
Saturday, 17 November 2012

Author Event Recap and Giveaway: Laini Taylor

Hello there lovelies.  Tonight I was privileged to meet the amazing Laini Taylor, author of Daughter of Smoke and Bone and more recently Days of Smoke and Starlight.  Jasprit recently read and loved this new installment.  You can read her review here.  She stopped by the Santa Monica Library to discuss the series and sign books! You know what that means for you, right?! For one lucky reader, I have a SIGNED copy of Days of Blood and Starlight to giveaway, so be sure to scroll down below and enter in the rafflecopter for a chance to win.

Laini Taylor discusses series

I was fascinated by Laini as she talked about her series Daughter of Smoke and Bone and her writing process.  She pays so much attention to crafting the language of her stories so that they're not only telling a story, but doing it beautifully.  I've noticed that her writing has a lyrical quality to it and this was brought out by the moderator, too.  She talked about how she edits as she goes making the writing process for the first draft a long and arduous one.   

Another thing Laini talked about was the tone of the two books and how she purposely wanted them very different.  She doesn't like reading a series if all the books feel generally the same.  Days of Blood and Starlight is very much a book of war and action.  Not a whole lot of kissing, she said. Not sure that I like that idea, but I'll trust that she knows what she's doing.  I have to say though, Laini, I'm always going to vote for MORE kissing!  

Laini talked about the setting of Daughter of Smoke and Bone, Prague, and how she and her husband, illustrator Jim Di Bartolo first visited there to do research for a graphic novel about vampires that never came to be.  After trying to think of a setting for the book, Prague popped into her mind and she never looked back.  I have to say, the city sounds beautiful and mysterious through her eyes.  

You might like to know that it's her husband that did the illustrations for her book Lips Touch: Three Times, which are gorgeous.  He also drew the map in Days of Blood and Starlight. Quite a talented couple!

Map illustrated by Laini's husband Jim Di Bartolo

Laini was asked if she had a choice at her dream cast for a movie, who she would cast as Akiva?  She said this is so difficult because there isn't really anyone out there that she can picture, but if she had to narrow it down, Ryan Gosling would be a nice pick!  She then asked the questioner who they would pick.  They said maybe Ryan Reynolds, lol!  

I had an amazing time getting into the mind of Laini Taylor.  She was so sweet and even gave us tips on places to visit in Prague (I'm going in March!) when I went up to get my books signed.   One more wonderful thing about tonight is that I was able to see Maggie from Young Adult Anonymous and we were able to fan-girl together over Laini! 

Now for the good part.  I have a SIGNED copy of Days of Blood and Starlight to give away to one lucky reader.  Just fill out the rafflecopter below.  The giveaway is INTERNATIONAL.  The only requirement is that you follow the blog.  Good luck and thanks for stopping by! 

Days of Blood & Starlight (Daughter of Smoke & Bone, #2)

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. That's definitely quite the talented couple! :D I'm glad you enjoyed the signing. I haven't started this series yet, but I have the first book just waiting for me to pick it up!

  2. Great giveaway! thanks for the chance to win.


  3. Rachel, you meet EVERYONE! Aaahhh, I can't believe you met her! And her husband drew the map? Amazing! Goodness, if I met Laini Taylor I'd probably faint and then beg her to give me her writing secrets. I just love her prose. She could probably write a story about a comb and make it seem amazing with her language. *sigh* Anyway, yet another amazing event recap, dear! :)

  4. Thanks for the giveaway girlies :) And Rachel, I'm so jealous, you're always getting to meet amazing authors :D

    WOW. Talented couple indeed! So perfect<3 I wish I could meet these awesome authors on a regular basis :P

  6. Ryan Reynolds as Akiva? Yeah, somehow I can't picture that. Anyway, I ca't believe you're going to Prague in March! You are so lucky. I wish I could find the time to go, and it takes a lot less time and effort for me than it does for you.
    I'm happy that you got to meet Laini. :))

  7. Ah, Laini Laini! I'm looking forward to reading this book. Wow, Prague in March! Have fun girl. I hope I win this book. :)

  8. Hooray for meeting Laini - it sounds like she puts a lot of work into her books!

    And double hooray for getting to hang out with Maggie :D

  9. Ha, I agree with Keertana! You really do meet everyone! Lucky you. :) I love that map that her husband illustrated. They really are quite a talented pair. :) Thanks for the giveaway!

  10. If there is something I love in books, it's a map <3 Awesome giveaway!


  11. I SO want to meet Laini. Such a brilliant author! :)

  12. Sounds like a fun day all around, Rachel. You are so lucky to visiting all these authors and I hope you enjoy Prague. I hear it's a beautiful city!

  13. That's amazing, Rachel. I'm so happy you had the opportunity to meet Taylor.

  14. *spasms and dies*

    RACHEL, HOW IN THE WORLD DO YOU GET TO MEET ALL THESE SPECTACULAR AUTHORS? You won't believe how envious I am. ;) I'm really thrilled it was a fun event, and that you got to spend time with the lovely Maggie. :) Thanks for sharing! And have a beautiful time in Prague! Are you going to share your photos afterwards? Pretty please?
    *excuse my barely coherent, excessively elated ramblings, btw

  15. Wow, that's so awesome that you got to attend one of Laini Taylor's book signings. It sounds like a great experience! And thanks for this giveaway!

  16. would like to read this book ^_^
    thanks for giveaway

  17. I'm in love with Laini's pink hair lol. It's so beautiful <3
    You're so lucky you got to meet her, Rachel!

  18. Gah! I'm so totally green with envy! LAINI TAYLOR! You are such a lucky girl!!! *jealous*

  19. You know what? Ryan Gosling and Ryan Reynolds are ALWAYS good picks. :D

    Love this even recap, Rachel! I met Laini at an event awhile back and she was super sweet.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  20. thanks for the giveaway..wish me luck,,,i want read th1s book,,^^

  21. Thanks for the awesome giveaway Rachel! This sounds like such and awesome event! :)

  22. I really like the idea that the tones of the two books are different, it will be interesting to read!
