
Sunday, 19 November 2017

Weekly Wrap Up #17

Hi everyone, with Rachel and I's crazy work schedules, we miss sharing whats going on with us. We used to have a lot of fun with our Showcase Sunday posts, so thought we'd do something regular on the blog, where we share bookish news and life news in general as a weekly recap! We've decided to link our weekly wrap up's with The Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer.


(Click on title for Goodreads link)


I'm super shocked by how many books I was able to finish this week, I've still been devouring all the New Adult and Adult books and they still seem to be working for me so far. I really enjoyed the second book in Frederick's Gridiron series Jock Blocked, it's probably my favourite of the series so far, whereas the rest have just been okay evs for me, but I still can't stop reading these books. And I'd read the first book in the Kate Daniels series a few years ago, but lately it had been popping up on my feed so much, that I realised that I really wanted to get back to this series once more, I started A Questionable Client and was completely hooked, that I've requested books two and three from the library! 

 (Click on title for Goodreads link)

So it seems I read a lot, but not really for two weeks.  Falling Into You was a mixed bag, gosh, so many issues! I LOVED Golden Dynasty! The audio book was amazing! The Rancher's Christmas Song was so wonderful as well. Perfect holiday read.  Monster in the Closet was a total bust and way too long. I feel like I'm coming home every time I pick up Robyn Carr's Virgin River series, and Redwood Bend was wonderful.  Someone to Wed was just oh-so-lovely! I highly recommend Mary Balogh to historical romance fans!

(Click on title for Goodreads link)


I was lucky enough to meet Krista and Becca Ritchie this last week at the Four Book Brit Fest and despite giving their books a go a while back, I felt like I wanted to jump back into more of their books, so got myself a copy of Amour Amour.

 (Click on title for Goodreads link)

I was seriously creeped out by The Hatching series! Who wouldn't be with smart spiders taking over, seriously! I can't wait to find out how the human race does in this final installment! I'm a long-time fan of Lisa Gardner's mystery/suspense novels, and Look For Me promises to be an on-the-edge-of-your-seat-type of read.  I loved Chanel Cleeton's Wild Aces series, so I'm seriously excited for Next Year in Havana! Katie Ruggle writes some amazing romantic suspense so I was thrilled to get a copy of Survive the Night.

(Click on Book for Goodreads link)

Did you all hear about Hafsah Faizal's debut book We Hunt the Flame coming out in 2019? When I read about it last week, I was super excited, it sounds so good! You can read more about it here

  I'm going to leave this blank because I already have too many books to consider above. :) I'm sure you'll hear all about them in the coming weeks.  



Finally Riverdale has got back on track, I wasn't really feeling the first few episodes, but last week's episode just about destroyed me, and I can't wait to see how things will go down this week. 


I went and saw Murder on the Orient Express this last weekend. It was pretty but I think the previous adaptation did a better job. Still a great movie.



Last week was my week off, but it so didn't feel like it, I tried to catch up with everything and then I had a trip to Monday Night Raw, we decided to do the tourist thing of Manchester and we didn't back until really early morning, I was absolutely knackered, about lost my voice, but it was such a wonderful experience. 

I was also able to attend the Four Books Brit Fest in Manchester I was able to meet with authors Claire Contreras, Becca and Krista Ritchie and one of my all time favourite authors Mariana Zapata, for once I wasn't a mouse when meeting her, and she was absolutely lovely, we were talking about our favourite fictional crushes from her books and she said we both had similar tastes as we both liked jerks! I was able to attend this event with my good friend Allie, we had a massive food crawl leading up to the event. I was also able to meet up with Siiri, she's been one of my friends for the longest times, so it was great that we were finally able to meet up! 

How was your week?


  1. Lots of reading done lately, ladies!! I am hoping to get approved for the new Lisa Gardner book!

  2. I would read all of those books!!Great week!!

  3. Jasprit, I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying the Jen Frederick series for the most part. I need to get back to the Kate Daniels series myself. I love the authors and the writing is very fun. I'm curious to see what you think of Amour Amour. And ahhh!! You met Siiri!!!! How exciting! You all look so pretty in that photo. I'm with you on Riverdale. I enjoyed last week's episode a lot. I wasn't quite sure where the show was going this season.

    Rachel, you have so many exciting new books. I'm really excited about Last Year in Havana too. A friend told me she loved it, so I'm looking forward to it. I'm going to watch Murder on the Orient Express this week and I'm excited. I loved the book so I'm curious to see what they do with this adaptation.

    Have a good week ahead, you two! :)

  4. Hope ya'll enjoy the new books and the week coming up as well. Happy reading.

    My Sunday Post

  5. I had no idea Hafsah had a book accepted for publication! That's amazing! Hearing stories like this really does motivate me to want to work on my own writing more, because I DO want to be a published author someday.


  6. Have a great week!

    That Balogh book looks cute, totes want it. Oh and the Havana one

  7. A Questionable Client looks fun, and I keep seeing good things about Ilona Andrews. Maybe a UF author I should try at some point. Look For Me does too, I've been all about the suspenseful reads lately for some reason!

    Riverdale is kind of a trip right now, isn't it? And I do want to see Murder on the Orient express, I've seen some mixed reviews but it looks fun. Glad it wasn't too bad.

    Have a great week you guys and happy Thanksgiving!

  8. Way to go with all the reading!!! Have a great week!

  9. Oh wow lots of reading!! I need to check out that RaeAnne Thayne book. I have really like what I have read from her. Enjoy your new books and have a great week!

  10. I love the photos! You guys sure read a lot. Have a great week.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  11. I thought I've read or bought all of Ilona Andrew's books but I have never even heard of that one!

    For What It's Worth

  12. Yay for lovely recap :D I'm glad you are both doing great. <3 Hugs. And YAY for reading and loving a bunch of books lately :D That is the best feeling. I'm so tired of reading bad books, haha :) Hope you are both having such an amazing November. <3 All the hugs.

  13. Jasprit, I loved Matty in Jockblocked! Swoon.
    Rachel, I thought Monster in the Closet was too long as well. I liked the story and it could have been great if it were like 200 pages shorter!

  14. wow you guys read some really lovely books this week! I completely missed out on The Rancher's Christmas Song !! I love her writing so much that I need to pick it up for the holidays

  15. I'm not a big romance reader, but I do love Robyn Carr, especially her Grace Valley and Virgin River series. They're just so heartfelt! And Robyn is a wonderful person -- sweet, generous, and warm. Glad I'm not the only VR fan out there :)
