
Sunday, 6 January 2013

Showcase Sunday #18

Showcase Sunday is a weekly meme hosted by Vicky at Books, Biscuits and Tea. The aim is to showcase our newest books or book related swag and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed from libraries, bought in bookshops and downloaded onto eReaders this week.

Hello lovelies, I hope you all had a brilliant Christmas break and received some awesome bookish gifts. This year I told my family and friends just to get me gift cards so that I could splurge on the books I’ve been dying to get my hands on. 

This week I received four books, which I’m quite proud of as I’m seriously going to try and keep my tbr pile in check this year.

Lovely, Dark and Deep by Amy McNamara
Then You Were Gone by Lauren Strasnick
Through the Ever Night by Veronica Rossi
Decked with Holly by Marni Bates

The covers Then You Were Gone and Lovely Dark and Deep are gorgeous don’t you think? The reviews so far have been okay, so I’m looking forward to making a start on them. Once again I was one of the last people to jump on the Veronica Rossi bandwagon. I only just finished Under the Never Sky this week *hangs head in shame* but I made a start on Through the Ever Night yesterday and I’m loving it so far. My good old library managed to get some brilliant e-books recently, I decided to reign in my requesting finger and just get one e-book Decked with Holly. I know I’ve purposely gone for a Christmassy book, as I desperately want to stay stuck in my Christmas holiday mode and not have to go back to work tomorrow *cries*

Lets see the goodies Rachel received.

For Review:

'Til The World Ends by Julie Kagawa 
How to Get Over your Ex by Nikki Logan
The S-Word by Chelsea Pitcher

Thank you to Harlequin Luna, Harlequin Kiss, Gallery Books, Entangled Bliss, Netgalley and Edelweiss. 


Hopeless by Colleen Hoover
Destroy Me byTahereh Mafi
Magic Bleeds (Kate Daniels #4) audio book by Ilona Andrews
Curran (Kate Daniels series Curran pov) by Gordon Andrews

Magic Mourns (Kate Daniels #3.5) by Ilona Andrews
Magic Dreams (Kate Daniels #4.5) by Ilona Andrews
Magic Slays (Kate Daniels #5) by Ilona Andrews

I’m excited for ‘Til the World Ends because it has two stories I’m really looking forward to: Dawn of Eden by Julie Kagawa a novella about Kanin’s dying world, and Thistle and Thorn a novella by Ann Aguirre. I’m finally going to read something by Ann Aguirre! I’m thrilled to read The S-Word by Chelsea Pitcher as I’ve anxiously been awaiting this read since seeing it on Keertana’s WoW some time ago. Falling for Her Ex is another book that sounds right up my alley. The description is not up on Goodreads yet, but when I was sent the book they told me it’s about college friends faking an engagement to attend a wedding and a company retreat free from outside pressures. You know I love my chick-lit!  How to Get Over her Ex is by Nikki Logan who wrote Wild Encounter which was a thrilling and wonderful read for me. So, I’m really excited to get to that one too.

Hopeless has been getting high rating across the board so I can’t wait to pick that up.  I’m highly anticipating Destroy Me. I got my husband to read Shatter Me and he loved it! He read Destroy Me and he said it definitely makes you see a whole different side to Warner. He was rooting for Adam and Juliette after Shatter Me, but he says now it’s 50/50 either way, and he hasn’t even read Unravel Me yet!! I have a feeling I’m going to be even more torn after reading Destroy Me than I was after Unravel Me.  

If you take part in a Showcase or book haul, we'd love to know what you received so please leave us a link.

One last thing the lovely ladies at WinterHaven Books are hosting a Cupid Cloud Hop for the month of February, I had so much fun last time with their WinterHaven Sleigh tour, that I knew I had to sign up to this too. For this hop I have to read a book with the word heart, love or sweetheart in the title. After going through my tbr pile I came up with the following books. I'm slightly torn about which I should pick up, as they all sound so great, so I'm leaving it up to you guys to decide. Voting will be open until Friday, so please let me know which book you think I should pick up. Thank you!


  1. Jasprit-- I totally agree with you, LOVELY, DARK AND DEEP and THEN YOU WERE GONE covers are both gorgeous! I've only heard that McNamara's book has beautiful prose. I can't wait to see what you think of those! *hangs head in deeper shame* I haven't read Rossi's book yet. You got on late, but at least you've read it!! Bates's books sound adorable. I hope you enjoy it!

    Rachel-- I've been seeing countless amazing things for HOPELESS as well, I'm so tempted to buy it. I can't wait to hear what you think of it! I still need to read Shatter Me........... *hangs head in shame, again.*

    Lovely reads this book this week! I voted for Ditched: A Love Storyy! And Jasprit, good luck on your BoB challenge this week!

  2. Fantastic haul Jasprit and Rachel! Enjoy all your new books!

    Jasprit:I am also late in joining the Under the Never Sky bandwagon, i hope to buy and read it after exams. (or maybe i'll be lucky and find it at the library) Glad your enjoying the series so far!!!!!!
    I love getting gift cards too -the best way to get certain must-reads!
    good luck at your first day back at work. :)

    Rachel: The hop your joining sounds fun! I voted for Unbreak Your Heart because I love Walker's Violet series and I'm sure that book is as amazing. So excited to read the Kagawa novella too sometime! :)

    Happy Reading!

  3. YES! Beautiful covers. All of them, beautiful! *____* You lucky ducks! ;D

    Lovely Dark and Deep looks so amazing, especially and it sounds amazing too! Decked with Halls looks so super sweet and I hope you enjoy it! Til the World Ends! Now, that is an eyeball catcher. Imma go and see where I can find it now, ;D

    Lovely books, ladies! Hope you enjoy them books!

    My STS:

  4. Oooh awesome haul!!

    I want to get my hands on Through the Ever Night! I've seen so many bloggers talking about it but haven't grabbed a copy yet!

    Happy Reading!
    The Ramblings of a Toddler’s Mom

  5. The S-word!!! Enjoy all those pretty book :D


  6. Jasprit, hope you'll love the four books that you got. I'll be interested in hearing what you think of them, especially Decked with Holly - I'm still in my holiday mood too :)

    Rachel, you're seriously a Kate Daniels' fan :) Hope you'll love Hopeless.

    Have a lovely week!

  7. Another fabulous haul for the two of you!

    Jasprit, I love when I can reign in my TBR pile!! It's great to actually only get a few books, so that they don't sit on my bookshelf, collecting dust. ;) But I'm glad you finally jumped on the Under the Never Sky bandwagon! That book utterly blew me away when I read an ARC of it in late 2011. So I can't wait to FINALLY get my hands on Through the Ever Night when it comes out this Tuesday! *jumps up and down in excitement* I also can't wait to see what you think of it. And I totally feel you on having to get back to normal life. ='( I've been out of school for two weeks, and it's been the best thing EVER to actually not be sleep-deprived, and to not have so much stress of school. Unfortunately, I go back Tuesday. But I do hope you enjoy Decked With Holly!! It looks fun. :O)

    Rachel, I'm pretty torn about Adam and Warner for Shatter Me as well! I'll need some convincing to fully go on Team Warner though, although I've seen some teasers and... I may be convinced soon. But I really want to read Destroy Me to get an idea of Warner!! I hope you can choose whose team you're on after reading that one. Hopeless also has such a lovely cover, and I can't wait to see your thoughts about that one!

    Fantastic haul, you two. I hope you enjoy all your lovely books, and have a fabulous week! <3 (Even though we have to get back to our regular lives, waaaah ='[)

    1. Um, I think this comment shows that I also really need to reign myself in while commenting. ;)

  8. As always, the sheer amount of books here is overwhelming! BUT, BUT!!! I only just read Under the Never Sky too, and I think it made Through the Ever Night even better for me, everything was just so fresh. Anyway, review tomorrow.
    And Kate Daniels everywhere! Isn't that a feast for my eyes?
    And Destroy Me! So awesome. Your husband is right about Warner, I'm pretty undecided now too. On a side note, lucky you! I can't even get my sister to read my books.
    Enjoy them all, Rachel! <3

  9. The Curran POV's are excellent and I love the Kate Daniels series so nothing gives me more pleasure than to see your haul today :)
    I got Through The Ever Night too!! So far it's great

  10. You guys always blow me away with your awesome book hauls! Jasprit, I'm so glad you finally got around to Under The Never Sky! :) It's one of my favorite books, so I'm so happy you loved it! :)
    I hope you enjoy all 4 of your books, Jasprit! :)

    Rachel, I can't wait to hear your thoughts on Hopeless. I really liked it although I didn't love it as much as Slammed!
    Enjoy your pretties! :)

  11. Jaspirit I still haven't jumped on the Veronica Rossi bandwagon, but having read some great reviews for Through the Ever Night, I'm hoping to get around to it this year. I'm trying to keep my tbr down too so I'm trying really hard to cut down on my book intake the last few weeks, and thankfully, besides lots of Christmas pressies, I haven't done too bad lol.

    Rachel, I've read great reviews for Hopeless so can't wait to see what you think of it, it's on my radar too. Slammed and Point of Retreat by Colleen Hoover were fantastic.

    I hope you both enjoy all your books. Happy Reading :)

  12. Wow guys, as usual, a ginormous haul with so much eye-candy. :) Jasprit, you could not be more right, the covers for Then You Were Gone & Lovely Dark and Deep so gorgeous! Now lets hope the actual written shenanigans are good. ;) What?! You just read Under the Never Sky?! *eyes Jasprit wearily* But, but, but... *mouth opens and closes like a goldfish* It's one of the best books EVER!!! <3 :') If I could, I would totally date and marry and have kids with it. :P Oooh can't wait to see what you think of the sequel! I haven't read it yet but I am expecting and yearning my dose of Perry!!! <3

    Rachel, amaaazing haul too! 'Til the World Ends seems super fascinating! I'm a HUGE fan of Ann and Julie so I can't believe I'm just hearing about this! o.o Anyway, hope you love Ann's writing as much as I (and pretty much everyone else) do. How to Get Over Your Ex has a super cute cover!

    Enjoy your wonderful haul, ladies! :)

    1. Aaah I just saw the UK cover for Through the Ever Night on the right hand side of your blog and omg it's so beautiful! Ok, gonna go now and stop bothering y'all. :P

  13. The S-Word sounds great, I only heard about it sometime last week but it's definitely going on my TBR list. I hope you enjoy it! I'm not looking forward to getting back to work tomorrow either - particularly the overflowing email inbox! Hope you have a great Sunday. :)

  14. Really looking forward to seeing what you ladies think of Lovely, Dark and Deep and Hopeless I'm also looking forward to seeing what you both think of your current reads as they are both on my TBR! :)

  15. Jasprit, TtEN is fantastic, so you're in for a treat!(: I also have McNamara's debut, so I definitely need to begin reading that. Gift cards are always the best for book lovers, so I hope you buy some incredible novels! :D

    Rachel, I haven't read Magic Mourns or Magic Dreams yet, but the Curran POVs were great and the two Kate Daniels books you're currently on are definitely the best of the series! :D I also received The S-Word this week, but a lot of the negative reviews have my enthusiasm dampened, but I hope I wind up enjoying it since I was really excited for it.

    Happy Reading, Ladies!(:

  16. All these books look great, but I especially want to read Through the Ever Night.
    Enjoy your new books- have a good week girls!

  17. I read lovely, deep and dark this week and it was good! I wasn't the biggest fan of the ending though unfortunately! I read 'the s-word' at christmas but wasn't the biggest fan. Hope you enjoy it more than I did!
    I still haven't read under the never sky, so you're not the worst offender!

  18. I know the feeling of wanting to keep your books in checked Jasprit. I'm going to try and get through all my to-review etc books before I request/accept anything else because I have way to many. I'm terrible. I should just accept one book at a time. And I have hundreds of my own to read *hides away*

    Still, like you I have not even read Under the Never Sky yet, but glad to hear you are already enjoying Through the Ever Night.

    Wow, Rachel. Pretty big haul. I'll be looking out for your thoughts on Destroy Me. I'll look out for your reviews on all your goodies! :)

  19. Awesome haul ladies and thank you so much for Cupid Hop love!!

    I had no idea Til the World Ends was up on Netgalley! I have to request it!

    I hope everything turns out to be 5 star reads =)

  20. Lovely Dark and Deep and Then You Were Gone both have stunningly gorgeous covers, I agree! I haven't seen many readers read or review either of them however, so I look forward to seeing what you think, Jasprit. :) And all the best with your current ARC restrictions! You're doing great so far. :) Rachel, The S-Word sounds really, really good - I've read one really negative review of it but I hope you like it regardless. :) Fantastic haul, ladies!

  21. Dying to read Lovely, Dark and Deep. It looks amazing. Same with Hopeless. Need to get that one.

    I already own Destroy Me and I'm pretty close to reading it. Massive Warner fan.

    Happy reading and great haul! :)

    Jennifer @ Dream Reads

  22. Then You Were Gone, How to Get Over Your Ex, and The S Word all look fantastic! And I can't wait to hear your thoughts on Hopeless. It was crazy intense, but in a good way!

    My StS

  23. THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT!!!! JEALOUS!!!! My copy should be coming soon. And I also got Hopeless! Hope you enjoy all of your fabulous books!!!

    My Stacking the Shelves

  24. I also got The S-word. It looks pretty interesting. Destroy me was good. I liked seeing the POV from Warner.

    Here's my Showcase Sunday!

  25. Awesome hauls! I can't wait to read Through the Ever Night. Then You Were Gone looks excellent. Hopeless is beautiful!

    I voted for Ditched. It's so good and funny.

  26. Fantastic haul, girls! Jasprit, I'm way more worst than you because I still haven't read Under The Never Sky! *hides under the table* But I'm glad to hear you're loving the series. Rachel, I didn't know Kagawa has a new novella! Gotta check that out. I've been meaning to read Hopeless too and I've seen great reviews so I'm really excited to read it. Hope you enjoy all these books! Happy reading! :)

  27. So many good books! I'm most looking forward to 'Till the World Ends and I can't wait to read your thoughts on it!

    Alex @ Possession of Books

  28. I really need to make time to read Veronica Rossi's series... everyone seems to love it, definitely worth checking out. :) And I'm happy to see the Kate Daniels marathon continues... sad to see it almost end? I know I was. Happy Reading!!

  29. YAYYYY, Through the Ever Night! Weeeee! I loved that book so much, so I can't wait to see what you think of it, Jasprit! And I'm also really interested in seeing what you think of 'Til The World Ends, Rachel. Anthologies aren't really my thing, and I'd really only be reading that for the Julie Kagawa story if I were to read it, but I've heard really great things, so I hope you like it! Great haul! Enjoy your books. :)

  30. I think every week I vow to keep the TBR in's not working!
