
Friday, 14 December 2012

Blog tour: WinterHaven Sleigh Tour. My dear Santa wish list

Today I’m pleased to be taking part in the WinterHaven sleigh tour hosted by WinterHaven Books. Last week Rachel took part in this tour as part of their Winter book review event, you can read her review of Winter Longing by Tricia Mills here. Today I’m taking part in the Dear Santa wish list event.

When deciding how I should get my post together my niece was horrified that I hadn’t considered writing an actual letter to Santa. Her exact words were “well Santa won’t be sending you anything because you didn’t even write him a letter!” So over much deliberation over milk and cookies my niece and sisters helped me to write this letter.

Dear Santa,

This year has been an amazing year; I started my own blog, found an amazing co-blogger in Rachel and made some fabulous blogging friends. I think this year overall I have been a good person, however according to my sisters and niece this has not been the case. According to my sisters I hog Guitar Hero far too much and according to everyone else I’m far too anti-social as I’m always absorbed into my books. I promise that I will try my utmost hardest next year to try and answer to my sisters and niece whenever they are trying to talk to me even though I may be at a highly gripping part in my book. I will also try to put my kindle/book down more often.

This year I’ve tried to keep my wish list as short as possible, I've only mentioned a few books from my wish list which I'm dying to get my hands on!

I know my list features a lot of Aussie books, but honestly the Aussie authors write the best books ever! Whilst we are getting a small trickle of Aussie books being published over here. I hope that 2013 will promise even more great Aussie gems on our bookstore shelves.

Also could we pretty please have some more fabulous author events over here in the UK? Rachel in the month of October and November alone went to 5 author event signings! If we could just have one author event somewhere close by I would be hugely grateful!

*special request*
My sisters also ask that I put in a special request for some more Guitar Hero games; they are tired of me rocking out to Muse, Fall Out Boy and Linkin’ Park all the time!

Thank you Santa!
From Jasprit (full credit goes to my sister and niece)

I had so much fun writing my letter to Santa, it reminded of the endless letters I used to write when I was younger. Thank you so much to the fabulous ladies at WinterHaven for letting me take part in this fun event. You can check out other bloggers Santa wish lists here. Which books would make it to your Santa wish list? Leave a comment with a few books from your list and you will be automatically entered in a draw to win a book from your list thanks to the ladies at WinterHaven Books. Good luck everyone!  


  1. Is it bad that I've never played Guitar Hero before? *hides*

    For my wishlist: Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare, collector's edition of Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews.

  2. Aw, this is a cute idea! You should never be too old to write Santa. :) I like your wish list. I'd really like some books for the holidays too, but my wish list is very very long. haha


  3. Jas, I loved your letter to Santa! It has been YEARS since I've written one, but yours reminded me of being a kid :)

    And, I would LOVE to help Santa out by sending you an Aussie book (let's talk book swap if you're keen!)

    Mands xox

  4. I haven't wrote a letter to Santa in a while! I should, though. I like your picks! :) I'd pick some others but I really hope Santa will bring you these. And Guitar Hero is an awesome game! ;)

  5. Gathering Dark is awesome:)

    I'd love Clockwork Princess:)

    ccfioriole at gmail dot com

  6. heheee Aussie authors seriously ARE the best, aren't they? :) Everything Left Unsaid is SO amazing<3 I was crying throughout the last quarter of the book! I can't wait for you to read it!!!

  7. Aww, this is adorable! No doubt my family is wishing I was less anti-social and would get my nose out of a book every once in awhile! ;) Where Things Come Back would've definitely made my list, though, along with Live and Other Perishable Items that I need to buy, not to mention I still don't own If I Stay or Where She Went by Gayle Forman! AND all of Julliet Marillier's books! I usually never get books for Christmas, though, since my family never knows which ones to get me, but there will be tons of great movies under the Christmas tree this year for sure!(: Wonderful letter, Jasprit!

  8. Aww, so cute! The Gathering Dark is awesome, hope you get your wish and get to read it soon! Over You has such a pretty cover. :D

  9. Hahahaha LOVE THIS! And I love that your sisters put in a request in your Santa letter, too funny:) You've got some fabulous books on that list too, I adored The Gathering Dark/Shadow and Bone - it was amazing. I hope Santa brings that one for you and that you love it as much as I did Jasprit!

  10. The Gathering Dark is brilliant! I loved it and would probably have an ARC of the sequel on my list. ;) I say yes to more author events over here! We really don't get enough. The few that we do are always for authors I'm not interested in. :P

    Great letter, Jasprit! I'm suddenly in the mood to write my own. :)

  11. I love your letter, Jasprit! My family considers me anti-social, too. ;-)

    I think you have a great wish list, particularly The Disenchantments and Everything Left Unsaid. I hope you get your wish!

  12. This was such a fun post to read! I'm too old as well to write to Santa so now I have to make do with plain old wishlists. Letters to Santa was so much more fun :)

    I hope you get a few (or ALL!) of the books on your wishlist. Where Things Come Back sounds really fascinating and I really want to get my hands on Over You too! I'm away to add The Disenchantments and Everything Left Unsaid to my own TBR list!

    Thanks for sharing this lovely, festive post - it's really put me in the mood for Christmas :D

    P.S. On my wishlist, I'm hoping for copies of Anna and the French Kiss and Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins! Thanks for the giveaway too!

  13. Loved your letter to Santa - I definitely hope Santa would fulfill all of your wishes! Everything Left Unsaid sounds really good and I love the cover of The Gathering Dark. For me, I have Splintered by A. G. Howard and Falling for You by Lisa Schroeder on my wishlist. Hope you're going to have loads of fun with books and games this holiday season :)

  14. I love your letter! I think I've only written one once... and then I learned he wasn't real. I hope you get the books you want~ :D

    I wish for The Sea of Tranquility~ :D

  15. My hand-eye coordination makes me shudder. LOL.
    Anyhow , I've wanted to read The Disenchantments for a long time now!
    Let's just hope you get all your books :D

  16. Oh my goodness, Jasprit, I love this post! And thank you. I feel you are an amazing co-blogger as well, and I'm lucky to blog with you. :)

    I'm accused of being antisocial as well, with my nose always in a book. I guess I need to work on that as well. Lol! I hope you get all of these awesome Aussie picks and another Guitar Hero game, must keep the family happy.

  17. Awww this is so cute! I had so much fun reading your letter, Jasprit! :)
    My family and yours are very much alike. They complain so much about me being antisocial! I just can't help it. I'd rather be with fictional characters than be with people!
    Hopefully, Santa will bring you all the books you want! ;)

  18. Aw I love your letter!! I'm a Guitar Hero lover too lol!! I hope Santa brings you everything on your list :)

  19. Guitar Hero! I was obsessed with that game a few years ago, although I wasn't exactly the best of players, hah. ;) Lovely and such a sweet Secret Santa note, Jasprit! You definitely included books I would love to get my hands on. Vikki Gauberfields' books? Yes, please! Who could possibly say no to Aussie gems, anyhow? ;) And also, The Gathering Dark/Shadow & Bone is a MUST! Fingers crossed you read it and love it (soon)!

    And I was just reminded that I have a title shelf on Goodreads called, Secret Santa. That shelf currently has over forty to-reads. I salute you for narrowing down your choices to a mere seven books..

  20. Hehe Jaspirit, this was good fun. But I think you're going to break your promise lol. I'm quite anti-social when I'm reading too. I'm also extremely jealous of Rachel and all her author events. There's even less chance of them coming here than going to the UK. Though Rachel Caine did come last year, that was great. I hope Santa brings you all your goodies.

  21. Sigh. Perfect. I ended up ordering yet another book because I visited your blog. LOL! Everything Left Unsaid sounds so horrifically angst-y. My favourite kind of read! :) I hope you get everything you wish for this Christmas!

  22. What a lovely letter and a list a books! I loved this so much :) I really want to read Everything Left Unsaid! it sounds good :) If I had to wish for a book I'd be Through the Ever Night. Thanks for sharing :))

  23. Nice letter :) I am lucky I was an only child so I never had to worry about sharing..lolz..
    I love Guitar Hero! I am not very good at it, but i like it just the same.
    You picked out great books. Hope Santa visits you this year..
    Dear Santa w/Bella's Bookshelf
    (new follower)
