
Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Top Ten Tuesday #14: Books on my Winter TBR.

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where each week they post a new top ten list and ask fellow bloggers to share their lists on that topic.

I love the Winter, I love being able to snuggle up indoors with a good book, also I have like three weeks off from work over Christmas, so I plan to read all the books. So here are my Top Ten  Twelve Books on my Winter TBR. 

Sloppy Firsts (Jessica Darling #1) by Megan McCafferty | Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepherd | Unsticky by Sarra Manning | Over You by Emma McLaughlin & Nicola Kraus

Sloppy Firsts and Over You had been books that I had planning to read for sometime now, and I think they sound like the perfect fluffy fun reads to read over the Winter. When I went to the MyKindaBook relaunch last week, everyone around me were highly praising Manning's Unsticky, it also seems to be quite a popular book amongst bloggers I know, you can read Keertana's review here and Sarah's review here. I've been meaning to start watching Pretty Little Liars, but I'm one of those people that need to read the book before watching the show otherwise I will never get back to the book. 

Heart Beat by Elizabeth Scott | What Goes Around (Cracked Up to Be & Some Girls Are) by Courtney Summers | French Kiss: (Diary of a Crush #1) by Sarra Manning

I loved Courtney Summers This is Not a Test and had been intending to devour the rest of her books straight away, but just never got around to it, so I can't wait to start both of these books asap.

These three books need no introductions at all, I've heard nothing but praise for them, so I'm hoping that I end up enjoying all of them. 

I had made my list for my Winter TBR a little while ago, but then I started Graceling the other day and seriously guys I'm nearly finished and I have so much love for this book. That I couldn't leave this post without adding Fire and Bitterblue to my list. I'm sure I will be picking up these two books very soon.

Which books are on your Winter TBR?


  1. I just adored THE DISTANCE BETWEEN US and really want to read PIVOT POINT. Plus, I've heard good things about it. I'm starting to get into fantasy, so I'm slightly eyeing Cashore's books.

    Rachel @ Beauty and the Bookshelf

  2. I've heard AMAZING things about Pivot Point, and just anything written by Kasie West in general!! Enjoy your 3 weeks of break, HAPPY HOLIDAYS =D

    Alicia @ Summer Next Top Story

  3. I love Diary of a Crush. I read it years ago and reread it before I study abroad in England to prepare for all the Britishness. That entire series is so freaking awesome (and imo underrated). I also feel like I should warn you, Maybe One Day is so good!

    Aly @ My Heart Hearts Books
    My TTT

    1. Thank you Aly, I'm so glad to hear that you were a huge fan of the series! I hope I end up enjoying them as much as you did. And eeee I can't wait to read Maybe One Day as soon as! :)

  4. Pivot Point is such an amazing book. I really hope you enjoy it! :-)

  5. I'm a super huge Kristin Cashore fan so I'm super excited to see Fire and Bitterblue on your list!! Both are very different books from Graceling, so I know a lot of people were disappointed by that, but I really enjoyed them regardless.

    1. I've avoided the reviews for both books so far, but I seem to be getting a lot of disappointing vibes for the books from the comments which have been left so far, which is a real shame. Hopefully I will enjoy them as much as you did! :)

  6. I've heard good things about most of these and they look great - hope you enjoy them all!

  7. Sloppy Firsts, Unsticky, and Fire are some of my favorite books EVER, so I hope you enjoy them, Jasprit. I really enjoyed Bruised and, of course, love Summers. I'm curious to see what you think of Heartbeat, Pivot Point, and Maybe One Day which I also have to read. Good luck getting these read this winter, dear!(:

  8. I keep going back and forth with whether or not I want to read Over You. Once you read it you'll have to let me know your thoughts! I still haven't read Graceling yet!! :( I own all 3 book though, so IT WILL HAPPEN (eventually!). How cute is that Diary of a Crush cover!!! :)

  9. Pivot Point and Maybe One Day were two of my favorite reads in 2013. Both are so excellent and definitely worth 2 spots on this list.

    My TTT List

  10. A most excellent list, even if you couldn't hold yourself to just ten. Which I totally understand. I have so much love for Kristen Cashore -- I wish I could read that whole series again with virgin eyes. SO FABULOUS!!

    1. I am so glad to hear this Mary, I am actually pleased that I finally decided to pick this series up! I'm trying to read Graceling as slow as possible, as my library seems to be taking ages getting the next book in :(

  11. YAY :D Awesome list sweetie. <3 Sigh. I just re-read Graceling, Fire and Bitterblue. And they are still the BEST BOOKS EVER. Glad you are loving Graceling. <3 hope you will love the rest as well :)

  12. Pivot Point!!!! I so loved that one Jasprit, I'm so excited to find out what you think of it! And I've heard nothing but AMAZING things about Graceling, I really do need to read that one. I'm just so nervous that I'll be the only one who isn't blown away by it, you know? I had that same feeling with Anna and the French Kiss though and ended up loving that book so hard, so I really should just suck it up and get to it already:)

    1. I know what you mean Jenny, I hate being the black sheep amongst readers, but I think with Graceling, this will not be the case with you at all! I hope you decide to give it a go soon! :)

  13. Oh my days Fire is absolutely amazing! I'll have to read Bitterblue soon though just to finish it off :) Some great books there, will be checking out Sarra Manning's books after reading a couple recently.

  14. SLoppy Firsts was such a fun read, the series just got better! Hope you enjoy :)

    our TTT
    Ashley @ The Quiet Concert

  15. I'm so glad that you are loving Graceling! I hope you love Fire and Bitterblue just as much!

    Sloppy Firsts is also pretty great! It is smart and snarky and really takes you back to high school.

    My Top 10

  16. I have so many books on my winter TBR, it's soooo scary! These days, I avoid even looking at my calendar. But I'm SO excited about you reading Bruised and Fire. Both are some of the best books I've ever read. And unlike most reviewers, I adored Bitterblue too.

  17. Oh man Sloppy Firsts is so cute and funny! I hope you love Jessica Darling as much as I do! Those 2 Courtney Summers books are AWESOME. Some Girls Are is one of my favorite books, like ever!! And just to warn you the PLL tv show and books are SO different (and I like the TV show way better). I love your list!! There are a few on there (like the Sarra Manning books) that now I really want to read!!

    Thank for stopping by My TTT

    1. Thank you for the heads up on the show Michelle, I know quite a few people who have become addicted to it, so I can't wait to get started on it. And yay for wanting to read Manning's books, I hope you enjoy them! :)

  18. I started watching PPL before I read any of the books and I'm thoroughly addicted to the show (I requested all the seasons out on DVD for Christmas) but I'm still set and determined to read the books just to see what they are like. Fantastic winter list! And enjoy that 3 week vacation!!!


  19. Great list! I really want to read Pivot Point too, looks really great. I also want to read the Graceling series, haven't read any of those yet and have heard amazing things. Hope you get to them all :) My TTT.

  20. Pivot Point and Heartbeat are both on my soon-to-read list, and the Graceling books are incredible. Lovely picks this week!

    Mary @ Mary Had a Little Book Blog
    My TTT

  21. Definitely interested to see what you think of Sloppy Firsts, Jasprit! And Keertana's review also inspired me to pick up a copy of Unsticky. I hope to read that one soon myself, even though it didn't make its way onto my tbr list today.
    Yayy I'm glad you're enjoying Graceling so much! Fire's a different sort of book, but I love it just as much. Bitterblue's a little weaker, but still. Cashore is a super talented writer and I look forward to reading whatever she writes next.

    1. Yay Amanda, I'm glad to see that you enjoyed the rest of the books too, Cashore is an amazing author, I can't believe I put off reading her books for so long.

  22. Over You is a book that isn't that great but Pivot Point is pretty great. I need to read Fire and Bitterblue as well :)

  23. I had no idea that Graceling has got new covers! WOW they're truly amazing. But back to point! I have almost all of these on my to read list but I hardly doubt I'll get to read them any time soon. I hope you'll enjoy What Goes Around :) Great list :)

    1. I was having a peek at the covers the other day Tanja, and I definitely prefer the cover I posted above, and its a UK cover too!

  24. Heart Beat looks interesting but I haven't really been a fan of the author's other books. I think I'll wait for more reviews to come out before making a decision on that book. Great list =)

  25. WOW. 3 weeks off? If I took that much time off I'd never go back. lol Hope you have a lovely time off and get tons of reading done!
    I keep hearing SO MUCH about Sarra Manning but I have no idea which one to start with. I also need to read Sloppy Firsts. :) I just saw Pivot Point at the library and decided to add it to my ever-growing TBR. Sounds really good!
    Enjoy your reads!
    Bonnie @ For the Love of Words

  26. FIRE AND BITTERBLUE! And so many others that I'm excited for you (and I) to read. Pivot Point was really good and I've heard amazing things about Bruised! You'll have a fantastic winter, Jasprit :)

  27. About 5 of these books I want to go read right now. Silly work.
    Thanks so much for the list.

  28. I've read Sloppy Firsts but it was a couple summers ago, so I need to go through it again and then continue with the series!

  29. I'm so glad you loved Graceling Jasprit! I loved that book too but whilst I enjoyed Fire and Bitterblue I didn't think they were as good to be honest. I think you'll really enjoy Pivot Point, and Sloppy Firsts so I hope you get to them! I also really want to read Unsticky and Diary of a Crush maybe we should make plans to read them together this winter so that we both can finally get to them!
