
Sunday 22 February 2015

Showcase Sunday #67

Showcase Sunday is a weekly meme hosted by Vicky at Books, Biscuits and Tea. The aim is to showcase our newest books or book related swag and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed from libraries, bought in bookshops and downloaded onto eReaders this week.  

Hi all, I hope you've had a wonderful couple of weeks since our last post, I decided to reign it in with the review requests, especially as I'm trying to cut down my review pile, if you do want to buddy read an ARCs do let me know, my current ARC to read list can be found here. So here a the great books I received in the last few weeks. 

 (Click on titles for Goodreads link)


Thank you MIRA Ink UK and Delacorte

I've not read anything by Alsaid before, but I always love books that feature friendships between characters that evolve into a romance, and Never Always Sometimes sounds super cute! Morrill's The Trouble with Destiny isn't out until December this year, but I was thrilled to get my hands on a copy, the cover is pretty amazing, so I have my fingers crossed that I will enjoy the book just as much. And finally The Darkest Part of the Forest has been receiving some amazing reviews so far and although its not the sort of book I would normally read, I am very excited about finally giving it a go. 

Rachel's Haul:
 (Click on title for Goodreads link)  Envy  Graffiti Moon  Breath of Scandal

I'm excited for the Sandra Brown additions! Her mysteries are well-plotted and her romances are very hot! I received Breath of Scandal for a tour and I'll be reviewing it on March 24th.  I've heard good things about Crushed so I gave in and requested it.  Graffiti Moon and Envy by Sandra Brown is a library audio book lend. I've read Graffiti Moon and loved it, such gorgeous writing so I couldn't pass up listening to it. The audio version was superb with Aussie three performers: one for Ed, Lucy and Poet.

 What books are you excited for this week?  Link us up and we'll come check them out!


  1. Great haul! I've heard awesome things about Graffiti Moon. The Trouble With Destiny also sounds really good. I hope you enjoy all your books and have a great week. :)
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  2. I'm really curious about The Darkest Part of the Forest too. I need to read a book by Holly Black in general though. haha

    Glad you're loving the Sandra Brown books. I need to try one!

  3. Never Always Sometimes sounds good! I hope you enjoy these books, ladies <3

  4. Nice haul you guys, I haven't heard of most of your books though Rachel. I believe Graffiti Moon is Aussie YA so woot Aussie pride!
    I'm not sure about TDPOTF - I was gifted an ARC but still haven't read it. The differing reviews have me vary but I hope you enjoy Jasprit.

    Happy reading ladies.

  5. Pretty haul, Jasprit! I'd love to buddy read Most Likely to Succeed or The Trouble with Destiny with you if you're game. ^_^ Never Always Sometimes is on my wishlist!

    Rachel, Graffiti Moon was really good! I hope you end up enjoying it as much as I did. <3

    1. Aimee I'd totally be up for that too, I shall message you in a bit! :)

  6. The cover from The trouble with destiny is so cute, I like the details. I can't wait to read The darkest path of the forest, it sounds like a story I would really enjoy. Happy reading :D

  7. Yay for gorgeous books girls. <3 They all look amazing :) I hope you will love them all. I haven't read any of them, but I do own The Darkest Part of the Forest ;p which I DNFed after chapter 1 :p but trying again sometime ;p Probably. Anyway. Happy reading :D

  8. Oh I bet the audio of Grafitti Moon will be fantastic. Hope you both have a lovely week.

    1. It was, Heidi! Three Aussie narrators, one for each POV: Ed, Lucy, and Poet. Loved it to pieces. :)

  9. Breath of Scandal was crazy! I hope you'll enjoy it, Rachel. And Jas, I'm looking forward to your thoughts on Never, Always, Sometimes.

    Happy reading, ladies!

  10. Crushed sounds good-- hope you enjoy and have a great weekend.

  11. I do love Holly Black so I'm definitely going to have to get my hands on The Darkest Part of the Forest.
    I've never read anything by Sandra Brown. I'll have to check out her stuff now since I do love a good mystery! Graffiti Moon was fabulous. I'd love to do a re-read of it one of these days.
    Happy Reading you two!

  12. Awesome haul, ladies! I'm so excited to see what you'll think of The Darkest Part of the Forest! I just got approved for some couple of ARCs this week, a medical thriller among them, and I can't wait to get to it!

    Faye at The Social Potato

  13. Fun book haul! I've heard Graffiti Moon's audio is amazing, so I hope you enjoy it, Rachel! Happy reading to both of you girls. <3
