Publisher: Pocket Books
Publication Date: October 18th 2016.
My rating: 3.5 Stars.

Alexis Morgan has spent the past six years devoted to turning her tiny start-up into Manhattan’s premiere wedding planning company, The Wedding Belles. Now that her business is thriving, it’s time to turn towards her much neglected personal life, and Alexis approaches her relationships like she does everything else: with a plan. Not a part of that plan is Logan Harris, the silent partner in the Belles, and the one person who’s been there for her since the very beginning. But Alexis needs someone fun, and Logan’s all business, all the time—except when a late night at the office ends with an unexpected kiss that leaves the usually cool and together Alexis reeling. Logan has lusted after Alexis since the day he walked into the tiny Harlem apartment that used to double as her office. But the ambitious wedding planner has always been untouchable...until now. Alexis has made it clear that she’s on the dating market—and equally clear that he’s not in the running. But when Alexis finds herself in need of a date for her sister’s last minute wedding in Florida, Logan knows it’s the perfect time to show Alexis that there’s more to him than numbers and spreadsheets—and beneath the pinstripes and glasses lies a hot-blooded heartthrob. As Florida’s sultry days turn into even hotter nights, Logan’s out to convince Alexis that the fling of a lifetime could just maybe turn into forever...
The Wedding Belles series has quickly become one of my favourite series, it’s one of the reasons that I’ve been binge reading all the adult books so much lately; I really can’t get enough of them. Also Layne is brilliant at creating build ups to beautiful romances and to be honest this one between Alexis and Logan was a long time coming. In the previous books there were numerous hints that there could be something really good between Logan and Alexis, the chemistry was there, they were friends, so had that potential to go to the next step so easily, so what was stopping them? Everyone else around them too seemed more clued in on the passing looks between them, except for Alexis herself. To be honest I couldn’t wait to get her story, she was a bit more reserved compared to the other Belles girls and so I wanted to get to know her better, see her relax more, but to be honest she frustrated me to no end in this book. Logan finally decided to take one of the biggest steps and finally make his intentions for Alexis be known, honestly this guy went from kissing her, trying to make her jealous, trying to be aloof, trying to get her attention once again and then to point of giving up when it became too much. I so felt for the guy, I could understand that Alexis had some issues, and things that had happened in her past had really had a big impact on her, but she had the best guy she could ever ask for standing right in front of her, willing to give up his family business for her, what else could she ask for? There was a lot of back and forth between Alexis and Logan and to be honest I really wasn’t a fan of it this time around, it made me want to take a step away from Alexis and just comfort poor Logan.
This frustration aside To Love and to Cherish was a beautiful read, I loved getting the back stories to Alexis and Logan’s lives and getting to know them that much more. Seriously Logan was the sweetest guy ever, I don’t normally find myself falling for British guys, but Logan was a keeper. I also loved seeing how the relationships between the rest of the characters had developed, how Josh constantly had Logan’s back, how Seth, Heather, Brooke and Josh interfered to make Alexis see the error in her ways. All of the characters really had come a long way from the first book in the series, and I’m pleased to say all of them have flourished into wonderful strong characters.
Overall To Love and Cherish was such an adorable read, I’m sad that I have to say goodbye to another set of wonderful characters so soon, but I’m sure I’ll be revisiting the Wedding Belles series time and time again with several re-reads! This is one series that no one should be missing out on.