
Sunday, 18 February 2018

Weekly Recap #24

Hi everyone, with Rachel and I's crazy work schedules, we miss sharing whats going on with us. We used to have a lot of fun with our Showcase Sunday posts, so thought we'd do something regular on the blog, where we share bookish news and life news in general as a weekly recap! We've decided to link our weekly wrap up's with The Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer.


(Click on title for Goodreads link)

Another mixed sort of reading week, I went into Sloppy Firsts with really high hopes, but it ended up being a let down for me, I felt as if the MC's voice was too young for my liking. Beautiful Disaster ended up being a DNF for me, this year I've decided to give up on books sooner if they don't work for me and this was certainly the case here. And the Ruby Oliver series was one I was glad that I gave a go, Ruby had such a fresh voice and there were many laugh out loud moments too! 

 (Click on title for Goodreads link)

The Wedding Date and Next Year in Havana were both DNF for me (I'm giving away my copies HERE).  It was kind of a bummer because it seemed like most of my friends loved both books, so I kind of felt bad for my reactions.  But, life is too short to spend it on a book that isn't working for you, and I feel what I feel, you know? Minus those two books, I had an excellent reading week with Survive the Night, sooo exciting, it kept me on the edge of my seat for most of the read!  Also, I'm re-reading *listening* to Patricia Briggs' Alpha & Omega series in preparation for the newest book, and I'm LOVING it all over again!  Ms. Briggs' writing talent is a cut (or several) above the rest!

(Click on title for Goodreads link)


I was thrilled to see that Words in Deep Blue was getting published in the U.K, I've loved Crowley's books in the past, her writing has always been eloquently beautiful, that I can't wait to start this book already. And London Celebrities has been a favourite series of mine, I'd listened to the previous books on audio and really enjoyed them, so I'm super excited about reading Making Up. 

 (Click on title for Goodreads link)

Oh, my goodness, the book description of The Love Coupon sounds soooo good! I can't wait to pick this up. Must get through a few more review books first, though.  From Unseen Fire isn't something I would've requested on my own since it seems to be more high Fantasy than I'm used to reading, but the publisher offered and I thought I'd take a chance.  You never know what gem you'll find by taking a risk, right?  Kate Meader is a new to me author, and I was pleasantly surprised by So Over You so I thought I'd pick up a copy of Hooked on You, the 4th installment in the same series.

(Click on Book for Goodreads link)

Nothing this week, which is really good for me, as I've been trying to cull the amount of books I want to own and read, I'm down to 111 to read books on my Goodreads, which I'm super proud of, just don't get me started on the books I own :/

(Click on cover for Goodreads link) 

The Wall of Winnipeg an Me was just amazing, so I wanted to try another Mariana Zapata book.  I'm currently waiting for an audio copy of Kulti from my library.


I'm finally up to date with How to Get Away with Murder, things have been insane, I'm kind of gutted that we have to wait until March 1st for it to return, but that gives me the chance to catch up with Scandal, I'm on season 6 now! 


I'm way past the first season of Justified but I'm too lazy to update the picture, lol. I sort of watch this show peripherally, while cooking or on my computer, because my husband has turned it on. Love Raylan (Timothy Olyphant) though, and it's filmed in the town I live; it's kind of fun to recognize the background.
The Grand Tour is another show I watch while I'm cooking or downstairs, because my husband has it on.  It is pretty funny, plus, the cars and locations are amazing!



I wasn't able to keep on track with the exercising and the eating this week, I just felt super lazy and because it was kind of cold, I couldn't be asked to go out to the gym :( I've booked classes for this week in advance, just so that I make myself go!


Well, I signed up for another half-marathon!  I have to laugh because this is the third one I've signed up for and I haven't ran one yet!  First time I couldn't do it because of a severe case of bronchitis, and the second one was canceled because of the California wildfires (it was in Wine Country).  Both times I did get to the very end of my training, running 11 miles and less than two weeks to go with each one.  Let's hope the third time is a charm.  I'm to start training next week.

How was your week?


  1. Aw bummer about the DNF's, but they happen. I do think it's better to move on, if I get stuck trying to force a DNF I tend to just not read it and then nothing gets read lol. And I need to read more Briggs, I read the first Mercy thompson and need to keep going before I forget everything! I do want to read more E. Lockhart too, I like her twisty stories.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. I agree with moving on if something isn't working for you reading-wise. Have a great week!

  3. You've got some amazing books! Next Year in Havana has been catching my eye. Enjoy :)

  4. DNF'ing is important, there are so many books to read we shouldn't spend our precious time reading books that just don't work for us!
    YAY for signing up for gym classes for next week - you can do it!
    And a semi-marathon? I just can't imagine doing that.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading, ladies.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  5. Oh, you inspire me to DNF books when it's the case earlier - I usually think that one more chapter will make it better but that's rarely the case.

    I need to catch up with Scandal and How to Get Away with Murder!

    Good luck with the marathon!

    Andreea @

  6. What an awesome line up! I have DNF's too. I just can't seem to push through the book. I also sometimes feel like all my friends like this book and I hate it...What is wrong with me. But, that's the thing we all have different tastes so we are not all going to like the same books. Have a great week reading!

    If you get a chance come check out my #SundayRoundup

  7. Jas I am so sorry you didn't like Beautiful Disaster! That was one of the first NA books I read years ago and I have such fond memories of it!
    Hope you both have a great week!

  8. Jasprit - you are killing my backlist. My goal is to finish the Ruby Oliver series this year. I started it, and loved it. I know that some people have found Beautiful Disaster problematic, and I believe in DNFing if a book is not working for you. Words in Deep Blue was a 2017 fave of mine. Fingers crossed you like it too.

    Rachel - sorry The Wedding Date didn't work for you. I liked it, but you know, different books, different readers. I love Meader's series. I read the first two books, and hope to get the 4th too. I am looking forward to Violet's story. I have the Love Coupon too. I heard so many good things about the first book, and am hoping this one is great too. Good luck with your training and your half marathon.

  9. I'm getting better at dnf'ing too.

    This was a bad workout week for me as well. I had hoped to do a 10 mile bike ride but I hurt my back and had to take the week off from everything. I did manage 6 miles this morning and it was beautiful out so at least I had that.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  10. I learned the hard way to let go of books that don't engage me. I like fresh voices and want to read the Ruby Oliver books. I also have been wanting to read Patrica Briggs books but I think the audios will be a good start for me. Have a good week!

  11. Wow, you guys got a lot of reading done, even with the DNFs. Enjoy your new books! Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  12. Congrats on the Marathon Rachel! I need to sign up for some marathons too!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays and Cover Spotlight!

  13. Rachel: I hope you'll be able to do your race this time!!

    Jasprit: Yeah, I feel you on the being lazy. LOL I didn't have that great of a week BUT I do hope to get more on track again, and I need to get moving more, but it's SO COLD.


  14. Jasprit - I understand the struggle. When it's cold, I don't have much motivation to do anything. I've heard Words in Deep Blue is really good - looking forward to reading it and hearing what you think!

    Rachel - I hope you'll be able to do this race!! I'm excited for you!! I did 6 miles yesterday - the first time I've run that long in over a year. Hoping I can keep it up!

  15. The Ruby Oliver series looks good, and The Wedding Date is on my TBR. I started Words in Deep Blue, but I couldn't get into it. I'm going to try again soon.

    Have a good week!

  16. Yay for awesome recap :D I'm glad you are both doing great. <3 And yay for having read a lot too :D And ahh, Beautiful Disaster. I actually bought that one when it came out, so many years ago. Then never read it, and sold it, haha :D So glad I did so. And kind of happy it was a DNF for you, lol. <3 Hope this new week is going great for you both :D
