
Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Review: Paper Hearts (Hearts #2) by Claire Contreras

Paper Hearts (Hearts #2) by Claire Contreras
Publication Date: September 9th 2015
My rating:  4.5 Stars  

I lost her. No. I threw her away. She was my best friend. I was never supposed to fall in love with her. I was careless. She was heartbroken. I thought I was doing fine. But here she is, years later, forced to work with me, reminding me why I fell in love with her in the first place. And this time I'm going to do everything in my power to never let her go.

If you know me by now you will know how much I adore my second chance romances, I was a little wary when I picked up Paper Hearts as I absolutely  loved Oliver and Estelle’s story in Kaleidoscope Hearts, but I also wanted to know more about Jensen and Mia’s story and how things would end up for them.

To be honest Mia and Jensen’s story broke my heart, I didn’t think that anyone could top Oliver and Estelle’s relationship and especially because all the swoons that Oliver gave. But Jensen was a total sweetheart. You know those guy’s that’s in proper touch with his feelings and isn’t afraid to share them with the whole wide world? Jensen was one of those guys. He knew he had messed up with Mia in the past and it was sweet how he would do anything to get her back. He was willing to give her time and space, but he was always confident that he’d win her back. Mia and Jensen’s love for one another was fierce and strong like no other, I know they faced numerous obstacles along the way, but I knew deep down that they would always find their way back to each other and that they were meant to be. I could understand Mia being scared about losing herself with Jensen once again after being hurt the first time around, but Jensen had changed so much, his loyalty and love for Mia was so apparent and knew no bounds, it was obvious when they spent time together, their connection was so strong, it felt like nobody else was in the room and they only had eyes for one another. Their relationship was also off the charts, the subtle touches, sweet whisperings and Jensen’s jealousy over anyone who spent time with Mia was wonderful to watch play out. I just wish we had more of it, the small break in between also literally broke my heart, but it just made me fall for Jensen that much more, his openness for his love for Mia in his paper just made my heart melt.  Also I have a thing now for guys with beards (short ones) and so add that to all of Jensen’s amazing personality I was a goner!

Mia and Jensen’s relationship was a truly beautiful one, but I was also grateful that Contreras made the characters from Kaleidoscope Hearts an integral part of this story too. It was great being back with Estelle, Oliver and Victor, not only were they great in being there for Mia and keeping her grounded, but were also great at lifting a situation, and bringing fun and laughter when things were getting a bit too tough. These were characters that I became so fond of that I would totally be up for more stories from another character (maybe Victor, Pretty please Ms. Contreras!). Contreras truly did a wonderful job with Paper Hearts, her writing was beautiful and she’d created one of the most beautifully aching relationships I have come across in a long time! Honestly its one that will be thinking about for days to come and will look forward to coming back to reading again and again.


  1. I'm so glad this sequel loved up to your expectations, Jasprit! I love a good second-chance romance so I definitely need to pick up these books ASAP. Gorgeous review, dear!

  2. Jasprit, you're making it really hard not to want to ditch my current read and just buy this one and the first book. I love a second chance romance too and this sounds like it's wonderful. I love the sound of these characters especially. Also, it's always awesome when you get to see old characters too.
    I can't wait to experience this author's beautiful writing, Jasprit.
    Beautiful review! :)

    1. Thank you Nick, this is exactly how you've been making me feel with your book recommendations! I do hope you end up enjoying this series as much as I did when you give it a go :)

  3. I so want to read this now! I can never resist a good second chance romance. :)

  4. Glad to hear it was a good second chance romance and theirs was a beautiful one to boot

  5. Aw, this one sounds so adorable! <3

    I'm actually not a big fan of second chance romances. But I am a big fan of guys who show the world all their feelings. That kind of honesty is something I'd love about anyone, really! I'm so glad you've been enjoying this series, Jasprit, and I hope the next books are just as amazing!

    - Aila @ Happy Indulgence

  6. Second-chance romances featuring swoon-worthy protagonists ... well, what else can a girl wish for? :) Fabulous review, Jasprit.

  7. Stunning review Jasprit. <3 So glad you loved this book and this romance :D YAY. It seems pretty amazing. Not for me, but you are making me curious :) I like that cover a whole lot. So glad you ended up loving this one. <3 Thank you for sharing sweet girl :D
