
Monday, 3 November 2014

Monthly Recap: October

Hi all, I can't believe we're already doing a recap of October, seriously this month just flew buy! With things being super crazy, I (Jasprit) was still able to get through quite a few books, I hoping this will be the same for November, I seem to be wanting to read all the books lately, which is a good thing with the slump I had been in. So here's how October was for us!

Number of Books read:
Jasprit: 10
Rachel: 14

Highest rating:
Jasprit: 4 stars
Rachel: 5 stars
Lowest rating:
Jasprit: 2 stars
Rachel: DNF
Books reviewed:

(click on titles for review link)



(click on titles for review link)

Burying Water (Burying Water, #1) Hope Burns (Hope #3) Mean Streak
Every Breath  Loving Him Off the Field (Santa Fe Bobcats, #2) Carolina Blues (Dare Island, #4)

Best read of last month:
Jasprit: This is a tough one as I read three great books which really stood out for me, On the Fence by Kasie West, Ashes to Ashes by Jenny Han & Siobhan Vivian and The Secret of Lily Graves by Sarah Strohmeyer. But if I just had to choose one it would have to be On the Fence by Kasie West, it was such a cute contemporary read, it made me want to binge read all the happy, funny contemporary books in one sitting.

Mean Streak by Sandra Brown. Sandra Brown is a veteran mystery writer but she's new to me. Mean Streak had everything I love in a mystery/romance: Danger, surprising plot twists, fast paced plot, and a searing romance!

Book which surprised me the most: 
Jasprit: Ashes to Ashes by Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivien. Only because there were surprises literally around every single corner and at times it could be really heartbreaking to watch.

Carolina Blues by Virginia Kantra. The writing as beautiful and moving, and the romance was very steamy! I just love a man in uniform!

Fictional crush of the month:
Jasprit: There were so many cutie pies in the anthology book I read My True Love Gave to me, this book featured 12 stories, but at least 3 guys were able to leave great impressions on me. One of my favourites had to be Noel from Rainbow Rowell's short story, this guy certainly needs his own book and soon!

It's a tie for "the guy" in Mean Streak, (I say "guy" because we're not given his name for much of the novel and I don't want to spoil things) and Jack in Carolina Blues. Both were realistically portrayed, mature and very much male! Like the rescue-me-keep-me-safe type of men, but not afraid to love a strong woman and let them shine in their own right. *Sigh and swoon*!

Three books I'm most looking forward to this month:

 (Click on titles for Goodreads link)


Rashika and I will be reading Top Ten Clues You're Clueless and I can't wait! I read and loved Ask Again Later and being in the mood for something cute and adorable, I think this book will be something I'll certainly enjoy. I was given one month free of Kindle Unlimited through Amazon, so was able to grab the first four copies in the Amour et Chocolat series by Laura Florand, I know that Rachel has loved these books, so can't wait to curl up with these. And I also have the first two books in the Fox and O'Hare series, I read one of first short stories which I really ended up enjoying because of the great mix of mystery and laugh out loud moments.

(Click on titles for Goodreads link)

Burn for Me (Hidden Legacy, #1) Made for You Razed (Barnes Brothers, #2)

I have loved Ilona Andrews' Kate Daniels so I can't wait to read Burn For Me! I've heard great things so far. Made for You sounds delightfully creepy. Razed sounds wonderful: Keelie's got a crush on Zane's younger brother, but he's determined to make her see him instead.

Bookish Photo: 


There were some very cool Books About Town Benches over the last few months in London. I was finally able to spot one at Tower Bridge: Katie's in Town by James Mayhew!

How was your month of October?


  1. I definitely feel like the year just flew by! It's November, and surprisingly, we are still without snow. Anyway, you ladies had a great month! I love that you've included some fictional crushes you've encountered in October. I definitely agree with you, Rachel. That "anonymous guy" in Mean Streak is as manly as they come. :)

    Have a great November, ladies! Looking forward to reading your posts. xoxo

  2. Love these monthly recaps ladies! Jasprit, can't wait to see what you think of The Chocolate Thief. I've heard such amazing things about that series! And Rachel - MAD ROGAN!!!! I feel like we'll have some things to chat about after you read Burn for Me:)

  3. Jasprit, can I join you and R for Top Ten Clues please? That sounds like a good read and I can't wait to get to it!
    I need to read those short stories, especially the Rainbow Rowell one!

    I need to get a copy of Burn for Me. Everyone I know who has read it has loved it and I've heard amazing things about the romance.

    Love that bench! It's so cute!

  4. Whoa! You read so many books :O I only read 4 I think, but my fav book was probably Magnolia :) Though I still loved Whatever Life Throws at You by Julie Cross! I haven't read MTLGtM but I really want to! It looks like a good book :) And Rachel!!! I really want to read Every Breath because everyone loves it so much. Can't wait for it :)Haa! Knowing how much Rach loves Florand's books, for your sake, I hope you love this Jas! Also, Made For You, I've heard, is really good ;) Enjoy girls! (THAT PHOTO THOUGH *HEART EYES*)

  5. I love the way you guys plan out your monthly recaps. It's so fun but very informative! it looks like both you enjoyed some nice books. I have been meaning to pick up Brown's new book, and Choas looks good too. *scampers off to check out review*

  6. BURN FOR ME WAS AWESOME!!! I really just want to talk about the whole book in caps, yelling my love for this new series. Can't wait for you to read it! October really blew right by, didn't it? Too fast!

  7. Jasprit, I completely agree that On the Fence was an adorable read and I am SO EXCITED that you're about to read The Chocolate Thief! It's still my favorite of the entire series, though many later installments come extremely close and tie with this debut, but there's still something about Sylvain Marquis that makes me swoon upon every re-read. *dreamy sigh*

    Rachel, I know you're going to LOVE Burn for Me! It's such a fantastic read and really showcases the immense talent that Ilona Andrews possesses. I'm also really glad to hear that Carolina Blues was such a strong read for you--I really want to pick that one up myself. :)

  8. oh boy, busy busy month :D glad to hear you liked On The Fence. I so need to read that, sounds so adorable

  9. Oh my god! How do read so many books a month? Do you guys work on this blog full-time? I have a blog too- and I know I can't write and read so much while handling school.

  10. Awww, Top Ten Clues You're Clueless looks so cute. As sad to say, but I'm not aware of the new books to be published this month. :( I've been so out of the blogging community lately due to Uni. huhu. But I'm happy to see you guys being so busy! :D

  11. Amazing post you guys. <3 And omg, you both read so many books in October. Is jealous :D And such awesome books too. <3 I hope November will be just as awesome for you both :) Andh ah. Rachel. Best of luck with Made for You :D I.. hated it :p curious to see what you think of it ;p
