
Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books on my Winter TBR


Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where each week they post a new top ten list and ask fellow bloggers to share their lists on that topic.

This weeks Top Ten Tuesday topic is: Top Ten Books on my Winter TBR.

I love making season to read lists, normally I'm not that great in reading many books from my list being the mood reader that I am, but I just had a look at my Top Ten post from last year's Winter tbr and I actually ended up reading 8 out of the 12 books. So here's hoping that I'll be able to tackle most of them from this pile of 12 again! 


Being the reader that I am I usually pre-order all the books I'm dying to read, but never end up reading them for ages afterwards. So above are the eight books I have copies of and I'm hoping to read this Winter!

And here are a few of my review books that I'm hoping to tackle! I have heard brilliant things about A Thousand Pieces of You, Snow Like Ashes and The Body Electric so can't wait! Also I love The Bone Season, so will probably be diving in pretty soon! 

Which books made it your Top Ten List today? And are there any of the books above you that you think I should read first?


  1. First of all, let me just squeal in excitement because I just saw that you're currently reading The Chocolate Rose. I love Laura Florand so much. How are you finding her books?

    As for your list, they look amazing. ISLA is on my list as well. I've had it for weeks now and I need to start on it soon. The 5th Wave series is one of the series that I'm thinking to start but I haven't decided yet on that. A Thousand Pieces of You was a very good read. I'll admit that it wasn't perfect but it was really enjoyable and I'm definitely waiting on the second book. Thanks for sharing.

    Here's my TTT :)

    1. I actually devoured the first five books in Florand's series in a a week or so, they were pretty amazing! I think The Chocolate Rose was my absolute favourite! The 5th Wave was one of my favourite reads last year, so I hope you end up giving it a go soon! And I'm glad that you enjoyed A Thousand Pieces of You too! :)

  2. Wow, I love your list this week, very good taste in books!
    Both Isla and Allegiant are AMAZING, both are favourites for me so I really hope you enjoy them!
    I really want to start The 5th Wave series, keep hearing such great things about it. Both A Thousand Pieces of You and Snow Like Ashes are MUST READS for me this Winter too, they just look so good and such pretty covers!
    My TTT :)

  3. ISLA! Definitely should be read first! :) I loved that book SO much.

    I want to read the Ruin & Rising series, too. It sounds so good.

    I hope you enjoy all of your books!

  4. I read Breathe Annie Breathe earlier this year and it was really good. I hope you enjoy it as well!

  5. Great choices and lots of books that I hope to read soon :-) I will be starting the Grisha trilogy within the next few weeks - hope it lives up to my expectations!

    I hope you enjoy these books :-)

  6. HEIR OF FIRE JASPRIT!!!! I can't wait to find out what you think! I just loved that one:) I still need to read Ruin and Rising as well. Like you, I have it on my shelf ready to go but I haven't been able to bring myself to tackle it yet. Not ready for that series to be over.

    The Bone Season was a favorite of mine, so I'm hoping The Mime Order is every bit as good. I need more Warden in my life:)

  7. I'm very excited to see your thoughts on Breathe, Annie Breathe, Isla (which I haven't read yet because the reviews have gotten me worried) and Ruin and Rising! Oh and I approve of Snow Like Ashes in your list! I loved that book so much. I'm hoping you enjoy it as much as I did! :)
    I need to read The Body Electric. It sounds amazing!!
    Happy reading, Jasprit!

  8. I loved Isla and really enjoyed The Body Electric :D If you've read the Across the Universe books then I think you'll definitely be able to relate to the story better than I did :)

    1. Oh I haven't read her Across the Universe series, I actually have all the books, but just not got around to it. Thanks for the heads up!

  9. I tried the Infinite Sea and.. yeah, wasn't for me, but if you LOVED the 5th Wave, be warned, less action, but you'll probably enjoy it none the less. Heir of Fire, waiting on next year so I can buy my own copy, golly gosh the wait! The Body Electric, I have my e-arc, but, it's just not high up, but hopefully you get to it. Nice collection here hunny, good luck! :D

    1. Thanks Amanda, that's a shame that you weren't able to enjoy The Infinite Sea as much, I haven't read that many praising reviews, so I don't think that you're the only one!

  10. 'Isla' and Sarah J. Maas picks sound great and I've heard Snow Like Ashes is a wonderful read as well. :)

  11. HEIR OF FIRE AND SNOW LIKE ASHES!! Those two are PERFECT. I highly recommend :) Great picks!

  12. Isla is SO cute!!! And good!!! I hope you read that soon. I also want to read Breathe, Annie, Breathe. I have it, but Ugghhhhh so many books!! And I love the cover of A Thousand Pieces... I might just read it for that reaspn :) Thanks for stopping by My TTT

  13. Ack! The Body Electric is AMAZING. <3 As is Ruin and Rising. Sniffs. It was perfect :) So many amazing books on this list. <3 I hope you will get to read and love all of them soon :) Happy reading sweetie. <3

  14. I hope you'll enjoy ISLA, Jas. Also jealous of your Mime Order copy! Eeeeeep.

  15. You have some of my favourite books of the year coming up on your TBR, Jas! I really loved Dreams of Gods and Monsters, Isla, Ruin & Rising, Heir of Fire and Snow Like Ashes so I'd recommend them first ;)

  16. I'm hoping to (finally) get around to Ruin and Rising too! And I still have to read Insurgent AND Allegiant. Infinite Sea is also on my list for that matter. lol SO many books, so little time.
