
Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Review: Angelfall by Susan Ee

Angelfall by Susan Ee
Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton
Publication date: May 23rd 2013
My rating: 5 stars

It's been six weeks since angels of the apocalypse descended to demolish the modern world. Street gangs rule the day while fear and superstition rule the night. When warrior angels fly away with a helpless little girl, her seventeen-year-old sister Penryn will do anything to get her back. Anything, including making a deal with an enemy angel.

Wow just Wow. I can’t believe I waited this long to read Angelfall. I remember two years ago when there was so much hype surrounding this little book, and I just brushed it away (I blame my wariness surrounding paranormal genes at the time). But Angelfall goes to show just how angel themed books should be written. I only have a few angel book favourites that I could probably name all on one hand, that’s how much it takes to hold a book like this in high regard. And Angelfall couldn’t have come at a much better time. I was going through a reading phase where I was just reading for the sake of reading. So in typical fashion I decided to start a few chapters of Angelfall on my day off and before you know it I’m almost near the end and I’ve found myself enamoured by every single page.

Angelfall is set in the world where angels call the shots. San Francisco is in utter chaos, with riots and robberies occurring, no one is able to control the humans and then you have angels loping about picking at their prey as they want. Penryn finds herself in a tough situation, her sister Paige and her mum have just left their safety of their house, when they find an angel being attacked by a mob of angels. Penryn and her family hide, but are quickly spotted and before she can even think what’s going on, Penryn finds herself helping the injured angel. But there ends up being a cost, as soon as the mob decides to back track, one of them grabs Paige and flies off with her. Penryn is distraught, her mother has run off and the only option left is to continue to help the injured angel, he will be the only one that will know how to get Paige back, even though he’s not in the best of shape as he’s just lost his wings.

With this injured angel I didn’t know what to think, could Penryn even trust him? He must have not been your typical angel if he was being set upon by another group of angels. But my earlier fear was easily pacified as the better I got to know our injured angel Raffe. He was surly, moody, and had a fantastic sense of humour (just how I like them). It often takes a lot for a character to win me over, but I think with Raffe’s first few lines I was quickly part of the Raffe adoration club. He was quick to bring a smile to my face with his no nonsense humour. Raffe and Penryn made a fine pair; they couldn’t be more different (a human and angel getting along who would have thought it?). But I could feel the connection between them. Before there was mistrust between them, but as they progressed with their journey to achieve their own means they became a solid team.

I adored Penryn’s character. She perfectly depicted my ideal MC; she was sassy, intelligent, and super tough. She had her fair share of hurdles to deal with, but even with Raffe by her side was able to deal with a lot of them on her own. I adored her will and determination and also how she always didn’t listen to Raffe when he thought he knew best.

Angelfall was set in a brutal world, with people doing anything as a means to survive. But the journey that we go through with Penryn and Raffe through the atrocities is a beautiful one. I was actually stamping my feet at times as Raffe could be so closed off, the small emotional glimpses that we got of his character I absolutely adored, I just wished there were enough pages in this book to get some more. And don’t get me started on the ending, it certainly wasn’t how I was expecting thing to end, but I did admit it did leave me feeling a little bereft and teary.

Angelfall is a truly brilliant first book in what I believe will be a mind blowing series. October seriously cannot come soon enough. Also next time if any of you recommend a book to me please make sure I start it straight away and not two years later. Shake me if necessary!


  1. Not that I read many angel themed books, but I agree that Angelfall is the perfect example of how it should be written. I'm dying for the sequel, because the ending left me with so many questions.

    Love the review, Jasprit!

  2. I usually stay away from books about angels because they're just not my thing, but this one sounds like I might enjoy it. Great review :)

  3. It was the same with me. I read it this January, I was shocked by how amazing and unique it is- totally not what I expected (no matter how many people said it`s the best angel book, I didn`t believe it *shamefully shakes head*)
    It`s really strange, eery and mind-blowing.
    Great review, Jasprit!

  4. I was also scared of reading it at the beginning but it was really something else. This book is one of the best paranormal books I've ever read. Pss did you know that the second book is with publisher now! I can't believe after all this waiting. Great review :)

  5. Yay, I'm so glad you finally read this one, Jasprit, and loved it! Penryn is such a kick-ass heroine and I loved her spirit, not to mention Raffe and his unexpected depth. Gosh, those last few chapters killed me and I want the sequel - desperately! Lovely review, dear!

  6. I've heard so many great things about this book! I'm not quite sure why I haven't read it yet, but I need to get to it!

  7. Oh, wow, Jasprit! A five-star review?! I've had this one on my shelf for a while, and I've always heard good things, but I kept putting off reviewing it. I guess I've really been missing out, huh? Wonderful review - the world-building and writing sounds flawless! :)

  8. I have this one on my Kindle! Guess I'll have to get around to it soon? I hear nothing but great things and this review was delightful!

  9. Great review, Jasprit. I'm adding it to my tbr pile right now. I, oddly enough, had not heard of this one, so I'm uber intrigued now. When I added it to my tbr list on Goodreads, I noticed you weren't the only one raving about it, which makes me push it to the top of my pile. :)

  10. Wow, Jasprit! I have a copy of Angelfall that I still haven't read, and now I'm kicking myself. I love a fascinating, well done angel story.
    Great review!

  11. Wasn't this fantastic?!? I'm so glad you loved this... and what a fantastic review. :) I remember I wrote mine shortly after reading and it read like I was freaking out at the time. Freaking out because of the awesome, of course. lol Can't wait for the next book in this series!!

  12. I'm of the opinion it's better to read a great book late than never experience it! And you did get to read it before the second book is coming out, so now you get to eagerly await news on it with the rest of us. :)
    I agree - it was a refreshingly raw and unique look at angel books, which definitely made me appreciate it all the more. Raffe and Penryn are both strong, realistic characters and I loved their interplay. Wonderful review!

  13. I've been seeing this book all over the place lately. I love the sound of a raw, unique angel mythology book. But I'm usually cautious about reading angel books. Penryn sounds so interesting and so does Raffe. Great review :)

  14. I'm so glad you loved this, Jasprit! I read the self-published version a million years ago and I still remember every detail, which I suppose says enough. I agree that Penryn is so amazing, a heroine that truly stands out.
    Wonderful review, darling.

  15. I really loved Penryn too, I agree, perfect MC. And this book is so just...Wow. Brilliant review Jaspirit. Glad that you loved this one too :)

  16. A 5/5 star book one to a new series? Must check it out! Thanks for the heads up, Jasprit it sounds amazing :D

  17. Woohoo! It seems that everyone who reads this book adores it. I read it so long ago that I really remember nothing of it so I am happy to be seeing a few reviews for it now to freshen my memory. I had actually started to question my 5star rating for this one because I just remembered so little of it but reading the reviews and getting back there to how dark it was makes me feel like it was definitely the right rating to give it. I can't wait for the sequel!

  18. I have read so many great things about this book but I STILL haven't read it yet. Your review definitely placed this on my radar again.

    - Ellie at The Selkie Reads Stories

  19. Awesome review :D Been meaning to read this forever. But yeah. I still haven't gotten to it (A) But ohh! I'm so so glad that you loved it :D I cannot wait to get to know the characters. <3

  20. Penryn and this story sounds great, I need to check it out

  21. I loved this story so, so much. I really can't wait to read the next one.
    Awesome review!

  22. So very happy you loved this book so much! It's best that you did wait so long to read it because the wait has been killer! October can't come soon enough! :)

  23. An incredible novel and not what I was expecting at all, it was quite shocking in places, it rivets you to the spot and you find yourself racing through page after page desperately wanting to know what happens next.
    This book has been an Internet phenomenon and has rave 5 star reviews, I now know why! You must give it a try. I can't wait for the next book and hope it is equally as good.

    Maycee Greene (Search Engine Optimization Companies Seattle)

  24. I've had this on my TBR for quite a while now...I keep wanting to read it but review books get in the way! I am definitely bumping it up on the list now! Great review!

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