
Thursday, 10 April 2014

Review: Ask Again Later by Liz Czukas

Ask Again Later by Liz Czukas
Publisher: Harper Teen
Publication date: March 11th 2014
My rating: 4.5 stars. 

Despite what her name might suggest, Heart has zero interest in complicated romance. So when her brilliant plan to go to prom with a group of friends is disrupted by two surprise invites, Heart knows there's only one drama-free solution: flip a coin. Heads: The jock. He might spend all night staring at his ex or throw up in the limo, but how bad can her brother's best friend really be? Tails: The theater geek...with a secret. What could be better than a guy who shares all Heart's interests--even if he wants to share all his feelings? Heart's simple coin flip has somehow given her the chance to live out both dates. But where her prom night ends up might be the most surprising thing of all...

Ask Again Later was exactly the cute fun read that I was in the mood for, I admit after seeing the cover, I thought that this book would be a bit young for me, but this was not the case at all. 

Heart is asked to prom by two guys, (well actually one, as Heart’s brother Phil forces his friend Troy on her, who has been dumped by his girlfriend just before prom). Heart’s really a decent girl and doesn’t want to let either guy down, so decides that a coin toss will help her to decide who she should go with. The way that the story went from this point onwards I was a bit confused about at first, but I soon came to realise was cleverly done. Each chapter gave us an insight into how Heart’s date would have turned out if she went to prom with either guy. So we’re treated to alternative chapters of Heart’s prom night with Ryan and Troy. I have to say I immensely enjoyed these alternative chapters, it was clear from the very beginning who Heart should have gone with to prom, but still it was fun watching the night unravel before us. 

There were a great set of characters that were each brilliant in bringing something different to this story. Normally when there are such a huge number of secondary characters, it can be hard to recall who everyone is, but for me this was not the case at all. I had many laugh out loud moments with these characters although at times there was one character (highlight to view spoiler)  Phil who I wanted to knock some sense into at times. However Ask Again Later couldn’t have been this fun quirky little book without these different personalities. 

Although the story was written into two separate nights; Heart’s prom night with Troy, and prom night with Ryan, the blending of the events from one night into the other was done wonderfully. I didn’t find this aspect repetitive at all, but appreciated seeing it from another whole perspective (Phil’s friends or Heart’s friends). Heart’s night was full with chaos in both possible scenarios, however much more in Troy as Heart’s potential prom date. I did at times really feel for Heart in this perspective, as she was roped in on making Troy feel better and was guilt trapped into attending prom with Troy in the first place and then every time she did want to enjoy prom with her friends, her brother Phil would go and put a dampener on things. But through this Heart went to show how much of a great character she was, from being knocked to the ground, having a table thrown at her and going to prom with guys she wouldn’t have gone for, she showed just how selfless she was. 

Although there were many wonderful characters in this book two stood out the most for me; Heart and Schroeder (how awesome is this nickname, not only did his nickname have me sighing, but he was just such an amazing character). Poor Heart was clueless to what was going on, but I loved the build up from both perspectives to the ending that we were given. 

Whenever you need a quick fun pick me up, which will cause many snort laughing moments and consequent death glares from people sitting next to you on your journey to work, I highly recommend giving Ask Again Later a go, it definitely surpassed all my expectations.


  1. This doesn't really look like my kind of of book but I have heard some pretty good stuff about it, and glad you enjoyed it :) Thanks for the review!

  2. I love the sound of this book, and I've anted to try and get my hands on it when I first saw it, but fiances say no, so I'll go and cry. Jasprit, beautiful review as always, honest and insightful, and you've made me want it even more now.. *runs to cry in bathroom*

  3. It is a younger-looking cover but the inside sounds cute! I like that a flip of the coin then gives us both dates (or how they would have turned out, anyway). Kind of like a Choose Your Own Adventure where you get to see the whole story (I always read all the alternative choices anyway because I wanted to *know*.).

  4. I'm so happy that you enjoyed this book as much as I did, Jasprit! I absolutely loved it as well. The characters in the book were all so wonderful! I have to say that I liked the date with Ryan than with Phil much better. And yes, Schroeder! <3
    Lovely review!

  5. I have to be honest, when I first heard of this book, it wasn't tickling my fancy. I'm just not a huge fan of the character's dilemma: ehmerged! who am I supposed to bring to the prom? I have to choose well or my life is over! *snorts*. But I have seen several glowing reviews. I'm thinking I need to give this one a shot.

    You've done well, Jas. You've convinced me. :)

  6. You know, the cover and premise have never really captured me, but there's a sincerity to it that you describe that really entices me. It amazes me that a novel like this can elicit such strong reviews from some of my most trusted bloggy friends, so maybe I need to give it a go! Lovely review, Jasprit!

  7. Oooo I love the sound of this one Jasprit! Based on the cover I would have assumed this one might read a little young for me as well, but I'm so glad to know that's not the case! I really like how it's setup too, following Heart on both her prom dates, and I can't pass on a book that will make me snort a laugh in public:) Fabulous review!

  8. I wasn't planning on reading this but your review has made me reconsider. Like you, the cover kinda turned me off (even though purple is my favorite color :P), but I can always use a light, fun read from time to time after a dense, long book (like A Game of Thrones haha). And this one sounds like an enjoyable read, and I'm kinda curious who she ends up liking more or if this Schroeder has some potential. Wonderful review, Jasprit! :D

  9. ahh I feel like everyone read this but me heh, it really does sound like a very cute and light read :)

  10. I've seen this one around, but like you, thought it would be too young for me. I really like the premise, and that the story gives both versions of prom.
    So glad you enjoyed, Jasprit!

  11. I missed out on this one and I know that I would have loved to read this one. It's definitely the quirky, fun, cute romance that any girl would want to read. I also like the sound of mixed POVs.You can really see who you think is right... it reminds me slightly of Anything to Have You. Lovely review, Jasprit! :)

  12. I had fun with this one too, and loved her interactions with Schroeder

  13. I love fun, laugh out loud books. They are so needed when I've been reading a lot of dark, issues, death-type books. I'm glad you said this wasn't too young for you. That is always my worry with books like these. But I love a good book about Prom, so I'm going to definitely get this one :) Great Review!!!

  14. I judged the book by the cover and thought this would be something fluffy and shallow, but I guess I was wrong. I like stories that make me giggle and it's good to know that the story has a wonderful cast of characters. Heart surely seems awesome! Thanks for sharing.

  15. Looking at this just makes me want to go and reread it. It was just the most adorable novel ever and I love the direction that the author took with the romance--and how it wasn't the typical story line.

    Great review, Jasprit! <33

  16. Ok, ok, ok. I don't want to read your review atm, but I'm bookmarking it to read/like later on goodreads and discuss. I'm planning on reading this soon (hopefully) and I'm really glad to see that you enjoyed :)

  17. I read this one not too long ago and despite my two star rating, I did think it was cute! I loved the build-up that happened between Heart and Shroeder, made me feel that the journey there does not matter, the end is what's important. Love your review dear <3

    Faye at The Social Potato Reviews

  18. I have heard some really good things about this one but like you I was afraid as it sounded too teen for me. I am happy that it's not. Also it's really funny how Heart's brother made his friend ask her out for a prom as bothers are usually over protective and mine would be like an eagle throwing long gazes our way. Great review, Jasprit :)

  19. Now you got me thinking, Jasprit. I've been avoiding Ask Again Later because it looked like it's more appealing to younger readers. If I'm going to laugh out loud, I will definitely pick it up soon, I need something like that.
    Great review.

  20. I heard great things about this one so I'm glad to see that you enjoyed it as well. The story sounds so cute, I really should try it!

  21. Ooh, I'm so glad to see you enjoyed this one as much as you did, Jasprit! It seems to be utterly cute and I'll be adding it to my TBR for when I'm in the mood for a light pick-me-up read. Wonderful review, dear! :)

  22. Eee, 4.5 stars?! I've seen so many rave reviews and I'm so looking forward to reading this. :)

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  23. I nearly wrote this one off because as you said, it looked young and I wasn't sure about the 'choose your own adventure' plot. I also thought it would have a love triangle, but I hear that isn't the case either. BUT you make this book sound so adorable and exactly what I need for a light/fun read. Thanks for putting this on my radar!

  24. If I didn't already want to read this, your review would have convinced me, it sounds so fun!

    Mands @ The Bookish Manicurist
