
Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books I Loved During the First Year I Started My Blog


Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where each week they post a new top ten list and ask fellow bookish folk to share their lists on that topic.

This week's Top Ten post is: Ten Books I loved during the first year I started my blog. 

I started my blog all the way back in 2012, my reading tastes have changed a lot since then, so when I went to check my Goodreads list, there were some cringe moments, but alas here are some of my favourite books from 2012. 

These above seven books were some of my favourite reads of 2017, with me giving them all 5 stars, I'm sure if I was to read some of these again this year, my ratings definitely wouldn't be the same for some of them. But I remember with some books (Gone Girl, Shadows and This is Not A Test), I had many sleepless nights, but they were so worth it! 

And the above 3 books I rated 4 stars. 

This post really made me contemplate how I rate books these days, I think when I first started blogging, I used to rate books quite highly, but over the years, I think I'm become more of a critical reader! This list also shows I'm the worst when it comes to reading series, as I started Julie James FBI/Attorney series in 2012, and I still haven't finished it! 

What were some of your favourite reads from the year you started blogging? 


  1. We started our blogs like at the exact same time-- so I know what you mean about looking back at old faves. I really love Burn for Burn, This is Not a Test, and Gone Girl and think I would still love those books today! You must've been ahead of the hype on Throne of Glass-- I don't think I even heard of that series until like 2014!!

  2. I loved Hunting Lila when I first read it, but I still haven't read the sequel after being so excited for it. I just started getting back into the Burn for Burn series and I only have the last book left to read before I'm done with the series.

  3. Throne of Glass and Gone Girl were among the first books I read when I started my blog back in 2014!
    My TTT:

  4. I JUST read Throne of Glass (Finally!) and LOOOOVED it, great list, thank you for sharing!

  5. I really liked Divergent and Gone Girl. Shadows is on my wishlist. I know my thoughts on books have changed. I actually think I used to rate books harsher and now I am easier. Great list!


  6. Yes, Divergent was a great story. I'm glad you included it on your list.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  7. hahaha Big time cringe moments for me too, most especially my review content. I mean, really? lol I also read Ultraviolet my first year of blogging (2011 though) and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I had SO many favorites to choose from, I can't decide if I actually read that many great books or if my expectations were so low. hahaha

  8. I've definitely become more critical as well. Not sure if it's just because I have more to compare them to now or what. Back when I started I liked Dystopian quite a bit and now it's not something I particularly care to read much of. Some good ones on your list!

  9. o.o ha.. I haven't read any of these oops.
    Oh I noticed that myself that after blogging for years and years I became more critical. Maybe because it's due to the amount I read and that I have picked up some amazing books that cannot compare so they get now certain ratings

  10. I started Dec 08 so I would have to look at 09, but do I wanna ;)

  11. I kinda cringed too when I looked back ha ha. Tastes definitely DO change! I did like Divergent though, and Gone Girl is on my list to read soon. And I just read This Is Not A Test recently and loved it!

  12. I totally cringe when I look back at my early Goodreads reviews. I rated pretty much everything 5 stars. Except Twilight. I really didn’t like Twilight.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  13. Yes I loved Divergent too, and I still can't believe I haven't read Throne of Glass yet. I need to get that up further in the TBR queue.

    My TTT:

  14. Lovely list Jasprit :D Thank you for sharing about these books that you loved years back. <3 Ahhh, This Is Not a Test! PERFECTION. I re-read it a couple of years ago again, and still so so so good. And ah. Divergent. Was my all time favorite book for years. Unsure about it now.. but think I would still love it tons :)

  15. Dairy Queen made my list. I am such a fan of the series. Love Julie James too. Read them all. Want more. ToG is one of my fave series, and although I was disappointed with where Roth went, I did really like the first book of the series.

  16. I loved This is Not a Test. Have you read the sequel? So good!

    For What It's Worth
