
Sunday, 19 August 2018

Weekly Recap #34

Hi everyone, it's just me, Rachel, as Jasprit is on vacation.  It's been forever since I've done one of these so I guess I can't really call it a "Weekly Recap" and I won't share everything. That would be just too much. We link our weekly wrap ups with The Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer.


(Click on title for Goodreads link)

I'm just going to narrow down what I've read to my three favorites so far this summer.  Each are very different. I've got a thriller/mystery/crime-procedural: Girl in the Moss which was the series ender for the Angie Pallorino series.  If you haven't read it you should! You can binge read all three books at once. Love doing that!  You can't go wrong with any Ilona Andrews book, but I was a little nervous when I found out Hugh would be getting his own book. To be honest he was quite the despicable character and I wondered if/how he would be redeemed.  Ilona Andrews not only redeemed Hugh, but they made me root for him! Beard Science was an Audible sale purchase from like a year ago.  I finally got around to listening and I loved it! Cleetus and Jen were unique and quirky and made me laugh so many times! Joy Nash's performance as Jennifer was so amazing! I loved her Southern accent and her comedic timing! 


 (Click on title for Goodreads link)

I really enjoyed Don't Call Me Cupcake and the teaser for Don't Touch My Petunia made me wish for the book immediately. Finally got a copy.  I can't believe Magic Triumphs is supposed to be the last book in the Kate Daniels series! I'm excited to read but hoping to have more KD maybe through spinoffs? I'm going to listen to the audio as well next month while on a road-trip vacation.  I've never read P.J. Tracy but her Monkeewrench mystery series has great ratings, so when I was offered a copy of The Guilty Dead I accepted. I love mystery/thrillers/crime-procedurals.  So we'll see what happens.


A scary and atmospheric movie! I was on the edge of my seat clutching at my heart at times! I was a little disappointed by the ending events in regards to a particular character, but I've heard there's going to be a sequel and so I hope my disappointment changes. Still, I totally recommend the movie!


So many things... I've just been so busy lately. Between work, renovating my house, and traveling back and forth from the SF Bay area I'm just beat. I did get in little vacation by the beach last weekend with a glorious massage! And I've been lounging in the pool this weekend in between renovations, so I can't complain too much.

As for exercise, my running has been put on hold for the most part until we get some reasonable temperatures out here. It's been highs of 100+ for like two months now.  Did I mention I'm so done with Summer? Anyhow, I've been doing a bunch of strength training and I'm doing this: 28-day Squat, Plank, Lunge Challenge so I'm not a complete vegetable, lol!

How was your week?


  1. The Girl in the Moss looks awesome, and hope the guilty Dead is good too! A Quiet Place looks freaky but I like Emily Blunt... good to know that it's a good one. :)

    100's is too hot to run, for sure! Hope you guys get a cooldown. I'm pretty over summer too.

  2. Is it crazy that I'm a little creeped out by watching A Quiet Place, but I'm super excited for KW's The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein?! lol. I think the older that I get, the more afraid of the actual tv shows/movies that are scary because it makes it seem more real. lol. But, I do really want to watch this, so I might save it for October.

    The Girl In The Moss sounds like it's going to be a really great book. :)

    If you get the chance, come by my blog and check out my Sunday Post Ramblings post.
    Suz @ Bookish Revelations

  3. I LOVED Iron and Magic. Can't wait to get my hands on Magic Triumphs and, like you, I'm really hoping for spin-offs in this world. There are several characters I'd love to have more of. (fingers crossed, eh!)

  4. I loved A quiet place, even though it hiked my blood pressure too often. I hated whatever happend to 'that character' too. I didn't know there was gonna be a sequel and am glad there is.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  5. I loved Iron Magic and Magic Triumphs. Like you I am hoping for spinoffs or more stories from the world. A Quiet Place looks creeptastic!

  6. I totally need to check out the Angie Pallorino series. I liked but didn't love the Quiet Place. Still I liked that it was different. I think I am done with summer now too. Have a great week!

  7. The Quiet Place was really good! And I don't get creeped out often

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  8. I’m glad you liked A Quiet Place because I need to see that one. It sounds like you’ve been busy. I’m done with summer, too. I have no motivation to do anything when it’s hot. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  9. Hey Rachel! I'm glad you had a nice summer, though busy it seems. A nice massage and pool time sounds lovely. Summer has really flown this year, but I did lots of fun things and read awesome books so I can't complain. haha


  10. I need to catch up on the Beard series. I love Reid's books so much. They are fun, quirky, and smart. Glad to hear it was good. You, me, and almost everyone I talk to is done with summer. Over it!

  11. I want to see A Quiet Place so bad. I need to rent it soon! It looks awesomely creepy.
    I'm ready for fall temps here, too. Running in the humidity is no fun.
    Summer went so fast! I'm glad you're doing well, Rachel!

  12. I have been wanting to see the Quiet Place for so long! I also need to read the Hugh Story by Illona Andrews. I have it on Audible. Have a lovely week, Rachel.

  13. I've been hearing such good things about Iron and Magic. I'm slowly catching up on Kate Daniels and as soon as I'm done, I'll be reading Iron and Magic.
    I just finished reading Don't Touch My Petunia and it was really cute.
    Honestly, I am not a horror person AT ALL, but I've been wanting to watch The Quiet Place because of all the hype.
    Enjoy your week, Rachel!

  14. Yay :D Awesome recap Rachel. <3 I hope you had the most amazing summer possible :D YAY for reading a bunch. I have not seen A Quiet Place yet, but I really want to. SO glad you enjoyed it :D Happy reading love. <3 And Jasprit! I hope you had the most awesome summer too :D Hugs. <3
