
Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Cover Fever #2

Hello everyone, Rachel and I are back with another Cover Fever post for you. Today we will featuring the different covers of  book that both Rachel and I loved; Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. Rachel and I will be choosing our favourite at the end, fee free to pick your favourite in the comments.

             US Cover                         Re-issued Cover 

 Portugese Cover            Bulgarian Cover

Jasprit: I always loved the US cover, I remember when the re-issued cover came out I didn't like it all (especially more so, as my covers wouldn't match when Isla and the Happily Ever After would be released), but now I keep seeing the re-issued cover everywhere and I think it's slowly winning me over. I don't find the Portugese cover appealing at all, I don't think I would find myself attracted to it in a book store either, I like my covers to be different and eye catching and with the cover model it doesn't really give any inclination about what the book is meant to be about. The Bulgarian cover is so pretty! the stars in the sky, the couple in the night and the colour I find hugely appealing!

Final Verdict: I don't know I like at least three covers from here, but my favourites would probably have to be either the US cover or the Bulgarian cover. 

Rachel: I think my favorite it the original US cover. I have the hard copy with that cover and it just holds a special place in my heart.  A close second would be the Bulgarian cover! Wow! Love the Eiffel Tower in the background, and it's growing on me the more I look at it! I do not care for the Portuguese cover at all.  Can't put my finger on why, just don't like it.  I don't care for the re-issued US cover either.  Too generic looking, IMO.

Final Verdict: Tie between the US and Bulgarian cover.

Which book cover would you like to have on your shelves?


  1. Bulgarian for me! It's so beautiful and gives a tranquil feel. US was never my favourite, unfortunately.

    Awesome post, girls! <33

  2. I'm with you girls. Bulgarian cover is so pretty but the US one will always have a special place in my heart. I'm still trying to get used to re-issued covers. I wish they didn't change. Great post girls :)

  3. I do like Anna's original cover and my paperback has that design. However, I didn't like Lola's cover to begin with and I love covers like the ones with the redesign. I must have been one of the few who were actually happy about the cover change and I know people who didn't pick Anna and Lola up for the (pardon my following expression) cheesy covers they had. I understand your frustration with the cover change since they won't match for the lovers of this series who've purchased the books a long time ago. I do have the new Lola paperback though and it's freaking gorgeous! You know that.. um.. Lux series and the Collector series have that soft velvety feel to them? That's how these paperbacks are. I miss the cropped edges though. I can't wait for my Isla paperback which will take for at least a year considering paperbacks always come out about 9 months later than a HC, but I'm loving them. I'll see what I'll do about Anna's book. I don't want to give it away since I adore the cover, but I'd love for the series to be in the same format on my shelf. Bulgarian one is gorgeous too, I agree :)

  4. I'm not really a fan of the US cover - the Bulgarian is definitely my favourite. It's so unique and, I just love it!

  5. The Bulgarian cover! It's so lovely <3

  6. I have the original US Cover on my shelves and love it, though the new one is - slowly - winning me over like it is for Jasprit. I think the Bulgarian cover is also really cute, though. Great post, ladies!(:

  7. I LOVE the Bulgarian cover! It is so cute!!!

  8. I still love the original US cover. Yay, 'cause that's the one I have on my shelf. The redesign isn't bad and I would have liked it more if they'd started with it but the original really tells more about the book (well, setting). Otherwise, the play on words isn't really there -- it's just a kiss with tongues versus a "French" kiss in Paris.

  9. I think I might be one of the few who never really gravitated toward the original US cover, I think because it gives off such a cheesy romance vibe with the matching white shirts and the way the girl is smiling, but I didn't find the story the least bit cheesy. Plus, the asymmetry in the fact that we can see her face but not his gives the designer snob in me a nervous tic. All that being said though, it is really cute, and I have a little sentimental attachment to it because that's the cover it had when I read the story and I loved it so much:) I do love the new cover though, with the bolder colors and type, so that would be my pick of these 4.

    Way to leave a long, rambling comment Jenny:)

  10. I am not a fan of the Portuguese cover either. Its a bit flashy and leaves a very hectic feel. I love the new US cover because the color and shading is gorgeous, the heart is perfect and I like seeing Effel towers too.

  11. I'm most fond of the US cover. I just think it reflects the content of the book best. :) But the Portuguese cover is eye-catching.

  12. I did not like this book when I read it a few ago :\ but ohh, that Bulgarian cover is gorgeous :D Love it! Thank you both for sharing. <3 (though I do also like the US cover ;p)

  13. I'm a fan of the old US cover. I was dead against the re-issue but the more I see it the more I like it! Now we just need a UK version so more people over here can discover this wonderful series!

  14. Strangely, I'm kinda the opposite! I really like the re-issued cover, but the original is slowly winning me over as well. I don't like the Portugese, but YES YES YES on the Bulgarian. So pretty. Love this post, ladies!

  15. All of these are actually really pretty, though if I had to choose, I'd go with the re-issued cover. There's something elegant about the simplicity of it, and I love the colors and font used. The Bulgarian cover is another pretty one, too! I think it conveys the "French" part of ANNA much better than the original U.S. one. :P But I'm not the right person to say that, because I haven't read it yet!

  16. I really like the Bulgarian cover! I always found it strange that you couldn't see the face of the guy on the original US cover but we could see the girls. Maybe there's some relevance to the story? I haven't read it yet. :)

  17. FYI! My old blog is no longer (Sweet Tidbits)... new site is :D

  18. I love the US cover but I do like the Portuguese cover. I think it's the different colours that intrigue me. Bulgarian cover is really pretty though :)

  19. I think I'm one of the few people who like the new US covers! I do prefer the original ones though, and hate the thought of having a mismatched set. I think there's something quite iconic and striking about the old design... I don't like the Portuguese cover. The Bulgarian one is okay for me, but definitely not as memorable as the US covers.

  20. My favorite is the original US cover. By far. I am so annoyed with pubs changing covers. They should at least offer a dust jackets so readers can have matching covers.

  21. I really like the new U.S. cover actually! I'm not a huge fan of models on covers though, so that might be it. The Bulgarian cover is very cute, but it makes me think of an adult novel.

  22. I wasn't overly keen on this book but cover wise, I love the US one!

  23. I actually really like the new US cover. I didn't like the old one because I thought it was too cutesy. I also think that the Bulgarian cover is sweet and different. Love this feature, ladies! :)

  24. I will always love the old US covers because I felt like the characters were what I expected them to look like in my head. I thought I would warm up to the new ones, but I never did. It just doesn't give off a cute YA contemporary vibe.
    The Bulgarian cover is pretty cute too although I've seen a lot of similar looking covers.
    Great post, guys! :)

  25. I really really love the Re-issued covers. They are so pretty! I am one of the very few people out there who haven't read any of the books in this set yet. I guess I better get on that before Isla comes out!

  26. Ooooh! I love seeing the foreign edition of one of my favourite books! :) I have a soft spot for the original US HB - I had hoped I'd have a matching set, but just like they always do, they went and changed the covers! I'm sad that my copy of Isla won't match the other two books. The new covers are nice too, though. I didn't like them at first, but they're growing on me. :)

  27. I love the Bulgarian cover! So whimsical and romantic at the same time. :) Thanks for sharing these covers, ladies!

  28. I'm with you guys. It's somewhere between the first US cover and the Bulgarian one for me too. Each is lovely and special in its own way.

  29. I still like the US cover, but I'm starting to appreciate the new one. The Bulgarian cover is cute :D


  30. I really like the US cover on the left. The one on the right (the re-issued cover) makes it look like the story is sad, but the one on the left make AATFK look like a fun and witty read which is what the book is about! I hate how they changed the cover for Isla though :( makes me very sad.

  31. I like the US and Bulgarian covers. The large fonts on the UK cover kinda throw me off a bit. But it's alright anyways.

  32. Am I the only one who likes the re-issued covers best? I never liked the original covers that much - they were nothing "special" to me. The new ones are just so pretty in my eyes and might open the books to new people because they seem way less "YA" (though it is YA. But a really good one).
    And I don't care for the other two covers. Not even the Bulgarian (too 'chick flick' looking for my tastes). Yes, I know, minority!

    Great post girls! <3
