
Friday, 30 January 2015

Cover Fever #14 Saving June & I Was Here

Hello lovelies! Jasprit and I are back with another Cover Fever. We both adore covers so this is a favorite feature of ours. Today we're featuring Saving June by Hannah Harrington, a story both Jasprit and I enjoyed, and I Was Here by Gayle Forman, because the stories sound very similar to me.

Australian Cover                     UK Cover

Saving June      Saving June

US Cover

Saving June

  USCover                             UK Cover

I Was Here     I Was Here

The faded out image of the Aussie version of Saving June is pretty but not my favorite. I think I like the crisp contrast of colors with the UK version a little more.  I'm drawn to Harper's (I'm assuming) face.  I'm not really fond of the US version, it feels impersonal and remote for some reason.  I like the US version of I Was Here better than the UK version.  The colors and the scenery are beautiful and it looks like the heroine is about to take a journey, maybe a road trip, to find the answer behind her friend's suicide.

Rachel's Verdict:
Saving June: UK Cover
I Was Here: US Cover

I always tend to find myself falling in love with Aussie covers, on occasion I have found myself ordering books from Fishpond, just so that I can get my hands on the Aussie cover. So you can probably tell that I'm going to say the Aussie cover of Saving June is one of my all time favourites, I love the subtle colours on the cover and just how simple the cover looks. I do like the petals, colour and font used on the US cover of Saving June and do much prefer it to the UK cover (I don't like the close up image here at all). For I Was Here I absolutely love the US cover, it has me interested about where there this girl could be off to and where is here? When I first saw the UK cover of I Was Here I was disappointed, I have slowly come to like it a bit more, how the bits of square represent different parts of the story, but I would still prefer to have a US edition on my shelves.

Jasprit's Final Verdict:
Saving June: Aussie cover
I Was Here: US cover

Which books would you like to have on your shelves?


  1. I really like the UK cover for I Was Here. We often use photos to represent who we are, or where we've been, so having an arrangement of photos is almost an echo of the character. I think it works well with the title. I'm not a big fan of the font on the US cover either. The scenery is gorgeous though.

  2. I forgot all about Saving June, and it's such a lovely book. The US cover is my favorite. I should probably reread at some point. Aside from being a wonderful story, it reminds me of some really great times.

  3. I love the Australian Cover for Saving June! It's so gorgeous. And I definitely prefer the US cover for I Was Here. I don't quite get the UK cover.

  4. The first ones are my favourites (AU for Saving June and US for I was here). I can't wait to read the second book, hopefully i'll love it as much I loved the first one featured here ;)

  5. I love this feature, ladies!
    I prefer the Australian cover of Saving June (I have the US, boo) - the washed out look is so pretty and wistful.
    And the UK cover of I Was Here is miles better than the US!

  6. love the Aussie cover for Saving June! :) Definitely US cover for I Was Here.

  7. I don't really like the Saving June covers but, if I had to choose, I pick the US one. Same with I Was Here. Maybe the UK one? I like the Instagram-type pics.

  8. I have to agree with you both that the US cover of I WAS HERE is surprisingly a winner, for once, in terms of international covers. With SAVING JUNE, I adore the Aussie cover but I also do feel as if the girl seems a bit too young. Yet, the UK cover, though intriguing and somehow compelling, seems a little off too. Not a fan of the US cover, which I do unfortunately have, but the Aussie or UK one seems the way to go. Unless they do a much-needed cover re-vamping! ;)

  9. I read and really liked Saving Hope! It was a beautiful book! :3

    Ps. I have a blog as well, if you want to stop by I'd appreciate it so much! It's both in Italian and in English :3 ->

  10. I haven't read any of these books, but if I were to read them based on the cover then I think for Saving June, I quite like the US Cover, there is just something about it that I love. Possibly the colours and composition of the picture. For I Was Here I prefer the UK cover with the Montage of pictures. Great post ladies.

  11. I really like the Aussie cover of Saving June, too :) For the longest time I thought the US cover of Saving June had a girl walking toward the camera, but then finally figured she is walking away. It's just a weird kind of image, IMO, cropped weirdly or something?

    For I was Here, they are both good covers. I actually like the UK one (which is the one we also have in Aus. But I think the instagram-style photo trend will probably date it and I'll get sick of it soon :)

  12. "I'm not really fond of the US version, it feels impersonal and remote for some reason." -- REALLY??? I mean it kind of is, but it's so pretty! The color contrasts! I actually haven't read this book so I can't tell what fits the book best but I got so disappointed when I couldn't fangirl with both of you because I like the cover you both are least fond of :P. "I like the US version of I Was Here better than the UK version. The colors and the scenery are beautiful and it looks like the heroine is about to take a journey, maybe a road trip, to find the answer behind her friend's suicide." -- Me too! I had no idea that was the UK cover though. I saw it as Gayle Forman's user pic and was like... er... is that an actress? But in general, even the font on the US one I like much more too.

    "I always tend to find myself falling in love with Aussie covers, on occasion I have found myself ordering books from Fishpond, just so that I can get my hands on the Aussie cover." -- The things I learn! so Fishpond is an Aussie book distributor? I wish I knew that before so I could get a different cover for the Lumatere Chronicles. "So you can probably tell that I'm going to say the Aussie cover of Saving June is one of my all time favourites, I love the subtle colours on the cover and just how simple the cover looks. I do like the petals, colour and font used on the US cover of Saving June and do much prefer it to the UK cover (I don't like the close up image here at all)." -- YESSS so at least US > UK for you on that first one ;). Although it's a shame I can't share your enthusiasm for the Aussie cover.


  13. Awesome post sweeties. <3 I think I prefer the US cover for both books :) I own the US one of Saving June ;p Will be reading this book one day. Probably. But not the other books :p Heard bad things about it. Sad face. So not for me :D But anyway. Thank you for sharing. <3 The covers are gorgeous :)
