Publisher: Simon Pulse
Publication date: October 8th 2013.
My rating: 4 stars

Jules should be happy. She saved a lot of people’s lives and she’s finally with Sawyer, pretty much the guy of her dreams. But the nightmare’s not over, because she somehow managed to pass the psycho vision stuff to Sawyer. Excellent.
Feeling responsible for what he’s going through and knowing that people’s lives are at stake, Jules is determined to help him figure it all out. But Sawyer’s vision is so awful he can barely describe it, much less make sense of it. All he can tell her is there’s a gun, and eleven ear-splitting shots. Bang.
Jules and Sawyer have to work out the details fast, because the visions are getting worse and that means only one thing: time is running out. But every clue they see takes them down the wrong path. If they can’t prevent the vision from happening, lives will be lost. And they may be among the casualties…
***Spoilers if you haven’t read Crash***
I liked Crash, the first book in the Visions series, but it
failed to “wow” me. It was entertaining
and fun, but only just that. I’m happy
to report that Bang was a much better read for me.
Bang takes up the story where Crash left us. Jules’ vision
came to an end after she successfully thwarted the tragedy, (phew!) only to
find out Sawyer is now having his own vision of tragedy! Any peace over her
success is quickly replace by unease and worry for Sawyer. But with each other’s help and support they
piece together the clues that are gradually revealed. Unfortunately, Sawyer’s vision is disturbing
and dangerous!
One of the things I really loved about Bang was getting to
witness Jules experiencing the joys of romance and love for the first time. Feeling all the overwhelming aspects: mental,
emotional, and physical, and realizing that until you experience it yourself no
one can fully explain the intensity! So
yes, there was some major swoon in this installment between Sawyer and Jules!
Love it when the girl gets the guy she’s been pining over for years! I also loved
the fact that they were a united couple throughout, facing all their troubles
The loving sibling relationship between Jules, Trey, and
Rowan warmed my heart. Their parents
have so many issues, primarily the father, so it’s nice to see how they lent
support and strength to each other. I felt
sorry for Sawyer who’s had to deal with all his family drama and dysfunction on
his own, before he became close to the Demarco’s. He sort of becomes the fourth musketeer
in their pack, fitting in easily with such a common background. I was so happy Sawyer finally had friends
watching his back.
Bang’s suspenseful plot lent excitement to the story, but I
would’ve been just as happy just to read about the personal relationships, as
this interested me the most. I don’t
know if there will be a third installment but it certainly seems that way even
if the story wrapped up for the most part.
Bang was a solid follow-up surpassing Crash, IMO, and if there
are more books in the series, I will happily pick them up!
And now for the good part! I’ve decided to give away my personal copy of
Crash (Visions #1) along with my ARC
copy of Bang (Visions #2) to one
lucky reader! The giveaway is INTERNATIONAL.
Simply fill out the rafflecopter for a chance to win. Thanks for
visiting The Readers Den and good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I'm glad this was so character and relationship-centered. I had some issues with Crash but your review gives me hope for the sequel. It's great that you enjoyed it as much as you did.
And visions of doom? No, thank you. I'd rather stay sane. :)
Great review, Rachel, and thanks for the giveaway.
I think it would be a mixed blessing, it would be hard to bear as in do you tell people what you have seen or not. It would be hard to ignore if you knew soemthing bad was going to happen. So sorry I'm still on the mixed blessings line of thought.
I still haven't read the first book in this series so I won't read your review just yet so I don't spoil things. Anyhow ever since I have heard great things about Crash I want to read it. Thanks for the giveaway :)
I don't even know. I guess it all depends on if you could change the outcome or if it has to happen the way you saw it no matter what. If it stays: doom. If it's changeable: can be seen/used as a gift.
PS. I'd say a gift but after reading so many books dealing with it I think it's rather a curse!
I haven't read a books but I say gift :D
So I couldn't read your review in fear of spoilers but can I say how much I love the covers? I mean, I hate eyes on covers most of the times since they're kinda creepy but these are pretty!
Thanks for sharing, hon! <33
LOL! Aman is reviewing Crash today. Did you guys plan this or what? ;) Heh! I'm glad your love for this series grew. Sawyer truly seems awesome and Jules' world sounds dangerous and exciting. I'm glad she got to experience love at first hand:) So happy you liked the sequel more!
I've seen this series floating around lately, but I hadn't heard too much about it. It really does sound good though, and I love that you mentioned that the second installment might actually surpass the first - that's a rarity! Wonderful review, Rachel! :)
I do love when there's a strong familial relationship (excluding the parents in this case). For some reason, that's hard to find in YA... Anyway, I have this on my Kindle and need to read it!
it's a gift...
thx u for the giveaway :)
In my opinion it´s a gift :) Thank you for this amazing giveaway, I can´t wait to read Crash and Bang.
I haven't read Crash, but a huge YAY for major swooning in this second book! You know I love to swoon like you do Rachel, so even without knowing these characters I'm wanting more Jules and Sawyer time. As you said, there's nothing better than when the girl gets the guy she's wanted for so long. WOOT!
oooh... I'm dying to read this series!!! Thanks for sharing :) I think it would become a burden, trying to save everyone from future calamities and feeling guilty if you don't succeed. Does any one remember the show Early Edition? Same concept.
OMG. ^*(^(*OPLKjldmfjekjqwke. That is all. I've requested an ARC from the publisher many weeks ago but they didn't even respond. I want. want. want. THIS BOOK. Sorry for the incoherence.
I'm so glad you enjoyed this, Rachel! It's always great when a sequel builds on the strengths of the first book and manages to be even better. I love the sound of the sibling relationships here too. Great review! :) And thanks so much for the generous giveaway.
I havent read the books but been wanting to. between curse or gift it depends.It can be both
I really love when a sequel manages to "wow" you in ways the original novel never did. It's such a gratifying sensation. I'll be looking out for the potential third book in this series before starting it, but I'm so glad it looked up for you, Rachel! Wonderful review!(:
yay I am SO glad this was even better than the first! It's crazy that Sawyer is the one with visions now huh? It sounds cool that the readrers get to witness jules experiencing love and whatnot! Can't wait to read this! Great review!
- Farah @ MajiBookshelf
I didn't read the whole review as I haven't read the first novel, but it sounds like you're enjoying the series overall and that's great. I do want to check this out. I've liked what I've read from McMann thus far.
I haven't read Crash yet, so I'm unfamiliar with the happenings of this series. I'm happy to see that you enjoyed Bang, Rachel!
I hope you like Bang if you pick it up, Maja. And I'm right there with you, no visions, thank you. I'm crazy enough without them, lol! :)
I saw that, and I was excited to see her review, especially because she enjoyed it more than I did. :)
I LOVE these covers, Melanie! I meant to mention them in my review, but I totally forgot.
I would call it a gift.. maybe :D Thank you for the perfect giveaway. <3 I also love your review :) I actually just ordered a hardcover of Crash a few days ago. Cannot wait to read it! Would love to win, and get an ARC of Bang. <3 thank you :)
I would feel that visions of doom would be both a curse and a gift. A gift because there might be a way to prevent what's going to happen from happening and it could be a curse because if you couldn't prevent doom from happening you would feel helpless. At least I would :)
I really want to say both. More of a curse I think.
I would say that it would be both a curse and a gift...but it would be slightly more on the curse side as it would put enormous pressure on you to try and stop the doomed event from occuring.
There is definitely a follow up. She told us the title when I saw her in May. :) I can't wait to read this! I loved the first book so hearing you enjoy this more than the first is a good thing to hear. Oh and excited for the swoons you mentioned!
Both I think
Thanks for the giveaway!
I would to win these book! Weee! Thank you.
Visions of doom would be a curse to me. I wouldn't want to know about dark things that will supposedly happen. It will break my heart specially if I can't do anything to stop it from happening.
I think it would be a curse because I'd always feel like I'd have to stop everything from happening and that's just not possible.
Gah, it could go either way, but I'm going with curse. I loved Crash and I can't wait to read Bang!! Thanks for the giveaway!
Gift! :D
Gift of course :D
That's a really hard question. I really would like to save someone's life if I could. But there are things that I might not want to see. But if God gave you visions like that I would hope that it was for a reason, so I would have to say Gift. I really enjoyed Crash and would LOVE to own it so I can reread it and get ready for Bang. I can't wait until it comes out. Amazing giveaway. Thank you so very much.
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