Hello everyone today The Readers Den is one years old! How did that happen? I remember when I first started blogging and I had no clue, but with so much hard work over the past year I am proud to see how far this little blog has come. Of course my blog would be nothing without all the hard work from my awesome co-blogger Rachel! She's always coming up with new ideas and lovely reviews for books I've never heard of, that my tbr is even more out of control. I've had so much fun with Rachel this past year *hugs*. We would both also like to thank each and everyone of you!, who leave the best comments ever and take the time and effort to stop by and read our posts. Our blog wouldn't have made it to our one year blogoversary if it wasn't for you, so thank you all!
To show our appreciation, we have decided to throw two giveaways, one is a pre-order from the list below of our most anticipated reads. This giveaway is only open to anywhere The book Depository ships to, a list of countries can be found here. And for everyone else we will be giving away a $50 gift card from either Amazon or The Book Depository. To enter just fill out the rafflecopter form below. Good luck everyone! :)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Happy Blogoversary!!!
I think I would choose The Dream Thieves! Thank you for the chance to win!
Happy blogoversary i think i would like to win the dream thieves of racing savannah
i wish you many more years of reading pleasure!!
Happy Blogoversary!
I really want Racing Savannah :)
Happy Blogoversary!! Congratulations on the milestone!
Probably Siege and Storm or A Darkness Strange and Lovely, seeing as though Leigh Bardugo and Susan Dennard are amazing writers :)
I think Just One Year. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Happy blogoversary! :D
Happy Blogoversary! Awesome achievements :)
I would love The Pirates Wish, thank you for the giveaway.
It's a hard choice. It might be Haze (as I got a copy of the first book from the author) or The Dream Thieves (because I loved the first book in the series so very much).
Happy blogoversary!
Happy blogoversary :)
I would love to win Siege and storm, Shadow and bone was awesome.
Congratulations... Happy blogoversary! I'd probably pick The Moon and More. :)
All of them? xD
I think I'll go with A Darkness Strange and Lovely or Dream Thieves.
A Darkness Strange & Lovely OR The Dream Thieves OR Siege & Storm LOL
Ooh, I don't know. It's between Seige and Storm or Racing Savannah. But Happy Blogoversary!!!!
I would like to read Quicksilver.Congrats!
Ah, I would love to win the gift card, but if not, either The Book of Broken Hearts or The Moon and More!
Awesome giveaway and HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY! I'm so happy you guys started a blog :)
So many awesome choices! Probably A Darkness Strange and Lovely or Siege and Storm!
Congrats on the milestone and I hope to see you guys around for a long long time!
Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives
Happy blogoversary! :D
I'd pick Siege and Storm.
Christina K. in the rafflecopter
Happy Blogoversary!!
The Art of Wishing looks awesome:)
Thank you:)
Happy Blogoversary!!
I think I would like to win The Pirate's Wish.
Thank you!
Racing Savannah. But I might change my mind and pick Just One Year. These are really great choices, guys. Thanks for the giveaway!
Happy Blogoversary! x
Congrats!!!!! Happy Blogoversary!
I would want A Darkness Strange and Lovely.
happy blogovesary. I would pick the dream thieves by maggie stiefvtar
HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY YOU TWO!!! Mine was just on Saturday but I'm celebrating it this week. I hope you many more years to come because your guys blog is amazing. <3333
(I would choose the Moon and More ^^)
Ooh! I am anxious to read Maggie Stiefvater's continuing Raven Boys series! Thanks for the giveaway and congratulations.
Happy blogoversary!!!
I would love Siege and Storm ^^
OMG OMG OMG HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY!!! <3 I'm sorry for the capslock freak, I just feel so happy for you two hehe! I'm practically hyperventilating right now LOL. x) *tries to calm myself*
Congrats, lovelies! <3 You guys are two of my favorite people in blogosphere, and you two's posts never failed to make my day! <3 I'm sure that this one-year-anniversary is just one small step for many prosper years to come! <3 *throws confetti*
Anyway, I always forgot to say this, but I love the new blog design so much! <3 The header is absolutely gorgeous, and the background complements the header perfectly. I think the design suits you guys so much. Having huge design envy here! ;)
Maybe Haze.
Happy blogoversary!
Happy Blogoversary!!!! <3
This is a really tough choice. I think I would want The Book of Broken Hearts, or The Moon and More. Gah, great choices! Thank you for the giveaway! :)
ohhh. Either Siege and Storm, The Moon and More, or The Pirate's Wish....can't decide
Happy Blogoversary!
Congratulations on reaching a year..that is not a small accomplishment!
I might pick Just one year:) thanks for the opportunity:)
Woha this is amazing girls!! :) Happy Blogoversary! :) I wish you many more.
I'd pick Seige and Storm! :) Thanks for this awesome giveaway :)
Happy Bloggoversary!
With some many great books coming up it's hard to decide which book I'd like to win, though. Probably "The Dream Thieves" or "Just One Year", because I absolutely loved the first books of both series!
HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY TO YOU BOTH!!!! *does spastic happy dance* You guys know I adore you and love visiting your blog each and every day, and I'm greatly looking forward to more years and blogoversaries to come! *massive hugs*
Oh, and THANK YOU for the awesome giveaway, I think I'd most like to win The Dream Thieves:)
HAPPY 1 YEAR!!!!! I would prob choose The Dream Thieves. Thanks so much for such a generous giveaway!
Happy Blogoversary to you guys!! *throws confetti*
Here's wishing you many more years of blogging! :)
My pick would have to be Dream Thieves.
Siege and Storm and The Pirates wish both look interesting. Grats on your big 1 year! May there be more :)
Happy Blogversary Jasprit and Rachel! Can't believe it's been a year already! You guys have gone a long way and your blog has definitely been a success. And yes, you both is making my tbr out of control too. Haha! Looking forward to more of your posts and more years to come.
Thanks for the giveaway! :)
A Darkness Strange and Lovely looks amazing! Congratulations on reaching a great milestone for your blog!
A fellow book blogger,
Zara Alexis @ The Bibliotaphe Closet
Happy Blogoversary! Congrats on 1 year! Keep up the great work.
I would like "The Book of Broken Hearts". The cover is beautiful!
Happy Blogoversary!!!!!!! Here's wishing you many, many more :) Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I'd have to Siege and Storm caught my eye.
Happy Bolgoversery!!! You've done a fabulous job! I think I've nearly been following you the whole year ;)
I'd want The Pirates Wish. I've already preordered a few of the others.
ARGH, my computer crashed and the comment I'd typed oh-so-lovingly vanished, so I'll give it another go! ;)
HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY LADIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S SO AWESOME!!!! Apologies for my !!! freak out, I'm just so happy for you both. The Readers Den is one of my favourite blogs, one that I visit all the time, and I can't believe it's turning 1 today!!! That is incredible! You guys are two of the sweetest bloggers I know, and I'm so glad to know you both in this book-lovers community :)
Thank you so much for the lovely giveaways, it's very generous of you!
Once again, CONRAGTS JAS AND RACHEL! Here's to many, many more years still to come! :Dxxxxx
Happy blogoversary! =)
Maybe The Raven Boys or How To Ruin a Summer Vacation :)
Thanks for the giveaway :)
Happy Blogoversary!!
Here's wishing you many more to come!!
Thanks for the Giveaway!!
I'd pick either 'Wild Awake' or 'The Moon and More'...
Happy Blogoversary!
I'd love to win The Dream Thieves, thanks for the giveaway!
I'd love Just One Year or The Moon More. Thanks for the giveaway, and happy blogoversary! ;D
Happy Blogoversary! I would love to win The Moon and More by Sarah Dessen. Thanks for the giveaway!
Erin K.
Happy blogoversary girls! I know what you mean about it being a lot of work, but I don't regret a minute of it and I'm pretty sure you two don't either. Even when it gets hard, it's still fun!
Happy One Year Blogoversary!!! I think I would choose The Art of Wishing. The description sounds good. But I do love Sarah Dessen books too! Great selection to choose from! Thank you for sharing your blogoversary with us and for sharing a year of amazing book blogging!
happyyy one year blogoversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wuahhhh
well, mmm i think i would choose the dream thieves by maggie s.
thanks for the giveaway ... and congrat for yout anniversario !!!
Happy Anniversary!! I would love Wild Awake, sounds awesome!
Happy blog Birthday! That's so exciting!
I don't know which book I would pick, but I would pick one!
Happy Blogoversary!! I would choose Siege and Storm.. thanks for the giveaway!!
Siege and Storm looks great! Happy Blogoversary and thanks for the giveaway!!
I'd love the gift card.. gives me longer to decide lol but I think... The Art of Wishing, or maybe Racing Savannah or maybe The book of Broken Hearts.
I love your blog and reviews! Congratulations!
Happy Blogoversary!
I'd love to win A Darkness Strange and Lovely.
Like to win Spirit I guess....
Happy blogoversary! Even though I am quite new to your blog, I really love it and you two deserve to have a great blog because you put so much hard work in. The Dream Thieves and Racing Savannah both look really good and it's awesome of you to host these two giveaways. Wishing you many more years of blogging! :D
Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win Siege and Storm!
Suz Reads
The pirates wish!
Happy Blogoversary!!
I would choose Quicksilver
Happy Blogoversary!
I'd pick Siege and Storm :)
Hmm there's so many but 'One Week Girlfriend' seems like a very good one :)
Thanks for this chance btw!
Super-happy blogoversary!!!!
I'd choose Siege and storm, please :)
I would like Just One Year
I'm thinking about Siege and Storm :D
Happy, happy, happy blogiversary! I remember when you first started, Jas! You and Rach make the perfect pair of book bloggers - I love you girls xox
Happy blogversary!!!!! Thanks for the giveaway, I would choose Siege and Storm.
-Cali W.
Wild Awake looks good.
Happy Blogoversary! =D
Sana @ artsy musings of a bibliophile
Thanks for this giveaway and I'd like SEIGE AND STORM although that was quite a hard choice!!
OH that's great Jasprit! Happy blogoversary and I hope we get to see many more I <3 your blog!
Happy Blogoversary!!
I would probably choose The Moon and More.
Congrats on 1 year!! Hope you are having just as much fun as when you first started!! :)
I'd probably choose Just One Year :)
Congratulations on the first blogoversary and many happy returns of the day!! ^_^ As for which book I'd choose... I really want Siege and Storm and The Pirate's Wish, but my craving for Qucksilver is way stronger than for both of them together, so I'd go with that one!! I want it madly and badly!
Congratulations! My blog must be 1 year old soon. got no clue when though! maybe i should check! Not sure what I would choose - maybe the art of wishing :)
Thanks! :)
Happy Blogaversary ! Congrats ! That Dream Thief looks really good...
HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY JASPRIT AND RACHEL! <3 Seriously, I can't believe it's only been a year for you two. I'm honestly surprised, because you two seem like such pros at blogging! Here's to many, many more years of blogging and many more years of amazing books. =)
What I'd choose if I won: most likely The Book of Broken Hearts or Siege and Storm. I'm looking forward so much to both!
Thanks for the giveaway! <3
Congratulations on The Readers' Den blogoversary! That's exciting! I hope you two continue to blog for many more years! :)
And I'd probably want to win Siege and Storm.
Congratulations to you guys! You've been a joy to read :) And what an awesome selection of preorders...
Happy Blogoversary! Cheers!
Would love to win for Siege and Storm. :)
Hey!! Congrats!
I think I would choose Racing Savannah
Congratulations, ladies!
I'm so happy to have "met" you both!
Oh man! Congratulations!
I think I'd pick either Siege & Storm or Wild Awake. Thanks!
Happy Blogoversary! Wow, I'm dying for Just One Year by Gayle Forman!
Happy Blogoversary! The Dream Thieves would be my choice.
There are so many great books to choose from but Just One Year by Gayle Forman would be at the top of my list!
Thanks for the giveaway and congratulations on your first year!
Happy Blogoversary, I would pick either Siege & Storm or A Darkness Strange and Lovely.
TBD sounds good - maybe CLOUD ATLAS by David Mitchell.
Happy Blogoversary, I would choose Siege & Storm!
the pirates wish
Happy one year blogoversary and congratulations. I would choose Darkness Strange and Lovely.
Happy Blogoversary! I'm a huge fan of your blog, keep up the great work!
Arghh, so many great books to choose from! I'd have to go with either The Moon and More or The Book of Broken Hearts. Thanks for the giveaway! :)
Happy Blogoversary! :) I would love to win The Art of Wishing! :D
Happy Blogoversary! :) I would love to win The Pirate's Wish by Cassandra Rose Clarke! Thanks for the giveaway! Mel @ Mel Reviews Books
Happy blogoversary, guys! Love this blog! :)
Happy Blogoversary!!!!
I would choose A Darkness Strange and Lovely!
Happy Blogoversary!!! I'll choose Siege and Storm. Thanks! More Blessings to you! :)
Happy Blogaversary!!
I am not sure what I would pick. Maybe Siege and Storm.
Happy Blogoversary \^^/
If I win this giveaway, I would pick Racing Savannah
thanks for giveaway^^
The Book of Broken Hearts, thanks for the giveaway and Happy Blogoversary!
Definitely Siege and Storm, dying to read that one! Thanks for a giveaway and happy blogoversary!!! :)
aww! First of all, i just wanna say how awesome you two girls are! I really love your blog, and it's great to see that you guys are already a year in!! HAPPY ONE YEAR BLOGOVERSARY! And thank you so much for this FANTASTIC giveaway!! *hugs* Hope to keep on seeing you for many years on :D Umm as for the book, id probably choose Siege and Storm! :D
- Farah @ MajiBookshelf
Happy Blogoversary!!!
All books was amazing, it's hard to choose.
I think I would choose either Racing Savannah or A Darkness Strange. Thank you for the chance to win!
Happy Blogoversary to you both! You guys know how much I adore this blog. I have no idea what I would like to win all of them sound incredible so I'd have to get back to you if I was lucky enough!
HAZE! Happy Blogoversary, Jasprit and Rachel! Love you guys!! :)
I would love to win A Darkness Strange and Lovely!
Happy blogoversary!
HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY!! I think I'd choose A Darkness Strange and Lovely! <3
Yay! Happy blogoversary! I might choose The Art of Wishing. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.
Such a great list and what a wonderful contest!!! I would loooooove to win Maggie Stiefvater's new one!
I think a Darkness Strange and Lovely : )
Happy happy blogoversary! Many more blogging years to come!
I would love Siege and Storm. :)
Happy Blogo guys!! A great milestone. And I'd love Rise by Anna Carey - thank you! =)
I'm torn between A Pirates Wish and The Dream Thief :) Thanks for the giveaway ladies and a BIG congrats on your blogoversary.
Congrats to you! and thanks for an AWESOME book blog to read. (The giveaways earn you points as well. ^.^) I'm (impatiently) looking forward to a Darkness Strange and Lovely.
Happy blogoversary!! I absolutely love your blog, so keep up all the awesome work :) I would want to win Siege and Storm, so excited for it's release
Happy blogoversary, ladies! It's a year already?! Time really does fly by. :) Congratulations! You know The Reader's Den is one of my favourite places to be.
Happy Blogoversary! I love visiting your blog :)
Thank you for the giveaway - I'd like The Art of Wishing.
You guys have definitely come a long way this year. I mean, I haven't yet been following you a whole year, but I've enjoyed the time I've followed you immensely! :)
Happy Blogoversary! :)
Congrats! :D I'd definitely go for Siege and Storm. I've already read the ARC, so I know just how awesome it is.
Happy Blogoversary!!
I'd love The Moon and More or Just One Year :)
Lacey T
Happy Blogoversary!! I'm not sure what book I would pick, I have to think about it! lol Thank you for the giveaway :)
Happy Blogoversary! I hope you'll stick around for a long time to come ;)
This is an awesome selection of books! I'd probably pick Quicksilver or Just One Year. Thanks for the giveaway :)
Happy Blogoversary!! I can't believe you've only been around for one year; that's so awesome. You're doing a great job.
I don't know what I'd pick...maybe Just One Year. I still need to read Just One Day (but I will) and I LOVE Gayle Forman.
Happy blogoversary! I can't believe you've been around a year! Time flies :) I am very excited for The Book of Broken Hearts.
Keep up the fantastic work and lovely reviews! xx
Happy blogoversary!!
I'd choose The Pirate's Wish :)
Thank you for the international giveaway.
Happy Blogiversary! :D
I choose Siege and storm! Thanks for this awesome giveaway! :D
Happy Blogoversary--here's to many more to come :D
And I'd definitely choose The Dream Thieves!
Happy Blogoversary!
I'm most anticipating Siege and Storm!
Happy blogoversary! Right now, I think I would pick The Book of Broken Hearts. So many great books to pick from. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!
I'm dying for Just One Year. I can't wait to read it! Thanks for the giveaway!
- Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl
I'd love to win The Moon and More or Just One Year! Thanks for the giveaway! :)
I would pick Siege and Storm, but I might chance to The Book of Broken Hearts!
Penny Pe
Happy Blogoversary!I'd pick The Moon and More.
Thank you so much for the giveaway.
I'm probably choose The Art of Wishing! Thanks!
Happy Blogoversary!! Any of them would be great!
I would love the dream thieves
Siege and Storm. Heard great things!
Accckkk I can't pick because I'm so behind I'm yet to read the first books these are based on!!! lol But probably Stiefvater's (though the gift card would be a better prize for me so I can buy the first in the series lol)
Happy Blogoversary!
I would love The Dream Thieves.
Thanks for the chance to win!
OOh A Darkness Strange and Lovely!
Happy Blogoversary!
Happy One Year Blogoversary!! I'd love to read The Moon and More by Sarah Dessen. Thank you. :)
Happy Blogoversary!
If I win, I'd like to get The Book of Broken Hearts :)
I'm intrigued by Haze and The Dream Thieves.
Oooh I would choose The Art of Wishing. That one looks amazing.
Happy blogoversary! So many to choose from, I think I'd say Just one Year
Happy Blogoversary!
I'd choose Siege and Storm.
Congrats on your 1st Blogoversary, I wish you many more and many more great books to read and review. I would love to win Siege and Storm!
I think Just One Year. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Happy blogoversary! :D
Congratulation ^^
Congrats on a year of hard work and awesome reviews :)
I guess I had better start properly following this blog instead of casually lurking in a corner? My first stop when I need something new to read.
I would love to win The Dream Thieves, I loved the Raven Boys and can't wait to read this next book!
The Art of Wishing or Racing Savannah :)
The Book of Broken Hearts
That's very sweet of you to say,Corazie! Hey, I know you from Goodreads! Nice to talk here as well. :)
I'll choose The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater. thanks for the giveaway and congrats.
I'd pick Just One Year :)
I would love Gayle Forman's "Just One Year."
I'd choose Siege and Storm :)
Happy blogoversary! I'm really looking forward to reading Just One Year by Gayle Forman
I would like to win the book by Gayle Forma. ¡Thanks!
Still torn between Racing Savannah and The Moon and More >,<
The Dream Thieves. :)
Thanks for the giveaway!
THe Moon and More! Who could resist a Sarah Dessen book?! Congrats!
I would prefer the gift card, but if not then Just One Year.
I would love Racing Savannah!! :D
The Moon and More or the amazon gift card :)
Siege and Storm sounds great! Thanks a lot for the giveaway!
Happy Blogoversary!
I really liked Shadows, so I would probably choose Haze :)
Happy Blogoversary! I would pick A Darkness Strange and Lovely. I love the cover.
Happy blogoversary!
I'd pick The Dream Thieves, for sure.
Thanks for including us in the celebration :D
Happy blogoversary! ^^
I'd pick Gayle Forman's book.
Happy Blogoversary!! I'd definitely want The Dream Thieves.
The Dream Thieves :D
A Darkness Strange and Lovely
Probably the Sarah Dessen one, because I read most of her books years ago and only just found out she has a new one out.
I'm really excited about The Dream Thieves!
Racing Savannah
Happy Blogoversary to you! I would LOVE to win the $50 Amazon gift card, but the pre-order would be A-Ok, too! I would have to make a hard choice between A Darkness Strange and Lovely AND Racing Savannah!
Happy blogoversary! I'd like to win Siege and Storm. Thanks for the giveaway :)
~Lesley D
Happy Blogoversary! I would pick Siege and Storm. Thanks for the giveaway!
Happy Blogoversary!!!
I would pick the art of wishful thinking
Probably Racing Savannah :)
Happy blogversary and thanks for the awesome giveaway!
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