill her.

Certain books with specific themes easily become my favourites; sports related, road trips, music /performing arts related and books featuring pirates. I’ve always secretly enjoyed pirate books, maybe because I grew up reading Peter Pan several times a day and then watching both movies again and again. So I loved Clark’s idea of mashing up pirates and assassins together in one book. Seriously how cool is that?

The situation Annana and Naji found themselves in was problematic to both; Annana found she was limited to what she was able to do as if she wandered off by herself she could cause any harm to Naji, but that meant that she was stuck with a great big assassin with her at all times, which was also great in a way as she did have the Hariri clan after her. However she was kept in dark a lot about things which I would too find hugely frustrating.  It was clear Naji did have her interests at heart, but the constant avoidance of her questions made me want to smack him upside the head sometimes.

Despite her situation being problematic and dangerous, their situation was also hilarious. An assassin and a pirate being bound to one another when it was clearly something they didn’t want, it was definitely an eye opening experience which required them to make that extra effort and adapt themselves to one another.

Naji and Annana’s adventure to seek their answers was a thoroughly enjoyable one. Meeting irksome characters along the way, having several near death experiences, constantly having to be alert, adjusting to being stuck together and that ending! Cassandra Rose Clark has managed to create a mesmerising debut. My hands are already itching in nervous anticipation in getting a copy of the next book.


  1. I'm glad you liked this! This is definitely my fave pick of this year! ;)

  2. I found their situation quite hilarious too. I loved this book a lot, and I'm glad to see that you did too! Hopefully the next book will be just as entertaining. :) Brilliant review, Jasprit!

  3. Fantastic review Jaspirit. This sounds fast paced and full of action. You're right, pirates and assassins does sound like such a great mix. I'm looking forward to picking this one up now :)

  4. The reviews for this book seem to vary widely, and that kind of makes me want to pick it up even more just to find out what I think about it. Though Throne of Glass wasn't so much for me, I've been enjoying books with fantasy elements more and more lately, so I think I need to give this one a whirl. I do love a good kick butt heroine Jasprit!

  5. Great review! I still need to get a copy of this! =)

  6. Glad you liked this book! I need to get my hands on a copy - fantasy is definitely what I've been reaching for lately also.

  7. This sounds like a lovely book. I'm not typically a big fan of fantasy, but I may give this a try. Thanks for the informative review!

  8. An assassin and pirate bound together that does sound funny! I have this coming up and I will have a guest post from the author, I am really looking forward to it. There have definitely been some great fantasy books out this year!

  9. This looks like so much fun! I can't wait to see how a pirate and an assassin deal with being stuck together. ;) Wonderful review, J! :)

  10. Hah, I love how enthusiastic you are about pirate books, it tells me so many wonderful things about you!
    I was pretty sure I'd read this after Catie's review, but now I see I really need to hurry up. An assassin and a pirate in dangerous, but hilarious situations? Can you really blame me for wanting to rearrange my schedule NOW? :)
    Lovely review, darling!

  11. Wonderful review, Jasprit! Funnily enough, fantasy has always been my favorite and I've discovered some amazing contemporary picks this year, so I love that we've both delved out of our typical comfort zone and been pleased. I loved this book and was so pleasantly surprised by how good it was. Naji was especially such an interesting character and I can't WAIT to see what happens in the sequel. I'm so excited! Now, if only it would come on NetGalley quickly... ;)

  12. This book sounds incredibly unique! Pirates AND assassins? I think I'll have to check it out! I'm glad you enjoyed this one a lot, it sounds like it's funny and quirky. Lovely review, Jasprit!

  13. I read the first few chapters and I loved them! I think I should manage to deal with the frustrating Naji... I hope.
    Love your review

    Krazyyme @ Young Readers

  14. This sounds like a wonderful story and really I don't think I've ever read any pirate YA!

  15. I LOVE, LOVE this review Jasprit... As I've expressed on your Goodreads review, lol. :) I'm on the contrary- YA fantasy books have been disappointing me this year. I wasn't a fan of Grave Mercy, The Assassin's Curse, Bitterblue and Stormdancer, although I loved Shadow & Bone! But assassins and pirates are right up my alley, and I just have this *feeling* that I'll love this book...

  16. This book sounds so good! I shall definitely be looking out for it :)
