
Friday, 10 May 2013

Review: Reboot by Amy Tintera

Reboot by Amy Tintera
Publisher: Harper Teen
Publication date: May 7th 2013
My rating: 4 stars

Five years ago, Wren Connolly was shot three times in the chest. After 178 minutes she came back as a Reboot: stronger, faster, able to heal, and less emotional. The longer Reboots are dead, the less human they are when they return. Wren 178 is the deadliest Reboot in the Republic of Texas. Now seventeen years old, she serves as a soldier for HARC (Human Advancement and Repopulation Corporation). Wren’s favorite part of the job is training new Reboots, but her latest newbie is the worst she’s ever seen. As a 22, Callum Reyes is practically human. His reflexes are too slow, he’s always asking questions, and his ever-present smile is freaking her out. Yet there’s something about him she can’t ignore. When Callum refuses to follow an order, Wren is given one last chance to get him in line—or she’ll have to eliminate him. Wren has never disobeyed before and knows if she does, she’ll be eliminated, too. But she has also never felt as alive as she does around Callum. The perfect soldier is done taking orders.

Reboot was another novel which if you suggested to me some time last year, I probably would have overlooked. But now with my new and fast adoration of dystopians/fantasy full with tantalising tense scenarios, our characters being pushed to the limits to discover the truth, and exquisite world building. I just can’t stop devouring them up.  

Reboot had the perfect unique concept to lure me in; after a child dies, they can reboot. Not every individual does reboot and if they do it doesn’t mean that they will end up as a solid well oiled Reboot in the long term. Reboots are under the orders of HARC, in order to retain order amongst the chaos, Reboots are trained up and sent out on missions to bring back people not obeying orders no questions asked. Typically the longer a human takes to reboot after they die, the stronger that reboot will be; both mentally and physically. After an injury they heal quicker and they’re more closed off from human emotions. Wren 178 is the toughest Reboot out there, she’s been a Reboot since the age of 12 and it took her 178 minutes to wake up after she died. She’s adapted well and carried out every mission possible no questions asked. But as soon as the new recruits and Callum 22 are brought in, he has Wren questioning who she is and what HARC are about.

Wren was an easy character I could connect to, she didn’t have the best life before she became a Reboot, but now it’s all she knows and it’s something she’s good at. She gets a rush when she’s set a new mission and feels a thrill in the chase, but she’s never stopped to consider if what she’s doing is right and all the innocent people she’s killing in the first place. At first I really liked the introduction of Callum in the story, having rebooted after just 22 minutes, Callum’s close enough to being human; he can’t deal with pain and brings out this cute smile that Wren can’t fathom. I liked how spending time with him he brought Wren more in touch with her human emotions and feelings. Despite being tough, it wasn’t nice that other Reboots didn’t want to get close to Wren because they were scared of her, but Callum was able to look past all that and bring out this caring and wonderful girl that had been hidden away for so long.

What I enjoyed most about Callum’s and Wren’s relationship was the reversal of roles, Wren was there to train Callum up into the toughest Reboot he could be and Callum without knowingly intending to, changed the image quite dramatically of one of the toughest Reboots. I liked the banter and fun they had in the training sessions, but also their tension infused scenes when out on missions. You knew when it came down to both characters there would never be a dull moment. However what I didn’t like was the direction the second half of the book went in, (I can’t actually believe I’m saying this), but it was too focused on the romance. I preferred the first half where there was a nice mix up of the fast pace, action and figuring out what was going on with the Reboots. The second half was just as thrilling, but it was too much of a big shift of focus on the romance for my liking.

Amy Tintera deserves a whole lot of credit for writing such a enthralling debut read, not only was I immediately drawn into the Reboot, but it was also impossible to guess which way the story would go. At the end I was so scared out of my mind, that someone was going to screw them over and they’d never make it out. Despite a few minor irks, Reboot is definitely a promising start to a fresh new series that I will be looking forward to continuing. 


  1. I have seen this book around and I actually have an ebook but after seeing some reviews I gave up on it. I guess I should think again and really give this book a try. Sounds like a fast and intense read. Great review Jasprit :)

  2. Sounds great! I didn't know about this book, but I like the idea of reversed roles. Now she's the tough one and he's got the heart, hehee ^_^
    I hope to like it just as much when I'll have it!

  3. I'm reading this soon so I won't read all of your review. I'm a big fan of dystopians though so I'm hoping that I'll like it! Glad you enjoyed it :)

  4. I really like the role reversal too, and it's unusual how we as readers are able to connect so easily to Wren, when she's a less emotional character who's essentially a killing machine, hah. I'm so glad you enjoyed this! I was surprised by how much I liked it, too. :)

  5. Great review sweetie :D I'm so glad you mostly loved this book. <3 I just loved it so much. Thing is, I loved the romance all the time :) Have seen many people agreeing with you about too much romance in the second part.. I didn't feel that at all. I just wanted even more romance, lol :) But yeah. I guess we each feel differently ;p But oh. The plot is so amazing as well :D I cannot wait for the sequel. <3 Thank you for sharing your amazing review :)

  6. I really love the sound of this one! I think it's such an original concept and, despite its flaws, honestly it sounds like something I might really enjoy. Plus, when there's a great character dynamic, you better believe I'm hooked! :) Great review!

  7. I'm not a huge fan of this genre, but I do love the premise. I may end up giving Reboot a try after your great review, Jasprit!

  8. I liked this one too but I was disappointed with the second half because I felt like the romance changed Wren too much and I hate when that happens. I REALLY liked the first half though, how kick-ass was Wren? She was so cold and detached, it was great. Great review Jasprit!

  9. I think I might be the only one that liked the second half of this book and the larger focus on the romance. *sits by myself out in left field* I don't know why, it just didn't bother me at all, though I do agree the change in Wren did happen rather quickly. I'm so glad you liked everything else about this book though Jasprit, and I'm definitely looking forward to continuing the series as well!

  10. I loved the concept too and connected with her as well. She did have things rough, but can't wait to see how much more she grows as a character

  11. I agree with you about the tone shift in the second half. I still really enjoyed it, but it kind of made me lose sight of the characters a bit. It just felt off. Still, I had such an amazing time reading this book, it really pleasantly surprised me! Lovely review :-)

  12. I am very curious about this one. I need to read more dystopia and other books in similar genres. This has a very fascinating premise, and I like that Wren is the more "tough" one. Makes me think a bit of The Hunger Games, which I love.

    Bummer about the extra focus on romance in the second half though.


  13. This one sounds so good! I'm glad that you liked it so much!

  14. Lovely review Jasprit!!!!! That's great that the female gets to be the trainer in this book! Wren sounds like a great character! I'm glad that you enjoyed every scene they both were in even if you dislike the focus on romance in the second half.

    1. And its surprising how reading tastes and scopes can enlarge in one year!

  15. When this book first came about I wasn't really interested in it. But like you Jasprit, I've developed a great love for dystopian lately. I feel like Wren would be a character I'd like and I also like the idea of the role reversal. It's a pity about the second half. Great review hun, I'm glad you enjoyed this :)

  16. I've heard a LOT about this book, mostly good things, and I'm so glad you enjoyed this one, Jasprit! I have a feeling I won't enjoy it, though, since I plan to read The 5th Wave and some reviewers have remarked that it just doesn't compare. We'll see, though. Great review, dear! :)

  17. For all of the reviews I've seen for this book so far, it seems like it's a solid dystopian read! I've been stoked for the longest time for this book, and it's about time I pick it up. The concept sounds seriously amazing. I've definitely also heard that the romance shifts too quickly, which is identical to your problem here. Hopefully I'll be able to overlook it, but Reboot seems like an intense, thrilling book that I'll enjoy. Gorgeous review, Jasprit!

  18. Is it weird that you saying the second half focusing too much on the romance makes me excited? LOL Though I may end up feeling like you. But I really want to read this one. I'm glad you liked it! Great review! :)

  19. I think I'll really like the thrill of fast action in this one! The concept of reboot sounds unique and after reading your review, I can't help but wonder how Callum was able to bring out the human feelings in Wren. Thanks for letting us know that despite the few minor irks, you found the story enthralling. Loved your review, Jas!

  20. I honestly had no plans to read Reboot, but your review has definitely stirred up my interest.
    Great review, Jasprit!

  21. I think we all feel pretty much the same about that romance. It was, in some ways, adorable, but it took over the plot in the second part AND it moved too fast. It was like a magical cure for Wren's problems and that bothered me to no end.
    But other than that, I completely agree with you - this was a surprisingly good read. I can't WAIT for the sequel.
    Great review, Jasprit!

  22. Whilst I quite like romances, I do get annoyed when they become the focus of an otherwise intersting dystopian concept. I love the idea and might pick it up at some point still.

  23. I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed this one, Jasprit. I liked it but not as much as you did. I had trouble connecting with the MC and I thought the romance overshadowed the plot too much. I also thought it was pretty unmemorable.
    Still, I'm happy that it worked for you! :)
    Lovely review, Jasprit!

  24. I'm adding this one to my wishlist after reading your review! I really love the idea. I'm glad you are loving dystopian and fantasy books more and more. I used to be a strict contemporary girl but I have to say these genre's are quickly becoming my favourite! Brilly review :)

  25. I think this book is a kind of book I won't have picked up last year too but I'm glad it was a pleasant surprise! It really sounds good and I'm glad you liked it so much! I'm going to add it to my "to-read" pile!

  26. Love your review, Jasprit! I've been eyeing this one and I'm so happy it didn't disappoint. I know I'll be able to connect and like Wren as well and the dynamic between the two characters sound fun as they go on their "adventures." But while I used to wonder how anyone can utter such a thing, I understand what you're saying when you didn't like how the second half was all about the romance. I LOVE romance, but when the first half is thrilling and fun and great, it's a bit deflating for a book to go down the typical romance road. I'm still excited to read it and now I'll be forewarned. Great review :)

  27. It's interesting that you found you were able to easily connect with a hardened and emotionless character like Wren sounds like she's supposed to be. Although I suppose that speaks well to Tintera's ability to craft realistic characters, even in unrealistic circumstances. I have heard a number of reviewers mention their dislike of the romance, so I'll have to go into this book with specific expectations. Still, it does sound like a good book overall and I'm anxious to read it!
