
Saturday, 26 January 2019

Weekly Wrap Up #37

Hi guys, just me Jasprit again this week. It was a quiet week for me this week, I feel like this week just flew by with me doing nothing but reading, which was a good thing, as I had my first five star read in what feels like forever and I'm actually in the mood for reading!! I've got my reading plan for my next couple of books too, which I haven't done in a while. The only time I went out was to watch Glass, which was incredible, more on that later and I got to spend the day with my niece and nephew, what more could I ask for!
We link our weekly wrap ups with The Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer.

(Click on title for Goodreads link)


Although I didn't enjoy More than Words, as much as Santopolo's The Light We Lost, this story was still a beautiful one. China Rich Girlfriend took up most of my reading time this week, I didn't realise this book was so long, but it was so worth it, as I ended up giving this book five stars. 

 (Click on title for Goodreads link)


Christina Lauren have quickly become my new favourite writing duo, I just love getting lost in their laugh out loud sexy books, so of course I snapped this book up straight away. 

(Click on Book for Goodreads link)

Bear Town was a book which kept popping up on my Goodreads feed this week, so I decided to see what it was about, surprisingly I found that all my Goodreads friends who had read it, had rated it five stars, and just from reading the summary it sounds like an incredible read! And of course after reading and loving China Rich Girlfriend, I knew I had to read the next book in what is becoming one of my favourite series! 


Me and my friend went to watch Glass this week, after watching Split and Unbreakable impulsively one day, whilst I was a fan of Split, Unbreakable not so much, we were incredibly excited about watching these three actors come together. Shyamalan once again didn't disappoint, things kicked off from the beginning and had me sitting on the edge of my seat until the very end. If you're new to this Unbreakable series, then it's one I highly recommend watching. 


Me and my friend went to check out the new pizza place which had opened up near where I live; MOD pizza, you can create your own pizza with whatever toppings you want, I was pretty impressed with my pizza at the end. I definitely think I'll be visiting this place again sometime soon. 

How was your week?


  1. Yay for your first five star read! I love those books.
    I'm so excited for the Unhoneymooners! All their books are amazing. That pizza looks yummy too! It's been forever since I've had pizza for some reason LOL. Now I just might have to grab some today. ;)

  2. Yay for the 5 star read! I had a similar experience, my January reading started out lackluster and then I got a good one and everything was right again haha!

    Ooh that looks like an awesome pizza place. I could live on pizza. :)

  3. YAY for a 5 star read. I am hoping to start that series soon. I am hoping to get The Unhoneymooners but we will see. I loved Beartown! I listened though. Started a tad slow but was so so good. Have a great week!!!

    1. Oh thanks for the heads up Grace, I'm going to see if I can get a copy from my library first, otherwise i will try the audio :)

  4. I had a slow week too, but I never mind those! I need to watch Glass!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays and Cover Spotlight!

  5. First of all, that pizza looks so delicious! There are Mod Pizzas in the US too though in Philly they have one called Blaze. It's a similar concept.

    I need to get around to reading Kevin Kwan's books! I really enjoyed the CRA movies and I think Rashika has told me that she thinks I'd enjoy the books as well. Good to know that you had fun with them as well.

    I accidentally downloaded Unhoneymooners ... I haven't been a fan of Lauren's last two books, but I do love this new cover.

    I hope you have a good week, Jasprit!

  6. Pizza! Oh, I could really eat some pizza right now... That looks amazing!

    I remember watching Unbreakable years ago and being severely underwhelmed. I never bothered with any of the others but I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the latest one!

    Have a good week.

  7. I got the new Christina Lauren too! I'm having a hard time not jumping into it immediately. lol I was a huge fan of Split too and I think I liked Unbreakable? I'm not sure, honestly, it was so long ago. Very excited to see Glas though - glad to hear you liked it!

  8. First of all, pizza is always a good idea. I grew up in Brooklyn, and am a little bit of a pizza snob, but even bad pizza is pretty good. I enjoyed the Crazy Rich Asians series. It was OTT fun and I found the historical bits interesting. Backman really writes beautiful books. I need to read more of his stuff. I am jealous of everyone with the new CLo book. I hope I can get an approval. Everything they wrote last year was a win for me.

  9. I really want to see Glass! I enjoyed Unbreakable, it was a cool concept. I have to check out Kevin Kwan's books. Have a wonderful week.

    Mary #SundayRoundup #55!

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks for letting us know, hopefully they should be working for you now!

  11. Yay for 5-star reads! I had a pretty good reading week, too. Beartown is on my TBR list. I’ve read a few other books by the author and loved them all. Have a good week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  12. I've never seen Unbreakable or Split, but I meant to see Split. It looked really good. I'm glad you loved Glass.


  13. Pizza is always a good idea! I really liked Unbreakable back when it came out, so I definitely want to see Glass. Split is somehow related, too? I watched the trailer and wow, it's creepy!

    I got a copy of the Unhoneymooners too after passing on Josh & Hazel and then seeing all the praise and then finally picking up and loving it, I didn't want to miss this one. It sounds really fun! Arlene told me Beartown is excellent. You've just reminded me to request a library copy. :)

  14. I love create your own pizza places. So fun! I just got The Unhoneymooners, too...I'm so excited to read it. They write the best romances. Beartown is one of my top favorite reads last year. It starts of really slow...make sure to give it a chance. It took me a few times of picking it up before I got into it. But it's SO WORTH IT!!

  15. It's a pretty good week for us; we started going to the YMCA for more physical therapy. I've been lucky to have more than a few 5 star reads already this year. I really enjoy Christina Lauren. I hope you find some more amazing reads this week. Anne - Books of My Heart

  16. Awesome recap Jasprit :D Glad you are doing well. <3 Hugs. And yay for good pizza :D And gosh! YAY for having read a five star book :D That is the best feeling. <3 Sigh. I hope you are still reading a bunch of amazing books :) Hugs. And ohh, Glass. I have not seen Split yet, but I own it, and I am so curious about it :)
