
Sunday, 25 February 2018

Weekly Recap #25

Hi everyone, with Rachel and I's crazy work schedules, we miss sharing whats going on with us. We used to have a lot of fun with our Showcase Sunday posts, so thought we'd do something regular on the blog, where we share bookish news and life news in general as a weekly recap! We've decided to link our weekly wrap up's with The Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer.


(Click on title for Goodreads link)


So I'm still waiting for that book to completely wow me, Here So Far I ended up giving two stars, I didn't end up having that emotional connection as much as I was hoping. And although I enjoyed Hurts to Love You, I didn't like it as much as the rest of the series unfortunately, Lets just hope the upcoming weeks brings me my first five star read of the year! 

 (Click on title for Goodreads link)

I had a pretty great reading week, finishing up with my re-read of Alpha & Omega books 1-4 before I pick up Burn Bright tomorrow. Can't wait.  I loved Smooth-Talking Cowboy, my review will be up next week, but The Luckiest Cowboy of all wasn't my favorite Carolyn Brown.  I'm almost done with another Carolyn Brown, The Sometimes Sisters, and it's sooo good! The Lucky Ones was haunting and memorable. I really enjoyed the romance, too.

(Click on title for Goodreads link)

Nothing this week, which is good enough for me, as I'm still trying to whittle away my ARC copies alongside books I own. I actually reached 80% feedback rate on Netgalley for the first time in my life the other day, so I'm seriously trying to stay on top of things. 

 (Click on title for Goodreads link)

I'm excited for both Gunpowder Moon and Cowboy Bold!

(Click on Book for Goodreads link)

Even though this book has been out since the beginning of the year, this is the first time that I've heard of it, I'm not usually a fan of anthologies either, but this book sounds super adorable! 

(Click on cover for Goodreads link) 

Love Sandra Brown, so I'm excited to see there's a new book coming!  I haven't read all of the books in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series, but I do enjoy J.R. Ward's writing so I'm looking forward to Dearest Ivie, which sounds like it can be read separately and enjoyed.


So I used to love The Mentalist when it came on tv, I think I ended up watching the first few seasons thoroughly, but didn't get time for the last two, so for Christmas I put this on my list and was thrilled when my sister got me the box set! I've only just managed to get the time to start this and I just love being able to watch it once more!


I think I'm in season six of Justified and it has just got crazier and more violent. Not sure I really like the changes, but I'd like to see how everything plays out.



So I finally made the time to for the gym this week, I managed to fit in a session for body conditioning and circuits and was absolutely feeling it by the end of the week. I also took part in four workweek hustles challenges and it definitely motivated me to get those extra steps in, I actually managed to win one! A girl I know also started making these healthy snacks, I bought her chocolate brownies and peanut butter blondies and they were to die for, it makes me feel that much better for eating them, as I they're high in protein and super healthy to eat!


I did a bunch of walking last week in prep for my half-marathon training to commence on Monday.  Also, I've been researching a few trips for this year and the next. West Coast: Northern California, Oregon, and Washington later this year and then, hopefully, Ireland next year.  Planning is kind of half the fun with vacations, right?

How was your week?


  1. Hey congrats on the NG 80%! Yay!! The Briggs books look great, and I'm really curious about Gunpowder moon too. That one looks sooo different.

    Yummy looking brownies BTW :)

    Planning IS half the fun, and Ireland? Nice!

  2. Wow on the 80%!!! I haven't reached that number yet. Absolutely awesome :)

  3. I didn't realize there were that many seasons of Justified. I need to start watching it.

  4. Jas - the subject matter for Here So Far Away was just a no for me, though I am curious to see why you rated it so low. Those brownies and blondies look ah-maizng. Yum! I am back to a hair below 80% right now, because I just got a bunch of approvals, but once I get through March, I don't have as many books to review. Good job to you though!

  5. Amazing Haul this week! I really want to get The Lucky Ones. So many good reviews on that. I also haven't read anything by JR Ward. I should do that soon. I hope you have a great week.

    Mary #SundayRoundup #7

  6. Great set of books and Meet Cute is one that I've wanted to check out. J.R. Ward is an author I've been wanting to read for a while and I've heard a lot about. Have a great week!

  7. Ahhh, I love the cover of that Alisha Rai book! Man bun guy for the win! ;) I've not read any of Rai's books but I've seen her at the Baltimore Book Festival - she's such a poignant speaker. I will try one of her books soon!

    I hope you both enjoy all of your new books! Have a great week, ladies. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  8. Great book haul. I hope you love them all. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  9. Jasprit: Omg, those brownies look amazing - and I'd feel good eating them too. That's great you were able to get into the gym. I'm planning on joining one in March so I hope to be able to utilize their classes, etc. more.

    Rachel: I love planning vacations! Sounds like some nice ones coming up. I'm glad you liked The Lucky Ones. That's one I really want to read.


  10. Enjoy your books!!! The brownies look delicious!

    Have a great week!

  11. Yay for 80%! The Lucky Ones is one I want to get to. I have been meaning to read one of her books for ages. Those brownies are making me hungry!! Have a great week!

  12. Whoa, so awesome that you both are living healthy with the gym (the only gym-related exercise I'm willing to put up with is muay thai), healthy snacks and marathons! Rachel--so jealous of your travel plans! Take me with you. <3 Have an awesome week, ladies!

    - Aimee @ Aimee, Always

  13. yay for gym and healthy living. I got myself a bike because I don't have easy access to the gym, and have been enjoying that. Jasprit, sorry none of the books you read wowed you, hoping this week will be better. Rachel, you read a lot and most of them looked enjoyable :D
    The brownies tho... me want

  14. I really like the Alpha and Omega books. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on the new one at some point.

  15. I'm currently reading the lucky ones... Not sure how I feel about it yet...

  16. I have Hate to Love You coming up to read and I hear that's a good one. What the heck is that J.R. ward?? Never heard of it before. But I quit the BDB a while ago.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  17. Awesome recap for the past week girls :D I'm glad you both got to read and watch some awesome things. <3 I have not read or seen any of it, ahh, but all looks awesome :D I hope you are both having an amazing week. <3 Hugs. And ahh, those cookies looks awesome :D

  18. Oh man, Here So Far Away is coming up next on my reading list. Hopefully I enjoy it a little more than you did? I really need to catch up on Alisha Rai's series too. I just read the first book last month and liked it a lot. Can't wait for the Smooth Talking Cowboy review!
