
Thursday, 17 March 2016

Bookish (and Not So Bookish) Thoughts #1

My friend Brandie @Brandie is a Book Junkie participates in this post each week and I always enjoy the post so I thought I'd give it a try. 

What I've been reading:

Act Like It Jane Steele Virgin River (A Virgin River Novel)

 I finished Act Like It after reading Keertana's glowing review I thought I'd pick this up and I loved it! It starts out as a fake romance between British stage actors that (of course) turns into the real thing.  It's super cute, filled with British humor and words (can I just say I love the word stroppy?), and left me with a big smile on my face.  I've listened to Virgin River, a recommend from Brandie and loved it! I'm already onto book two in the series. I've just picked up  Jane Steele.  I have high hopes because Jane Eyre is one of my all time favorite classics.

Since I joined Goodreads and started blogging my activity and diet have sucked. I'm not more than 10 pounds over what I'm used to, but the weight is enough that my clothes were uncomfortably tight.  I'm 5'2" so even 5lbs makes a difference.
The last few months I've been trying to change that, but recently I've become serious. I joined #FitReaders and have started tracking my steps with a goal of 10,000 steps every day. I haven't met it every day, but I'm close, and the tracker helps motivate me to do more when I'd normally come home from work and veg out with a book.  I committed to do something at least 5K in March and I completed that goal this last Saturday with a 6K hike I did with my sister (it really helps to have a buddy!).  It felt really good to be out in the fresh air on such a beautiful day:

I've been trying the low carb route for my diet, but not the super, super low Atkins 20.  Just the 40 carb a day diet, but trust me, that's still been tough, but I'm getting results. I can't tell you how much the phone app MyFitnessPal has helped with tracking! 
I'm constantly looking for tasty recipes that fulfill protein requirements without tipping the carb scales.  Here's what I tried this week: Lombardy Chicken.  I made some modifications on the recipe (you can see my notes on my Pinterest Pin), and I came up with 270 calories, 43.8 grams of protein and 7.4 carbs for one serving, 4oz of chicken (all figured out by MyFitnessPal!). It was pretty darn good!

#FitReaders is hosted by Jen @That's What I'm Talking About and Felicia @TheGeekyBlogger.  Here's my progress for the last week:

Thursday: 11,557 steps
Friday: 10,382 steps
Saturday: 23,167 steps (did my 6K hike)
Sunday: 7,939 steps (my legs needed a rest!)
Monday: 10,147 steps
Tuesday:10,201 steps
Wednesday: 12,645 steps


  1. I applaud your increased activity and admire all of you who do the FitReaders' all I have to do is somehow get myself in gear to do it...LOL.

    I hope to read Virgin River next's been languishing on my Kindle...sigh.


    1. Thanks, Laurel! I need to clean out my Kindle, too, and get to some of the titles I bought ages ago. I hope you enjoy Virgin River! I'm already on book two and loving it. :)

  2. It looks like you did pretty well with your fitness goals recently. That's awesome! i'm trying to eat healthier and be more active as well. I feel like i've lost some inches at the very least. I don't really track my weight. I'd much rather have more stamina and feel more fit than to really worry about the actual weight number. I don't have a way to track my steps, but if I get a smart phone (I know, I'm so behind! ahha) I might try and use some apps on there to track or at least motivate me more. I've been using Pinterest to find some healthier and easy to make recipes too - especially for breakfast and snacks b/c I never know what to eat! Good luck to you though!

    Fun post!


    1. I'm happy to hear you're trying to be more healthy and active too, Lauren! Losing inches is a great indicator, and being healthy is the most important thing. I want my clothes to fit properly, and not be winded going up flights of stairs. Pinterest is great for recipes! Good luck to you, too, with your fitness goals. Thanks! :)

  3. This is so awesome, Rachel! First of all, I'm thrilled you like Virgin River. I want that place to exist so I can move there. Lol. I think the first 4 books are SO good!
    You are rocking your steps, and I think it's wonderful that you're focused on meeting your step goals and eating healthier! It's definitely not easy at first, but once you get into the routine it gets easier! I'm going to have to check out that recipe. I'm always looking for new healthier ones!
    What a beautiful photo!!
    I'm going to have to find you on Fitbit and Myfitnesspal and add you!!

    1. I wish Virgin River existed, too, Brandie! I was just telling my husband I'd love to sell everything and lead a more simple life like they do (in theory). I'm already hooked on book 2, I'm listening to the audiobook and that's the only way I've read anything this week. I've been so busy at work.

      It isn't easy getting all my steps, but I feel so much better when I get to my goal. Thanks for all the motivation, Brandie! It does help when you support from friends. :)

      Yes, definitely look me up. Or I'll come and look you up on Fitbit & MyFitnessPal.

  4. That chicken looks good!! I love anything with mushrooms, so I'll definitely be pinning it :) I also want to get in better shape. I'm thin, but I think I'd feel better if I was more toned. I might join this yoga class near me in the next few weeks.

    1. Yoga is wonderful! It really builds muscles and flexibility! I need more of both, Michelle. I need to remember to mix up my workouts. I hope you enjoy the recipe! :)

  5. Yay re: FitReaders! The hike looks gorgeous!

    So curious what you think of Jane Steele -- I really liked it but not the first 20% or so. Going to read Act Like It as soon I am caught upon ARCs (if ever?!).

    Love to read your bookish and not so bookish thoughts, Rachel! ♥

    1. Thanks, Eva! I felt really good after that hike.

      I'm glad you told me about the first 20% of Jane Steele. That way I know to be patient. I haven't had any reading time this week! :( Work is kicking my butt.

      Thanks! :)

  6. Two (three) words: walking + audio-books. Good luck!

    1. I love listening to audio books on my walks! It does make the time just tick by! :)

  7. Ooo, that's a lot of steps! I'm curious to see what my step count would be, over a week! *seeks out pedometer* o.o I am very curious about Jane Steele! You'll have to let me know how it goes. :)

    Great post, Rachel!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. I bet you clock a lot more steps than you realize, Alyssa. I've still just got started on Jane Steele, so not sure. This week has been hell and I haven't any reading time! :( Thanks!

  8. WAY TO GO RACHEL!!! I was just telling Felicia how I needed to exercise more, and keeping track of my steps each day would be a good motivator. I do take Miss Gracie for a walk or two every day, so there's at least some movement taking place. I probably render that time useless though with the amount of chocolate I consume. Fail :)

    1. Thanks, Jenny! The FitBit and friends are helping motivate me. I'm sure Miss Grace is a great motivator as well! I'm sure you'd get sad doggy faces if you didn't take her. And no, chocolate doesn't count! ;)

  9. I am getting results from the low carb diet, but I couldn't do the Atkins 20 for sure. 40 is the lowest I'll go, and it hasn't been bad at all.

    The bad weather really sucks when you're trying to stay in shape. I do a spin bike indoors when that happens. Although, as you know, I don't get bad weather too often. The summer heat might be a problem, though.

  10. Oh Rachel. I feel like joining Fit Readers as well. I've been seeing that progress chart from Brandie's blog and a few of the bloggers I follow, so I thought I might as well. We all know our passion for reading is not the most amicable with being active, so I think it's a great idea.

    Lovely post, dear!

  11. Awesome post Rachel :) You are amazing for doing so well with the fitness thing. <3 I.. am not doing good at trying to be healthy at all, lol. Must start someday too :) Thank you for sharing. <3

  12. Yay...another FitReader's member!!! I love our group and one thing you'll soon realize is that it's like having your very own group of cheerleaders :) I've been part of the group since it started and absolutely love the motivation that the group provides! I'm not a big fan of the scale, either. I go by how I feel and how my clothes fit. I am a fitness walker, have walked a few 1/2 marathons and do yoga, though I've been slacking on that.

    And you're an audiobook listener as well...I am, too!!! I listen to audiobooks while walking - in fact, I'm currently listening to Jane Eyre (I must admit I never read it before - hangs head in shame) so that I can read Jane Steele. I read all the Virgin River books and am so glad to hear you are enjoying them on audio - like Brandie, I so wish that place really existed, I would move there, too!

    ~Kristin @ Always With a Book

    1. It's very motivational to be part of #FitReaders! Audiobooks are wonderful when you have to get out there alone. The time just flies by.

      I read Jane Eyre so long ago, after I had watched so many movie versions. I have to say it took me a long time because I had to look up so many words in the dictionary because so many words. The common English language today has changed so much and so many words they used back then are not widely used now. It was worth the time, though. I hope the narrator is good and you're enjoying it. :)

      I have to say, I'm having a little difficulty with Jane Steele. I was told by Eva (above) that the first 20% is tough, though. It's taking me forever to get past it. :(

    2. I forgot to ask...are you on Fitbit? If so, let me know and we can be Fitbit friends, if you want! Another great way to stay motivated - I love those weekly step challenges!!!

    3. I am on FitBit. There's weekly challenges? I only have my daily steps goal set up. I'll have to check that out.

  13. I'm so glad you enjoyed ACT LIKE IT, Rachel! I adored that book and keep returning to re-read my favorite passages. Also, congrats on the increased fitness and healthy eating routine--go you, girl! I definitely need to have more daily, weekly, and monthly fitness goals myself. Thanks for sharing with us, Rachel--I love knowing what you're getting up to beyond reading. :)

  14. Ah Rach, I feel your pain. I've put on 20+ pounds while waiting for my medical issue to be clarified (nervous eater over here...) But, now that it's all over, I managed to lose 11 pounds in 2 weeks with a 1000 calorie/day diet. It sounds terrible, but it's not. Take out bread, sugar, and most meat. Eat salads and drink a lot of coffee, and that's it. I haven't started exercising yet, because it's still too soon after my operation, so I'm not sure if I could exercise too on 1000 cal/day, but the idea is: don't get discouraged. These things can be solved once you reach a good place in your life where you can focus on them for the time being. And it sounds like you're making wonderfully good progress already! Keep it up <3

    1. I'm happy to hear you're getting back to your original weight, Ramona! Stress eating is something I can sympathize with. Wow, you're on a strict diet! Yeah, don't think I could exercise with a 1000 calorie limitation.

  15. I plan to start Act like it soon, it sounds really good. Good luck with you fitness and diet goals. I awful at these things, but I agree that having a buddy or community really helps. Thanks for sharing; I love to hear about your life behind the blogging.

    1. It is really cute and pretty funny, Ksenia. Hope you like it, too. :) Fitness and reading books don't always mix, but as an audiobook lover like me, it's easier to do both at the same time! It definitely makes the time go by faster! :)
