
Friday, 3 January 2014

Blogging Break

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a fabulous break. Sorry that I haven't been around commenting much, I was away in London, but also haven't had the chance to read much either. I've been blogging for nearly two years now, I know time has seriously flown by and I do love every minute of it. Of course I would never be able to manage everything without my co-blogger Rachel, who has been amazing! But since last month, it has been a real struggle finding a book that will keep my attention, I don't know if this is because I've become a fussy reader, or I just need a break from everything. So I've decided to take a break for a while, maybe just for January. Hopefully this break will help me get my reading mojo back! Don't worry though I won't completely disappear, Rachel and I have our Monthly Recap planned for Monday and of course I'll still be around on Twitter and Goodreads. That's another thing, I haven't been able to visit Goodreads as much as I used to, and I really do miss it! 

I'll hopefully see you guys around soon. and hopefully this will be me in the month of January! 


  1. I definitely understand the need to take some time for yourself, Jasprit! Blogging is much harder than it looks, even if it is wonderfully rewarding.
    I hope you'll be back soon, I'll miss your reviews.
    Hugs and happy new year!

  2. Ahhh. I just came back from one, Jas. But don't worry, everyone needs a break once in a while. We'll be here, waiting for you. :) Have a nice break.

  3. I can totally understand that, Jasprit. Sometimes you just need a break to get back into the swing of things. Happy New Year. I look forward to your return! :)

  4. I know how you feel, I couldn't read very much in the summer without feeling like something was missing. Have a nice rest and will catch you on Twitter :)

  5. Yeah, totally understand! I hit a two-month blogging slump before I finally had a good reading streak and (hopefully) now I'm back on track! Have a wonderful January and enjoy your down time. :)

  6. Ah Jasprit I'm sorry that you won't be around so much and about your reading slump. I think we all went through these from time to time. I hope you'll enjoy your break and have a great time. Enjoy and relax :) We'll be here, waiting :)

  7. I understand your feelings, Jasprit! I recently took a hiatus of my own. There were things going on in life, and I hit a reading slump. Have a good break!

  8. Enjoy your time off! Hope to see more from you in the near future. =D

  9. I completely understand you, Jasprit. I myself took a few blogging breaks this year and they definitely helped. I hope you enjoy your time away from blogging.
    Take care!

  10. *sobs* No Rachel and now no you? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY? *throws dramatic tantrum*

    Okay, now that's out of the way, I can leave a coherent comment:) You will be missed hugely Jasprit, but we all get to a point in our blogging when we need to take a step back for a while and rekindle our love for it. I hope you thoroughly enjoy your time off and find a ton of books that finally grab your attention!

    1. Don't worry Jenny, Rachel is back to blogging, so she'll still be around once I'm away :) And thank you!

  11. Aw, have a good blogging break Jasprit. <3 Sometimes we all just need a little break :)

  12. Hope you get your reading mojo back and have a great break, Jasprit!

  13. I took a break in December and I still don't feel like I want to be back right now. I'm just overwhelmed with reviewing (even though I have so many of them written already O_O) and finding something good to read. Idk. I'm trying to get myself back to it little by little. I hope you have a fantastic break and of course I'll stalk you on twitter, GR and no Instagram :)

  14. Aww, Jasprit, I'm sorry that you've lost your reading groove! I really hope that taking a break will allow you to come back, refreshed, and that you read plenty of awesome books in your free time. Taking a break is definitely necessary once in a while, especially since you've been doing this blogging thing for such a long time!! I'll see you around Twitter and Goodreads, then, even though I'll miss you here on your awesome blog. <3

    Happy reading, Jasprit!

  15. My blogging break did wonders for my reading life and all around interest in blogging. Hope it helps you too!

  16. I just got back from a break and I REALLY enjoyed it. I think it's difficult to realize just how much time and energy goes into blogging until you take a break and suddenly just READ and don't always review or comment, so ENJOY your break, Jasprit - you deserve it! :)

  17. You totally deserve to have some time off, Jas! Have a happy 2014 :D

  18. Happy new year Jasprit! I hope you have a lovely break and come back feeling refreshed and motivated and ready to read some exciting 2014 releases! :)

  19. I totally get where you're coming from, Jasprit. I'll miss reading your posts, but it's far more important for you to regain your love and enthusiasm for reading/blogging than to keep doing it if you're just not into it right now. Enjoy your hiatus!

  20. I haven't been able to keep up with Goodreads much lately either, and I miss it too. I hope you have a great break though Jasprit, and find a good book that manages to get things back on track for you. You deserve some time off. I'll miss your posts, but I'm sure I'll catch you elsewhere! :)

  21. That's one plus of having a co-blogger. You two can switch off sometimes, allowing for someone to take a break when needed. I hope you find some great books soon!

  22. Enjoy your break, dear! I hope it leaves you refreshed and rejuvenated. And go you for realizing you need this and taking it.
