
Friday, 23 August 2013

A Kid's Perspective: Judging a book by its cover #4

A Kid's Perspective: Judging a Book By Its Cover is a feature hosted by Sara @ Forever 17 Books
where Sara gets her six year old son Shawn's perspective on a few Young Adult covers.

Hello everyone, my sister is back with another perspective and interpretation of a YA book for you guys. This week my sister chose:

I think the book The Off Season is about a girl whose house caught on fire and the only thing she has left is the boots on the cover.

Well this interpretation was definitely not what I was expecting. My sister actually had two interpretations of this book at first, her other one was that this girl gets sent back to her old country and they wear weird things such as cow wellington boots! I don't think I could choose between these interpretations, which do you think fits the cover more?


  1. Hee! What funny (and charming) interpretations of the cover. If you didn't know anything about the story, it would be kind of an unusual one. I think both her ideas would make great stories--the house on fire for middle grade, and the old country one for a fairy tale!


    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  2. Hah, she should have thrown them right back into that fire! (Btw, I like the fire version much better.) You're so lucky, Jasprit, your sister is hilarious.
    Thanks for sharing, hon!

  3. I wouldn't have thought of that either! Where do kids get these ideas? :)
    I like both scenario!
    Your sister is a cutie, Jasprit. :)

  4. Your sister has quite the imagination! I wonder what DJ would think of her interpretations. :) I love this drawing. It's probably my favourite yet! And just seeing this cover makes me want to re-read this series all over again...

  5. Haha! I absolutely love your sister's interpretations, Jasprit. I can guarantee that neither would have been my first thought. It would be so tragic if I only had cow wellies left ;)

  6. Awww, your sister is the sweetest! Talking about little sisters- I had to take mine home during an interval during my school production because she was crying. it was Les Mis so yeah... Anyhoo, I love your sister's interpretation!

    Thanks for sharing, Jasprit! <33

  7. It shouldn't be funny due to the fire reference, but oh my, it's hilarious! HAHAHAHAHA. Btw, I hope your bout of books read-a-thon is going well. Miss you on twitter!

  8. Huh, I love that her interpretation kind of makes you blink and go "where did she come up with that?" I like the fire explanation, it makes the boots seem really significant and now I kind of want to read this book and find out if they are in fact important:)

  9. LOL, such a cute interpretation! I love it!(: Also, I really need to buy a copy of this series. It's too good not to have on my shelves. Thanks for sharing, Jasprit!(:

  10. Wow! Very unique interpretation and great drawing!

  11. Bahahaa! Where did your sister get the idea of a fire? At least we know she is imaginative. :) I really need to pick up book one again, because I need to finish this series! Wonderful post, Jasprit. :)

  12. Love these! I guess the second interpretation seems more likely, but I love the idea of the boots being the only thing the girl has left. Very unique take on things! Her drawing is too cute.

  13. I absolutely love your sister's interpretation! I like the fire one better, but this one works too! I love the drawing too. Its so accurate even with the littlest of the details. I need to pick up this book soon! Thanks for sharing, Jasprit! :D

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair 

  14. Haha, that's soooooo funny!!!

  15. 1. That drawing is done really well! I think that this is my first time commenting (Not visiting--Siiri of Little Pieces of Imagination often refers to your reviews :D), so I don't quite remember how old your sister is, but the proportions are great. As a kid, I would've never gotten that far with the work :D.

    2. I love these interpretations. A fire? And that only thing left are those boots? Poor protagonist. Would not envy her that situation. The second seems far preferable, eh? I haven't read this series yet, so I don't know which fits more, but I love both interpretations and would love to see them in a book :).

  16. I love your sis' guesses! Neither are what I could come up with, and I adore the drawing, too!

  17. OMG this is so cute!!!! The picture is adorable and I love how unexpected her guess about the book was. :)

  18. Awwww. That is too freaking cute for words!
