
Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Review: The Lullaby Girl by Loreth Anne White

The Lullaby Girl (Angie Pallorino #2) by Loreth Anne White
Publication date: November 14th 2017
Publisher: Berkley
My rating: 4 Stars
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | TBD
Detective Angie Pallorino took down a serial killer permanently and, according to her superiors, with excessive force. Benched on a desk assignment for twelve months, Angie struggles to maintain her sense of identity—if she’s not a detective, who is she? Then a decades-old cold case washes ashore, pulling her into an investigation she recognizes as deeply personal.

Angie’s lover and partner, James Maddocks, sees it, too. But spearheading an ongoing probe into a sex-trafficking ring and keeping Angie’s increasing obsession with her case in check is taking its toll. However, as startling connections between the parallel investigations emerge, Maddocks realizes he has more than Angie’s emotional state to worry about.

Driven and desperate to solve her case, Angie goes rogue, risking her relationship, career, and very life in pursuit of answers. She’ll learn that some truths are too painful to bear, and some sacrifices include collateral damage.

But Angie Pallorino won’t let it go. She can’t. It’s not in her blood.

My Thoughts:

Some spoilers ahead if you haven’t read the first book.

The Lullaby Girl takes us back to the life of Angie Pallorino, and after the events of the last book her career as a detective is in jeopardy.  She’s being accused of excessive force in taking down a serial killer!  Really?  I sort of thought this was ridiculous, and even if she did fire off a bunch of rounds into him, hello, he was a really bad guy and deserved it!  This is important to Angie, but she’s distracted by her own mystery, and getting to the bottom of her identity; what happened the night she was abandoned at the hospital takes precedence.  She remembers blood, gun fire, and lullabies sung in Polish.  

Maddocks has his own hands full with the bar code girls; girls forced into sex work on the Amanda Rose. All evidence is pointing to organized crime, and Maddocks is trying to find the responsible parties so no other girls will suffer or die.  Angie’s past and this current case have some disturbing things in common, and it soon becomes evident that Angie is in danger.  The ending wrapped up with some exciting and tense moments and had me on the edge of my seat!

All this is taking place while Maddocks and Angie try to navigate their new relationship.  I was afraid Angie was going to get skittish and push Maddocks away for good, but thankfully that wasn’t the case.  She did have her moments, but she did think things through and thought of the big picture before ruining things.  Maddocks was a prince! I just loved this man! He realizes some of the reason Angie’s in hot water is because she was trying to protect him and his daughter; it touches his heart that she put herself on the line for him like that. He also is pretty understanding that Angie has issues because of her past, and cuts her a lot of slack.  I know these two have what it takes for the long term! They just sizzle and spark every time they’re together!

The Angie Pallorino series is captivating and thrilling, with flawed, but likable characters.  It’s must for anyone who enjoys a well written police procedural, but truly, the romance is my favorite part, and I hang on every interaction between Angie and Maddocks! I’m anxious to find out where Loreth Anne White takes Angie and Maddocks in the next book, especially with how things turned out here!

Connect with Loreth Anne White:


  1. I haven't read the first one so I just skimmed this but it looks really good. I'll have to look up the first book.

  2. Ooh this sounds good and suspenseful! Lol about the excessive force thing- that cracked me up. But the relationship between Angie and Maddocks does sound fun and it's nice that it's handled so well.

    Sounds like a killer ending too! Nice review. :)

  3. Oh... now I hadn't heard of this series, but it sounds just the thing. Great review, Rachel!

  4. I skimmed this, because I just saw it pop up on goodreads lately and everyone was enjoying it so I hope to read book one. But you gave it 4 stars, so I am assuming you enjoyed it :P

  5. Lovely review Rachel :D I'm glad you are enjoying this series a bunch so far. Yay for good romance :D Sounds like an interesting book too. <3
