
Sunday, 22 April 2018

Weekly Recap #30

Hi everyone, with Rachel and I's crazy work schedules, we miss sharing whats going on with us. We used to have a lot of fun with our Showcase Sunday posts, so thought we'd do something regular on the blog, where we share bookish news and life news in general as a weekly recap! We've decided to link our weekly wrap up's with The Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer.


Hi everyone, sorry for the radio silence for the last few weeks, I had just been dealing with some personal things and just really needed to spend time with family and take a step back from everything. I'm hoping to slowly get back into blogging and reading and my shows as I think now I just need things to keep me busy, so if you have any recommendations, hit me up! I know I haven't done a recap in like three weeks, so for this post I'm just going to focus on the positive highlights instead of overwhelming you with everything in one post! 


Like Jasprit, I've been out of touch due to personal reasons.  Happy family reasons! My daughter gave birth to a little girl! I've been staying with her up in Northern California (still here now) helping with the brand new baby and my daughter's 2 1/2 year old son. Both are so very cute, but I'm exhausted!


(Click on title for Goodreads link)

These were two books that I really ended up enjoying, both came as a surprise as I went into them not knowing much about them, but they ended up being really memorable for me especially In Search of Us. 

(Click on title for Goodreads link)

I won't overwhelm you with everything, just my three most memorable reads.   Loved the backpacking setting and second chance romance in Starry Eyes!  Dearest Ivie was really good, and a way to be in the BDB world without having to be caught up with all that's gone down. It can basically be read as a standalone which was good considering I'm totally behind on the rest of the series and I don't know that I'll ever catch up.  Scourged was the conclusion of the Iron Druid Chronicles and such a complete disappointment! Kevin Hearne owes his fans a novella to fix the mess that we ended with in Scourged! What a complete downer! I was sooooo upset with how it turned out and that's really a tragedy considering IDC is one of my all-time favorite series.

(Click on title for Goodreads link)

This book came on my radar thanks to Nick, I started it this week and its kind of been slow for me so far, I hope it picks up soon!


I'm currently reading Love at Last and really loving it! I can't wait to read the third mystery in the Angie Pallorino series, and I really enjoyed the first book in The Cowboys of Colorado series so I'm looking forward to A Touch of Flame.

(Click on Book for Goodreads link)


As I mentioned above I really enjoyed The Cruel Prince, I can't wait to see how things go down in the next book The Wicked King! The Candle and the Flame by a friend who I've know for a while Nafiza Azad also has me all kinds of excited! 

(Click on Book for Goodreads link)

Didn't know J.R. Ward had a new series coming out, but this sounds interesting.



It was the season finale of Scandal this week and overall I was happy with the ways things ended, but it also left me so sad at the same time, I've been following this show for seven years now and it's definitely an end of an era! I also watched Thor Ragnorok this week, I need to get prepared for Avengers Infinity War, I think I still need to squeeze in Doctor Strange in!


Liked both movies, although I think the first Jurassic Park is still the best one so far.



I became an auntie again! If you follow me on Instagram you'll probably see that my feed is full of my niece, well now she is a proud sister, I'm not sure what she'll be like when he comes home, as she's currently centre of attention, I'm sure she'll be kicking off soon enough :/ And I finally began my training for my Spartan race, my cousin took part in his race last week, and so was kind enough to share some of the obstacles that I would be facing and the majority of them are made up of arm strength, which isn't my strongest, so this week I spent some time just working on my arms, I think the upcoming weeks will be full of the same. 


  I've barely had time to keep up with my training for my upcoming marathon with is three weeks away now! One good thing about being up here is the trails are awesome and gorgeous (see pictures below) up here! I'll be running my 10 miles later today.

How was your week?


  1. Hey guys! Congrats Rachel on your daughter's little one! How awesome! Hope you guys are well. I definitely want to read The Cruel Prince, I was curious and looking at it in the bookstore the other day and I got sucked right in, so I can tell I'm gonna like it. :)

    Starry Eyes is another one. How did you like Thor ragnarok? I thought it was pretty good, the humor worked for me in that one... Jurassic Worls I wasn't crazy about, but I just saw the trailer for the new one and it looks... okay? I do think the first movie is the best, for sure.

    Congrats Jasprit on being an aunt, and good luck with your training you guys!

    1. Thank you, Greg! I saw the previews for the next Jurassic Park, too, and I'm debating if I'll watch it. :)

  2. I have Dearest Ivie and The Cruel Prince on my TBR so I'm glad you enjoyed them!
    Congrats on the new grandbaby and new nephew!
    I can't wait for Infinity War...
    Have a good week!

  3. Congrats Rachel to your daughter's child! I need to watch Thor Ragnarok soon! Hope you both have a great week!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays and Cover Spotlight!

  4. Congratulations on being new Auntie and being new Grandma! Exciting times.

    Jasprit I'm looking forward to delving into Holly Blacks new books.

    Angelica @ Paperback Princess

  5. Jas, welcome back! I hope you can get back into everything again. And Rachel, congratulations!

  6. Congrats on the birth of your daughters baby and I hope that everything is going well for you now. Welcome back and have a great week :)

  7. Congrats on being an auntie Jasprit and to you Rachel for your new grand Baby! Good luck to the both of with your training.

  8. Welcome back! Congrats to you both on new family members! Hope you both have a fantastic week!

  9. I thought Hearne left us with hope, but would love reading anything more in the world. Yay for a new grandbaby and yep watching them is exhausting. Hope this week is good!

    1. I think it would've been more bearable if I new there were more to come in the series, but to have the series end like that was disappointing. I would love to read a novella to show that Atticus is on the mend and moving on. :)

  10. Congrats to your sister, Jasprit, and congrats to your daughter, Rachel. Yay for healthy babies! I'm hosting a friend's baby shower this Saturday and I can't wait (it's book themed!). I'm excited for the new Avengers movie, but I still haven't seen Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and The Black Panther.


  11. Congrats on the new grandbaby and niece! I enjoyed Cruel Prince and can't wait to read the Wicked King. Hope you have a great week!

  12. I hope things get better fro you soon, but we all have to take a step back from time to time. I can't believe you got The Wicked King! I hope you love it!

  13. I don't read the Hearn series but whoo-boy the reactions have been vocal and mixed for Scourged. Sorry it didn't work for you.

    I loved Starry Eyes and I had a few issues with The Cruel Prince but liked it overall.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  14. Congrats on the grandbaby, Rachel! Good luck with running 10 miles. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  15. Rachel - Congratulations, Grandma! What wonderful news!
    Jas - I am so happy you liked In Search of Us, because I loved it so much! It was gorgeously written and Marilyn's story brought me to tears.

  16. Congrats on all the new babies in your families!!!

    Jasprit-I must say, it's sad to think of Scandal being over. I've enjoyed the show so much over the years. And I just watched Thor: Ragnarok too! I felt the same way, have to catch up with all the ones I missed before the new Avengers, which for me also included Doctor Strange. lol I watched that a few weeks ago though. The graphics are amazing in that film.
    Rachel-I think Jurassic Park is still the best too.

  17. Hi, Ladies!

    Just slowly getting back into the swing of things as well. Really happy to be back, though. How have you been?

    I just downloaded Luck of the Draw and the latest from Ms. Connor.

    Hope your week is going great so far!

  18. Rachel - congrats on the new grandbaby!! That is so exciting! I hope your race goes well. Mine is this weekend and I'm super nervous!

    Jasprit - I hope all is well with you, and congrats on being an aunt again!

  19. Sounds like you both are so busy, ack :) And aw, I'm sorry things aren't the best Jasprit :\ Hope you are okay and that your family is too. <3 All the hugs. And YAY Rachel :D Congrats on becoming an aunt again. <3 I became a second aunt too, in January, haha :) have an 8yo nephew, now a baby niece. <3 Whom is the cutest :) I hope you are both doing so so well and are reading great books. <3 All the hugs :) Great recap, as always.
