Pivot Point by Kasie West
Publisher: Harper Teen
Publication date: February 12th 2013
Source: Edelweiss
My rating: 4 stars

Knowing the outcome doesn’t always make a choice easier . . .
Addison Coleman’s life is one big “What if?” As a Searcher, whenever Addie is faced with a choice, she can look into the future and see both outcomes. It’s the ultimate insurance plan against disaster. Or so she thought. When Addie’s parents ambush her with the news of their divorce, she has to pick who she wants to live with—her father, who is leaving the paranormal compound to live among the “Norms,” or her mother, who is staying in the life Addie has always known. Addie loves her life just as it is, so her answer should be easy. One Search six weeks into the future proves it’s not.
In one potential future, Addie is adjusting to life outside the Compound as the new girl in a Norm high school where she meets Trevor, a cute, sensitive artist who understands her. In the other path, Addie is being pursued by the hottest guy in school—but she never wanted to be a quarterback’s girlfriend. When Addie’s father is asked to consult on a murder in the Compound, she’s unwittingly drawn into a dangerous game that threatens everything she holds dear. With love and loss in both lives, it all comes down to which reality she’s willing to live through . . . and who she can’t live without.
Pivot Point was a wonderfully fast paced, and exciting
read. I was mesmerized from the first
page. While it didn’t leave off on a
cliffhanger, it’s going to be torture waiting for the next installment!
Addison is a girl with special powers living in a city held
secret from the outside world; a city where other “paranormals” live and perfect
their abilities. Addison has the ability
to search her future and see the outcome of a path she takes. She doesn’t use her ability all the time, so
when her parents announce they’re getting a divorce, she has quite a
shock. Addie is now faced with two
choices: stay with her mom inside the Compound or go live with her dad in the
outside with the “Norms.” Being this is
such a huge decision, she performs a search to see what decision to make. Laid out before her are two very different
possible futures. If she stays with her
mother, she stays with what she knows and has the opportunity to expand and
perfect her powers. Addie also sees the
star quarterback of her school, Duke, in that future. If Addie goes with her father, she gets to
experience life on the outside, without all the facades and illusions, but life
in the real. This is a future where she
meets, and becomes close to Trevor, the introspective and sweet “Norm” boy. Both were potentially
swoon worthy romances! Here’s a tempting
sample (I’ll keep it anonymous):
His lips tickle my neck as they move along
it. Is he trying to drive me
crazy?.....His lips come to rest against the soft spot below my ear. I can no longer think straight. It’s then I realize I have a fistful of the
back of his shirt. I clutch it tighter. He must consider this encouragement
because he takes my face in his hands and presses his lips to mine.*
I find time travel or time altering themes are often
difficult to follow and wrap your brain around. Kasie West did an excellent job keeping it
simple and refrained from bogging down the plot with unnecessary details. Yet, I think she gave me enough to make the
story interesting and hold my attention.
Each reality is played out in alternating chapters, and I
soon found a reality and romance I was partial to. No, I’m not going to tell you which. ;) I found myself becoming impatient for the
reality I was rooting for when the story would switch to the other
reality. Although, those chapters do shed
light on the story and gave information I wouldn’t have had otherwise, so they
were interesting, too. I must add that
there’s some danger and mystery that add to the overall thrill in Pivot Point,
and I thought it rounded things out nicely.
This was an impressive debut from Kasie West, and now I can’t
wait to get me hands on the next one! It
better turn out the way I want it!!
*Quote is taken from an uncorrected proof and may change in the final copy.
I really enjoyed this one, and I'm glad you liked it too! I think Kasie West did a wonderful job keeping the two realities apart and together at the same time, and the ending DEFINITELY gave me goosebumps! Lovely review :)
One of the things I did wonder about this Rachel was if I would find it confusing. Kind of like reading two different stories at the same time. But you don't seem to think so. Lovely review :)
Looking forward in reading this one. Glad that you enjoyed this book :D Thanks for another cool review :D
I think we were partial to the same reality. ;) I completely agree with your review, Rachel! I loved how easy this book was to follow, even when the characters and events started to overlap between the two stories. I can't wait to see what happens in the next book too, especially after the way things ended. Great review, lovely!
It didn't take me long to choose one reality over the other either. I think it's pretty clear which. Still, I enjoyed this slightly less then you did: mostly because I liked the paranormal element but felt it was being neglected in favor of the romance.
Fabulous review, Rachel. :)
Ooh, I honestly hadn't given Pivot Point much notice. But, when you tell me there's an "alternate reality" plot and that it's easy to comprehend, then I'm sold! I loved that teaser as well.
You've officially piqued my interest, Rachel. Great review!
Awesome review!!! You totally have me wanting to read this book! I was worried that it would be confusing, but I'm glad to hear that it's not so bad. :) I have an ARC of it and I'll definitely be reading it next!!
*fans self* That quote! Gah! Can't wait to read this one! And I am happy to hear the author kept the alternating realities simple and not confusing. Great review! :)
~Sara @ Forever 17 Books
I have this one coming up soon. I was already excited about the alternate reality aspect, but damn, that teaser is hawt! :) I can't wait to read this debut. And I just added her contemporary novel -- due out later this year -- to my TBR. I think this is definitely a new author to watch.
YEAH RACHEL!!! I loved this one too:) I agree completely, I thought Kasie West did a great job handling the two different timelines and the alternating chapters were really seamless I thought. I eventually found a romance I was partial to as well, but it took a long time because both were so well done. Normally I have a preference from the beginning and then dread the chapters I have to spend with the other couple, or in this case, the other timeline. That was not a problem here at all!
This sounds like an amazing read! I love playing the game of what-ifs and I think I'll enjoy reading this story. Thanks for sharing :)
I love the sound of this book and need to pre-order it soon! Loved your review and the quote! Thanks for sharing ;)
Yay! I have a copy of this to review too! Looking forward to it now :)
I haven't even read this yet and for some reason I want her to be with Trevor rather than Duke. The concept behind this is very intriguing; I think I'd be scared to have that kind of power. I'm glad you found this easy to follow, and that it had a romance you could connect with. Lovely review, Rachel! :)
I'm so glad you liked this one, Rachel! I recently finished it and absolutely adored everything about it. And I totally get what you mean about how it's going to be such a painful wait for the next book, even though this didn't end in a cliffhanger! I was definitely partial to the Norm reality with Trevor. *sigh* Trevor... And I loved the thrilling aspects to PP, and how it was gradually added piece by piece and didn't feel like too abrupt a change from fluffy to intense. Great review, Rachel!
Yay! I'm so glad you enjoyed this one, Rachel! I've heard mostly good things about it, so I'm eager to finally read it soon. Plus, as usual, your quotes have me itching to tear into these romances! ;) Wonderful review, dear!
Loved this one so hard too!
Happy reading,
Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog
I've read so many good reviews of Pivot Point that I've pretty much decided I have to read it soon. I think that sounds like an absolutely fascinating premise. And I agree that alternate reality/time travel stories can sometimes be difficult to navigate, so I am glad to hear that you were able to read this with relatively little confusion. After reading your review, the main question I have is what the plot actually is, or if the story's more just an examination of two possible futures. Either way, it definitely looks like a good book. Wonderful review, Rachel!
Eeeeeeep! I'm so glad you liked this one Rachel :) I just requested a copy from the publisher and hopefully I'll like it as much as you did :) AND OMG. THAT QUOTE. *fans self* SO SWOON-WORTHY!! Ooohh and TIME TRAVEL! I actually quite enjoy time travel books and I'm thrilled you were happy with how it's written here :) Fab review, Rachel<3
This one sounds super fantastic, I should be getting it soon too! Glad to see you loved it so much, great review!!
Now I really want to read this one! I'm glad the author was able to control both timelines; often times, it doesn't work out so well! Great review!
I am just DYING to read this one! I love that it's in different, what did you call it, alternate realities? WOW, that's so different from anything I've ever read! And that quote you shared? TALK ABOUT SWOON! I love when an author makes it so you love both love interests! I need this book to come out already because yeah... NEED! Your review definitely has me even MORE excited than before. Wonderful review as always Rachel!! :)
I'm pretty sure this is on my tbr list because of the cover, but I had no idea what it was all about. It certainly sounds unique and I am glad that it's not hard to follow, most time travel books I've read have been a bit confusing!
Great review, Rach!
I'm so dying to read this book! I mean I done this for a WoW and I was so intrigued with the story line and I knew this book was for me. That quote... Had shivers all along me.... When is the book actually coming out, I think I will need to pre-order my copy! I so hope she goes with Norms than with the Compound! Brilliant Review, Rachel! :-)
Sounds like a really good read. I loved the quote as always Rachel. I haven't heard much about this book, so thanks for putting it on my radar! Great review! :)
I am so super excited to read this book! You have no idea.
It’s really great to hear that the time travel/alternate reality aspect isn’t confusing here. I really feel like that’s one of the reasons I tend to stay away from this kind of book—I’d have trouble keeping track of which was which.
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