
Thursday, 13 February 2014

Cover Fever: #6


Hey everyone, Rachel and I once again have some fantastic covers from different countries to share with you. I recently read and devoured Fire by Kristin Cashore, it was everything I was expecting and so much more. I had the gorgeous UK edition, but wanted to know what sort of covers everyone else had going on. So without further ado, here are the four covers of Fire which peaked my interest the most! 

UK edition                                  US edition 

Serbian edition                          German edition

I loved this book and I have the hardcopy US edition, which looks like an advertisement for a Disney movie. Not really my cup of tea. I love the UK edition! The hair, the dress and the tumultuous looking background seems to fit the intense story. I like the font and style of the title as well.  I don't like the Serbian cover at all. Maybe it should be for a fairy story? The heroine looks blue! The German cover is my second favorite with that beautiful red hair.

Rachel's Final Verdict: 
The UK edition.

Jasprit: For once I actually adore the UK version, I would definitely find myself in a trance over it, if I saw it in the bookstore, how fierce does the character look on the front cover? Also how cool does the blend of colours seem to work together? I just love everything about it. I also do like the US cover too, it also has a pretty blend of colours and I adore the intricate design that has been added onto the edges of the book. I also like how they've included a bow and arrow to both covers, a prominent feature of this story. I hate it when they put something onto a cover, which has nothing to do with the book at all. The Serbian edition is so scary, seriously, they've made Fire look like some sort of witch, I just don't like it at all. Although the German edition is really pretty, and I like the natural colours they have decided to use, it doesn't really give off the vibe that this book is a fantasy novel. 

Jasprit's Final Verdict: The UK edition, followed closely by the US edition. 

Which book cover would you like to have on your shelves?


  1. I have the UK edition and I absolutely adore the cover, definitely my favourite out of the 4!! (And the love the book, the cover really suits the book)

    Pavan @ Keep it Fictional

  2. WOW! Those are some gorgeous covers! :D I too would definitely have to go with the UK cover, although the Serbian one is super interesting as well. Thanks for sharing, ladies! :) x

  3. Of course our publishers ruined the cover. *sigh* That happens all the time, so don't mind Serbian edition. Anyhow I must say that UK and German one are so pretty. German especially. Great post, ladies :)

  4. I'm so glad that we have the UK cover, it really is gorgeous! I think I also like the German edition, it does have a nice calming feeling to it, and looks so simple and beautiful at the same time. Thank you for sharing this post girls, it's great! :)

    1. Me too Amanda, I always think that we never get as nice covers as other countries, but we've certainly lucked out this time around!

  5. All of these covers are really pretty but I think I like the UK cover the best. I love the red hair on that girl and the dress is really pretty.
    Great post!

  6. Ah, I'm so happy you love this book as well. <3 Hiih. I actually really love the US cover. My hardcovers looks goooorgeous. <3 I want to own all the editions, but can't find a good, non-expensive site to order them all :\ Sniffs. But I do own all the US/UK editions of the trilogy :D Anyway. Thank you for sharing these awesome covers. <3

  7. I LOVE the UK version and, for some reason, the Serbian version keeps drawing my eye (though she looks really scary).

  8. My god, on that German edition Fire looks positively demonic! I LOVE that Serbian version, I had never seen that before. I like more subtle, subdued take on her hair, and the slight moodiness of the cover because of her position. I like the UK cover as well. US, as in so many of these cases, is FINE but hardly very interesting. Thanks for the side by side comparison, ladies, always so interesting to see how these things stack up next to each other.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  9. Excuse me--I got them mixed up! She looks crazy on the Serbian cover, and beautiful on the German one.

  10. I have the US hardcover, but I adore its simplicity and the fact that it's so relevant to the story. But, I have to agree that the UK cover is just stunning so I'll need to find myself a copy for my shelves soon since Fire is one of my favorite books. Wonderful post, as always, ladies! :)

  11. I actually like all of these this week, but I adore the UK one and my verdict would be exactly like Jasprit's. Though, agreed with Rachel on the Serbian cover. "Maybe it should be for a fairy story? " LOL it looks like she's playing a harp lol. Don't ask :D

    1. Ha it actually does look like she's playing a harp!

  12. In this instance I really like the US edition.

  13. My favorite is the German one (: The hairstyle is so pretty and the cover just gravitates towards me. I also quite like the UK edition

  14. I actually like the U.S. cover. It's simple, but interesting. The German one is definitely pretty!!

  15. Oh wow I love how different the German one is! But it reminds me of a contemporary so dunno if it fits. My favorite is def the UK one I love how dark and atmospheric it is! I totally agree with Rachel about the Serbian cover that is a fairy!! haha

  16. I'm surprised, but I actually like the uk version too. I'm always fascinated by how different the covers are.

  17. I love the UK cover, but it seems like each cover brings out something different about the main character of the book.

  18. I have the UK one (which is also the Aussie one. It's gorgeous and my fave of these four <3

  19. THE UK COVER. It's gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous.

  20. I like the UK and US editions and I still need to read this series. I don't like the Serbian cover (what a put-off!) and the German looks like it's a fairytale or princess story.

  21. I like the UK and US editions and I still need to read this series. I don't like the Serbian cover (what a put-off!) and the German looks like it's a fairytale or princess story.

  22. The UK version is so gorgeous. I first read Graceling and Fire on audio but I think I need to re-read it in print... audio didn't do it for me.
