
Saturday, 5 December 2015

Monthly Recap: November

Hi everyone so November was one of the most craziest, busiest months, hence the reason this post took a while to be posted, but it was also one the most memorable!

What I've been up to.

I finally went to the Harry Potter studio tour with the amazing Allie and can I just say it was amazing! It totally reminded me of the reason why I fell in love with Harry Potter all those years ago. And I loved being able to get a glimpse of how they were able to bring it to life on the big screen. Allie and I were once again goofballs, but I love spending time with this lady, she makes my days full of adventure and fun and I'm always a bit down when I have to come back home (you should have seen our snap chat stories I think we both got way over excited!).

It was my birthday month!!! I have to say my family and friends really went all out for me, my sister threw me a surprise party, I was able to have a lovely meal with my closest friends and I got to experience Nottingham Winter Wonderland for the first time. I love Christmas, so this was really one of the best places to go, they had Christmas markets and we went skating (my first time) and we ate at Jamie Oliver's Italian restaurant! Oh my gosh this guy makes the most amazing food, of course I was completely stuffed after the starters and mains, but I still made room for the heavenly dessert!

We put our Christmas tree up, like two weeks early, I'd started shopping for new Christmas ornaments ages ago, even though we had new ones from last year, so I was itching to get the tree up, now I just can't wait to get the presents wrapped and underneath. 

I went to watch Mockingjay Part two. And whilst it seems like just yesterday that I read the book, I honestly couldn't remember a single thing, but I think the movie was done fantastically. I remember the book left a sour taste in my mouth when I'd finished, but this wasn't the case with the movie at all!

Disney tree at St. Pancras

What I've been watching

So since I finished How to Get Away with Murder, (how intense was every single episode) I've been in a bit of a funk with what to watch, I need something mindblowingly spectacular, also I need someone as good as Frank *sigh* so I started back with Once Upon a Time and whilst its okay so far, I'm hoping to watch quite a few shows, before my favourites return after Winter break. The only other show that I've been following regularly on TV is The Apprentice, this year has surprisingly been a year of firsts with this show, I know who I'd like to win, so lets just hope they make it to the final! Also if you follow BBCApprentice on Twitter, they're ridiculously funny at recapping scenes from the nights show. 

Music I've been listening to.

Sorry by Justin Bieber

What is with Justin Bieber creeping into my life? One of his songs was featured as one of the songs I was listening to last month and now here he is again. I don't think this day would ever come, but seriously his music has matured quite a lot and I'm really liking it.

Naughty Boy - Runnin' (Lose it All) ft. Beyonce, Arrow Benjamin

How amazing is this song? I'm not normally one to love all the songs Beyonce features in, it's normally my sister, but I think I heard this song in the gym and fell in love, whereas my sister for once doesn't like this song :/

Sigma ft. Ella Henderson - Glitterball 

I know this song is quite old, but my cousin recently made a video on Instagram of my little nephew and his adventures in the fall, and this was the song he used over the video and it just made me fall in love with the song all over again, it also always make me feel a little nostalgic! 


I read 7 books in November and actually had first my five star read since March! This book was Cress, of course I fell hard and fast for the characters and couldn't believe that I waited this long to read this book!

Books reviewed (Click on book for review)


Fictional crush of the month: Wolf from The Lunar Chronicles! I devoured three books with him and fell in love with him that little bit more each time. There was so much to Wolf's character that I honestly wouldn't mind any more books that feature him, he was just an amazing guy! I loved his vulnerable side to him, but also his possessive side. I for one wouldn't mind someone like him protecting me! 

Three Books I'm looking forward to next month. 
(Click on book for Goodreads link)


Night Owls is a book which I've had my eye on for sometime now, so I'm grateful to the lovely Allie for sending me this book for my birthday, I actually was a fan of the U.S cover, but I finally had this in my hands I think I love this one more, I can't wait to get stuck in with this book! Written in the Stars was a book which I hadn't heard of before until Siiri put it on my radar, is sounds like an amazing read! So a big thank you for Siiri for gifting me this one. And Lisa Kleypas has been an author whose books I've been itching to start but I didn't know where to start until Miranda pointed me in the right direction! I hope this series ends up being a hit for me! 

I hope you all have a fabulous December! I'll leave you with the Trailer to The Huntsman: Winter's War, I loved Snow White and The Huntsman and I love anything with Chris Hemsworth, so was delighted to see the trailer for the new film, out sometime in 2016!


  1. Happy birthday! november is also my birthday month XD omg that harry potter experience must have been amazing. I like Wolf but for me it is Thorne that I just love, especially in Cress. I still need to read Winter though

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  2. It sounds like you had a fantastic birthday! How exciting you got to visit the Harry Potter studios with Allie I'm visiting London next September and definitely plan to go! It would be good fun to meet up with some UK bloggers, but I don't know how to plan these things! hahah


  3. Happy Birthday, Jas! I'm sorry I missed it, but you look like you had a ton of fun, anyway. :) I hope you'll enjoy Night Owl. So good!

    Happy reading, luv!

  4. Awesome recap Jasprit :D Sounds like you had an amazing month. <3 Yay for birthday :D And yay for Harry Potter too :D Seems like so much fun. Thank you for sharing about it all sweetie. <3 I hope December will be just as awesome for you :) And ahh, yess. The Huntsman seems like it will be awesome :) I can't wait to see it too.

  5. Happy birthday and great to hear that HP studio tour was good, would love to see that myself

  6. Happy birthday ,the HP studio sounded fun , I am glad you enjoyed your month :)

  7. Sounds like you've had a wonderful month - and a belated happy birthday! The HP studio tour is totally on my bucket list.

  8. I can't wait for The Huntsman movie, just so I can stare at Chris Hemsworth. My god that man is beautiful lol.
    Those pictures of you and Allie are adorable! I haven't read the HP series BUT... it's one of my goals in 2016, so yay!
    I hope you love Night Owls and the LK series... Sugar Daddy isn't a fave but I love the next three books. :)

  9. I want to go to HP world so badly and happy belated birthday! Hope your day was fantastic! I'm excited for the Huntsman movie as well. Super excited!

  10. DARN CHRIS HEMSWORTH FOR BEING PRETTY. Also, this comment is brought to you by Sorry by Justin Beiber. I heard it a couple weeks ago and I had the same reaction as you did. WHY IS HE EVEN ON MY PLAYLIST. Yet there is something undeniably catchy about the song. Justin Beiber is upping his game as he grows older, I guess.

    Also, you and Allie are so cute <3 I LURVE YOU GUYS

    WHY DIDNT YOU POST A PIC of your tree, Jas! I WANTED TO SEE IT! Especially after I saw all those gorgeous Disney ornaments you got for it!

    I am glad you had such a fabulous month and such a great birthday, Jas <3

  11. Jasprit, you look adorable in Hogwarts robes and you look GORGEOUS in your birthday pic! I'm so glad you've been loving HTGAWM! I started Scandal since finishing it, so that's helping me cope with the wait for the rest of Season 2. I can't wait for you to read Night Owls next month--it's right up your alley!--and the Huntsman trailer looks so badass! Emily Blunt is one of my favorite actresses and, yes, Chris Hemsworth is always a good casting decision. ;) It looks like you had a wonderful November, dear, and I hope your December is just as amazing!

  12. Wow! You have had a fantastic month. Happy belated birthday. Loved your cake. I am glad you loved Cress. I adore Thorne. I am saving Winter for my winter break, and I am really looking forward to it. Hope your December is just as wonderful.

  13. Happy B-lated birthday! this month sounds like it was a lot of fun. It's awesome that you got to do the Harry Potter thing, Maybe I'll get to do that eventually too.

  14. I can't believe I missed your birthday! So happy belated birthday, Jasprit. It sounds like you had a wonderful birthday! :)
    I love that photo of you and Allie. So adorable and looks like you guys had a blast together.
    Wasn't Wolf the best? He's my favorite boy of the series. I think you're going to love Night Owls! And oh my goodness! You're going to be reading your first Lisa Kleypas. Sugar Daddy is not her best book, but the next one, Blue-Eyed Devil is absolutely wonderful. I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts about the book.
    Hope your December is just as amazing, Jasprit! :)

  15. Happy Belated Birthday!! OMG The studio tour looks amazing and so much fun. I'm super excited for The Huntsman. That cast is just brilliant!

  16. Wow, Jasprit! You look busy and happy :) Those pics are amazing... Lovely collection of books as well, and a nice November wrap-up. Also, happy (horribly belated) birthday!

  17. Ah, this for me, was like getting a recap of your Instagram! I told you this before, and I'll tell you now, I'm so happy you got to go to Harry Potter Studio- I'm sure it must have been a magical experience and your birthday seemed like a day well spent. Your pictures are gorgeous, girl!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts
