
Saturday 2 February 2013

Fiery Hot Reads For Icy Cold Nights: Hopeless by Colleen Hoover Review and Giveaway


Today I'm thrilled to be part of this awesome blog hop and giveaway.  Who doesn't love curling up with a fiery hot romance on a cold day?  Well this hop is is catering to the romance junkie in all of us by hosting loads of giveaways.  For a complete schedule of participating blogs, click here. Make sure you scroll down and enter our rafflecopter for a chance to win Hopeless.

Hopeless Hopeless by Colleen Hoover
Publisher: Self-Published
Publication date: December 19th 2012
My rating:  4 stars

 Sometimes discovering the truth can leave you more hopeless than believing the lies…

That’s what seventeen-year-old Sky realizes after she meets Dean Holder. A guy with a reputation that rivals her own and an uncanny ability to invoke feelings in her she’s never had before. He terrifies her and captivates her all in the span of just one encounter, and something about the way he makes her feel sparks buried memories from a past that she wishes could just stay buried.

Sky struggles to keep him at a distance knowing he’s nothing but trouble, but Holder insists on learning everything about her. After finally caving to his unwavering pursuit, Sky soon finds that Holder isn’t at all who he’s been claiming to be. When the secrets he’s been keeping are finally revealed, every single facet of Sky’s life will change forever.

Hopeless was blissful romance, and a heartbreaking mystery entwined in one emotional story. 

Sky has spent her teenage years kissing on boys without feeling much of anything.  She has no idea why she feels nothing but numbness and wonders if they’re something wrong with her.  Sky and her best friend, Six, go through boys, having fun, but never keeping one around for very long.  This all changes when Sky meets Holder, the intense boy who thrills and scares her at the same time.  Holden insists that Sky give him her name, but then seems disappointed when he finds it out.  She can’t get him out of her mind, since he’s the only guy to have stirred feelings of attraction and lust.  It doesn’t help that Sky starts seeing him everywhere she turns, at school and on her daily runs. 

After reading mysteries for most of my life, it’s hard to surprise me.  While I did suspect some of what was going on here, I was pleasantly surprised when everything unraveled, at what I hadn’t figured out. When I did finally find out all that was secret, my heart hurt for everyone involved.  The very sad truth of this fictional story is that it happens all too often in real life. 

The romance is sure to please, packed with delicious amounts of tension filled scenes that sent shivers through my body just reading them!  Here’s a sample:

He laughs, then drops his weight onto one arm, still hovering over me.  He lowers his mouth to the side of my head and presses his lips to my ear. “You’re a liar,” he whispers.  “You’re a whole lot attracted to me and I’m about to prove it.”  I close my eyes and gasp the second his lips meet my neck.  He kisses me lightly, right below the ear, and it feels like the whole room just turned into a tilt-a-whirl.  He slowly moves his lips back to my ear and whispers, “Did you feel that?”

I know I did!

Their romance was more than sizzling attraction, this is a sweet romance that’ll fill your heart with joy.  Holder was just beyond amazing.   Although, I wasn’t sure of him at first, because some of the intense and passionate responses he had.  My heart went to Sky even if I was puzzled by her actions in the beginning.  She was easy to relate to once you gained a little more insight, and I just wanted to wrap my arms around her in a tight bear hug.  Fortunately, she had Holder for that!

I loved Slammed and Point of Retreat by Colleen Hoover so I was a little nervous going into this story that it wouldn’t live up to my expectations.  I shouldn't have worried because I loved this story as well.  Don’t let this self-published gem pass you by.   

Now for the awesome part of this blog hop, the giveaway!  We are giving away to one lucky follower an e-copy of Hopeless.  Just fill out the rafflecopter below.  The giveaway is INTERNATIONAL.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. Wow, you really do love Hoover's books. i think it's about time for me to read one. Lisa keeps telling me about Slammed and how much she liked it so that's probably where I should start but this one sounds lovely too. I really really want to meed Holder.
    Great review, Rachel!

  2. YAY for hot reads to curl up with on a cold night. :') Like Maja, I haven't read any of Hoover's books either, but your love for her writing is contagious and I WANT TO MEET HODDER. He seems so cute and funny and sweet and did I mention CUTE? :P I'm usually a bit wary of self-published books, but I think I'll give this a go anyway. Lovely review, Rachel! :D

  3. I really should have read Slammed and Point of Retreat by now! I didn't realise Hoover had another book on top of those until recently. This one sounds fantastic though, especially romance-wise. Of course, it's that quote that won me over. ;) I really must meet this Holder now!

  4. Oh, yay! I love the quotes you included in your review. Hopeless is the first of Colleen 's books that I've read, and now I'm itching to read the rest.
    Gorgeous review, Rachel!

  5. I'm so glad you enjoyed this one, Rachel! I've heard great things about it, although I'm not sure if it's for me since I wasn't a big fan of Slammed or PoR. Still, I might have to give this a try. Wonderful review, dear! :)

  6. This is in my tbr pile Rachel and I cannot wait to read it. Thanks for being a part of Fiery Hot Reads!

    1. Thank you for allowing us to join! It's been fun. :)

  7. Awesome review, Rachel! I haven't actually read Point of Retreat or Slammed but I really liked the sound of this book and it's been on my TBR list for a while now.. I'll be sure to pick it up soon, it sounds amazing! :)

  8. I definitely need to start reading anything Colleen Hoover has written; she's clearly fantastic. I love that this was fairly unpredictable, and of course the romance sounds amazing! That quote just seals the deal. Wonderful review, Rachel! :)

  9. I never realised Colleen Hoover was a self-published author. Hmmm, I have this book and Slammed on my wishlist of books I want to read, so I'm thoroughly glad you enjoyed this novel, Rachel.

    As always you know exactly what quotes to pick! ;)

  10. I really need to read Colleen Hoover soon. I own all her books and yet I haven't read one! Shame on me!

  11. I haven't even read the book and I felt that quote! Loved Slammed so I'm excited to read this one too. Great review! :)

    ~Sara @ Forever 17 Books

  12. YESYESYES! I agree with everything you said<3 I did have my suspicions as well...(I got part of it right) but some parts took me by surprise! I was a little bothered by Holder & Sky's actions in the beginning...I had a moment of WTF? (*cough*their one month apart*cough*) but I guess I was able to relate to them afterwards :) Brilliant review, Rachel<3 I'm so glad you enjoyed this!!

  13. So sorry it took me so long to get over here today...Busy busy day. I bought Slammed last year when you recommended it and now I have to get this one. My friend Michele over at Belle's Tales is head over heels in love with Holder as well. I am glad it is an emotional and sweet romance. Thanks so much for being a part of Fire and Ice and doing a post during my week.

  14. I am interested what the mystery/twist is in this book! Haven't read anything by Hoover yet, but I do think I'll need to remedy that soon! Definitely need to read some more NA in my life. :)
