
Sunday, 31 December 2017

Weekly Recap #19

Hi everyone, with Rachel and I's crazy work schedules, we miss sharing whats going on with us. We used to have a lot of fun with our Showcase Sunday posts, so thought we'd do something regular on the blog, where we share bookish news and life news in general as a weekly recap! We've decided to link our weekly wrap up's with The Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer.

This week is just me (Rachel) as Jasprit is off on holiday.  It's been a crazy few weeks for me between the holidays, vacation time, and work just about killing me. I've been so busy because there's been a big influx of patients being admitted into the hospital.  Flu season is definitely here.
I've also been planning a baby shower for a close family member so I haven't had much time for reading.  I also haven't been on a good exercise schedule and I think that's getting me down a bit. It's dark by the time I get home and so I haven't been doing my normal runs.  Must get back on track! I'm off this weekend for the holiday in the mountains so I'm enjoying the down time!


 (Click on title for Goodreads link)

The Chief, Moonlight Over Manhattan, and Kiss Me While I Sleep were my favorites of this batch. Roomies and Killman Creek were such a disappointment. :(


 (Click on title for Goodreads link)

I'm beyond exited for Burn Bright and Lake Silence!


I watched The Mountain Between Us after reading the book and I have to say it was a complete disappointment.  The casting was wrong and they deviated from the original story in a way that wasn't positive at all. Ugh!  I've been so disappointed by movies in general, and being in the mood for an end-of-the-world type scenario I Googled the best Apocalyptic movies and came up with a list of pretty highly rated movies that I'm going to work through, but one was The Edge of Tomorrow with Tom Cruise that was really good!


As I said, I'm on vacation in the mountains right now. I went on a hike which lead me to the beautiful sight below.  So I have got back to exercising as of today. I just need to keep it up!

How was your week?


  1. Have a great hoilday in the mountains. Its great to have a break. Have a great 2018.

  2. Man you sound busy!! I loved Moonlight Over Manhattan. So sad to hear Roomies was a disappointment though. I am just about to start The Dry on audio so we will see on that one. Hope you have a great week!

  3. Wow! That's sure a lot of awesome books you got there! I'm trying to get with my workout soon myself!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  4. Ooh, such a beautiful picture. Looks like a wonderful vacation. The short days in winter always drag me down a bit. The shortest day of the year is behind us though and here's to a Happy New Year!

    My Sunday Post

  5. Lovely pic of the mountain vacation! Have fun! And Happy New Year! 🎉 🎊

  6. Have a great vacation (and a happy New Year)! It seems like everyone is sick around here too.

    Burn Bright and Lake Silence both look great. Sorry to hear The Mountain Between Us was disappointing, but Edge of Tomorrow looks interesting. I somehow missed that one...

    Love the pic! Nice find. :)

  7. Have a great holiday!! Happy new year!

  8. Beautiful photo. I'm with you on needing to exercise and get moving more - my dance classes start back up on Friday though, so that's good!! I hope you have a great New Year!


  9. When I get off track with my runs, it puts me in a foul mood. I hope you can get back onto a schedule again! I'm so glad you liked the Sarah Morgan book!!! I love her books so much.
    Happy New Year, Rachel!

    1. I have every intention of knuckling down and getting back on track! Lol! Thank you, Brandie! You have a wonderful new year as well! :)

  10. I love nature vacations. Were going back to Colorado this summer for our vacation and I cant wait for the hiking and lakes and just relaxing. Happy 2018!

  11. I really liked Edge of Tomorrow which surprised me. i was all ready to hate it lol

    Happy New Year!

    For What It's Worth

  12. Sorry you didn’t like Roomies. It wasn’t great but I enjoyed it. Need to check out the ones you loved in this list. Moonlight Over Manhattan is calling my name. Thanks for sharing, 😁❤️

  13. totally get it, my reading has been slacking as well. Nice new additions to the TBR tho, hope you enjoy!

  14. Very nice that you got to take a break for a mountain hike especially with all that's going on at the hospital. I want to read Moonlight Over Manhattan eventually. You got some good ones in your haul.
    Bummer about the movie being a disappointment. I find that happens for me often, too.

    Have a good January and New Year, Rachel!

  15. As always, such an awesome recap Rachel :D Thank you for sharing about what you are doing. <3 And ahh, hugs. I'm sorry things have been a bit stressful and such. Hope it's going better now :) Yay for being at such a gorgeous place :D And yay for having read a lot too. <3 And eee, I love Edge of Tomorrow :D Such a good movie. Hope January is going great for you. <3
