
Friday, 26 July 2013

Review: All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill

All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill
Publisher: Bloomsbury Childrens
Publication date: 1st August 2013
My rating: 5 stars

Em is locked in a bare, cold cell with no comforts. Finn is in the cell next door. The Doctor is keeping them there until they tell him what he wants to know. Trouble is, what he wants to know hasn't happened yet. Em and Finn have a shared past, but no future unless they can find a way out. The present is torture - being kept apart, overhearing each other's anguish as the Doctor relentlessly seeks answers. There's no way back from here, to what they used to be, the world they used to know. Then Em finds a note in her cell which changes everything. It's from her future self and contains some simple but very clear instructions. Em must travel back in time to avert a tragedy that's about to unfold. Worse, she has to pursue and kill the boy she loves to change the future.

Wow this book was utterly amazing. I know I’ve read some great reads this year, but All Our Yesterdays will definitely stand out from among the rest for a long time to come. What I loved most about this book was that I hardly knew anything about it before going into it. I read the blurb ages ago and was totally excited, but when I started reading I was utterly amazed and surprised with what Terrill had planned for us.

The basic crux of the story is time travel, two characters Em and Finn are dedicated to changing the future, it’s crucial they do this, as all the future entails for them is torture, and heartache, it is pretty much a bleak future no one would ever wish upon. At first I had no clue as why Finn and Em were hell bent on changing the past, we were given a brief snippet into what they had to deal with, but as the story progressed we got to learn the horrible truth I was so surprised but also a little bit hurt. Because the story alternates with flashbacks to what’s happened in the future and what’s happened in the past, I found it so hard to comprehend just how significantly a character could change. We were shown painstakingly obvious evidence right in front of our eyes, but maybe because I didn’t want to accept that this particular character in the past and in the future could be the same person. It kind of broke my heart, as I actually started this book with this character being my favourite. They did have a lot to deal with and so I could fully understand their slowly changing behaviour. But they were so lost I just wanted to hug them. And then I felt even more wretched for feeling sorry for them when I was given snippets of their tender and caring side after everything Em and Finn had been through. Seriously Terrill sure knows how to trample all over your heart.

Finn and Em were amazing characters, I adore the insecure and under confident Em in the past and the tough and still torn Em of the future. She reminded me a bit of Tris from the Divergent series, she was at first always unsure about herself, but she proved herself to be one fearless and clever character. I loved the banter between her character and Finn, and just their entire relationship; it had changed so significantly that I was just glad they were constantly there for one another.

The entire concept that Terrill created was just so unique in my eyes. I’m not typically a person who reads time travel books, but Terrill’s immense world building and gorgeous writing lured me in from the very first page. (You should have seen my kindle it was full with highlights of passages which ripped my heart). Terrill has also the knack of creating characters that you never want to let go, the characters in this book were fresh, charismatic and always bringing something different. I adored watching their friendships develop and how each character tried to deal with so much inner turmoil along the way.

All Our Yesterdays was a wonderfully executed debut, it had everything I love reading about; flawless characters which show exceptional growth, a scary but totally realistic world, non- stop action, a story which kept me on my toes with me having no idea which way things could end and of course a nice pinch of heartache. But it also had many things which make me eager to jump into books of a similar genre. Terrill has weaved a beautiful story in All Our Yesterdays and for that I encourage you all to pick it up.

Also to give you all a heads up I'll be away at Kent/London for the next couple of days, I will have a review up one day next week, but probably won't be around to comment, I'll probably be lurking around Twitter as usual, but will be back commenting hopefully next Friday!


  1. This is one of my most anticipated reads of the year and it is HUGE that you loved it so much! I've heard great buzz so far and I'm happy to hear that it's living up to it all. I love time travel book as long as they're well explained and I can't wait to meet these two and watch their transformation and the story unfold. Also, I always have more fun when I don't know anything about a book before starting it, so I will make sure to stay away from too many reviews. Lovely thoughts! You definitely have me shivery/excited to open this one up.

  2. Jasprit, coming from a Whovian, a recommended time travel book is one I can't miss. I feel as if I've been let down by time travel novels because Doctor Who has such a solid concept of it and most books don't, but I'm really excited for this one. I also just love a good character growth book, not to mention books where flashbacks are done well. I really can't wait to read this now and hope its release date rolls around soon. Lovely review, dear!(:

  3. I am so glad you enjoyed this one I can not explain my excitement for it. It is nice to hear this one is original and unique because originality is my number one favorite thing in a book. I love how Em changes, sounds like great character development.

    Alise @ Readers in Wonderland

  4. I am on the look for books with beautiful writing! Wonderful review Jasprit! It was fantastic to hear more about the book how Em matures from her experience and that the life of the book is terrifically made.

  5. Sounds awesome. I don't remember ever reading a time travel novel, but who knows? Great to hear this is worth checking out though. I'm very curious1

  6. I need to write a review for this one. I totally agree with you I liked this book and I was blown away with the whole idea as it's unique. But I had problems with emotions, I couldn't feel it. I mean this book is not abut feelings but I missed them. Great review Jasprit :)

  7. This definitely surprise me - in a good way. One of the best debuts I've read in a long time!

  8. The only time travel book I've read is The Time Traveler's Wife which I thoroughly enjoyed and it's one of my favorite books of all time. I'm happy you enjoyed this original plot and the characters. It's more often than not that these qualities lack in a novel. I can't wait to read it myself and see what the fuss is all about since you're not the only one who's all bonkers with love over this pretty. Thanks for sharing, lovley! I hope to see you back soon:) Have fun! *hugs*

  9. TIME TRAVEL<3333 I saw your tweet 'best debut' and immediately read your review! OMFGGG TRIS?? Welllll i'll read ANY book with a main character that is like Tris! I'm so thrilled you loved this so much- I definitely need to read it soon :P Fab review Jasprit :)

  10. This was absolutely fantastic, I am about review this one soon so I quickly skimmed it. I loved Em so damn much, she was kick ass in her own way.

    Fab review, Jasprit! <33

  11. I'm not too big on time travel books either, but I've heard nothing but amazing things about this book, so I'm undoubtedly getting a copy for myself. You seem like you were pretty emotionally involved with the story line, Jasprit.
    The sound of the characters and the plot from your review just makes me want to read it right away!
    Fabulous review! :)

  12. Oh, yay! I'm on a tour for this one, and I'm so glad that it turned out to be as amazing for you as I'm hoping it will be for me. It sounds like a really solid storyline, so I'm definitely even more excited now! Wonderful review, doll! :)

  13. The unique execution and the 5 star rating has me itching to read this one

  14. Ah Jasprit! SO EXCITED FOR THIS BOOK! You have no idea how happy it makes me to know you loved it so much and deem it worthy of a 5 star rating, I want this one in my hands immediately. I'm a fan of time travel novels in general (though they sometimes thoroughly confuse me), so if lured you in when you don't read time travel often, I know it will suck me right in too. Fabulous review!

  15. I really do want to read this book -- and I LOVE the cover!! Time travel can be hit or miss with me but I'm thinking I might have to read this one right away (I *think* I got this one at BEA...) just so I can join in the happiness of a 5-star review. :)

  16. Great review! I loved this book, although I found the beginning and ending to be quite confusing. The characters and the time travel concept were amazing and well-developed. Did you know there's maybe a sequel coming up? I'm not too happy about this actually. The book would do great as standalone..

  17. This sounds AMAZING!! I haven't read many time travel books but I'm always fascinated by the concept of it. I now wonder what past and future Em and Finn have to change to make things right. Thanks for sharing.

    Enjoy your trip, Jasprit :)

  18. I've been wanting to read this book so badly, but sadly don't have a copy of it! But I'll definitely be picking it up when it comes out. I NEED THIS BOOK. Is it bad that I so desperately want my heart to be trampled like the author did to yours? Haha! The characters sound amazing and the plot perfect. Amazing review, Jasprit! You have me so excited. Also, have fun in London! :)

  19. Jasprit, you have NO IDEA how excited I am with the fact that you loved this book. Now I know it won't disappoint! It's awesome that Em reminded you of Tris, that comparison is saying something! And thank goodness Terrill pulled off the time-travel concept well. I'm so excited to read this one now. Wonderfully written review as always, Jasprit!

  20. I love the sound of this one! I love unique books, and your review completely has me sold. And I really like the sound of Finn and Em. I can't wait to get my hands on this! I'm glad you loved this!

    Amazing review, Jasprit! :D

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair 

  21. Oh my gosh J, your review has made me so freaking excited for this book! The blurb sounds sooo interesting and spooky, but your review has just sealed the deal for me. And the fact that Em reminded you of Tris speaks volumes! Tris is one of my favourite heroines. <3 Finn doesn't sounds that bad either. ;) Lovely review, J! I'm so excited for this one. :D x

  22. Sounds like an amazing book, Jasprit! I love it when I'm surprised too- and have been forgetting what's on the blurb a lot lately... makes me feel like I'm diving right into the worlds of the characters with no clue! Pretty exciting! Have a great time at Kent :)

  23. It's so great when you go into a book with few expectations and come out loving it. Great review, Jasprit!

  24. I've heard really great things about this one so I'm immensely happy that you enjoyed it as well, Jasprit! The concept sounds great, the characters do as well. I heard it brings out emotions :) Can't wait to try it out!

  25. I'm really thrilled this is being well received! I completely agree with your whole review, Jasprit. I was actually quite surprised by how emotional this story was, but I loved every second of it, particularly Em and Finn's relationship. At first, I wasn't sure if a sequel was such a good idea (as every wraps up so well), but I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what Terrill has in store for us now. FANTASTIC review! :)

  26. I love non-stop action and a story that keeps you on your toes! Not to mention great characters and time travel! Can't wait to dive into this one!

  27. I'll admit that the premise kind of throws me off. I'm not in love with time travel premises and the whole scenario just sounds a bit...odd, even in the personal recaps that some reviewers add. But I've also seen basically only completely positive reviews, so clearly there's something here that makes this book worth it. That does really suck when a character you love turns out to be not so good, but I really think characters like that are credits to the author's writing and the strong characterization in general. Lovely review, Jasprit! I shall definitely be reading this book!

  28. I'm going to be reading this one very soon so I was really happy to read your 5 star review, Jasprit! Everyone seems to love this book. It sounds like as well as having a brilliant plot it will mess with my emotions as well which I love! Thanks for the review! :)
