Carolina Man (Dare Island #3) by Virginia Kantra
Publisher: Berkley
Publication date: March 4th 2014
My rating: 4 stars
Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo
Meet the Fletchers of Dare Island
Steady Matt, the son who stayed
Ambitious Meg, the daughter who never looked back
And warrior Luke, the Marine who never expected to return.
A heartwarming new novel in New York Times bestselling author Virginia Kantra’s beloved series about family ties, second chances, and the power of love…
Marine Luke Fletcher is determined to do his duty—first to his country
and now to his ten-year-old daughter, the unexpected legacy of a high
school girlfriend. But his homecoming to Dare Island in North Carolina's
Outer Banks challenges his plans for the future and forces him to face
everything that's missing in his life. He wasn't prepared to lose his
heart to this child he never knew. Or to fall hard for coolly reserved
small town lawyer Kate Dolan.
Former military brat Kate knows
Marines can make lousy fathers...and she's got the scars to prove it.
Giving her heart to a man who's bent on leaving seems one sure way to
have it broken.
Now, no matter what it takes, Luke must prove to
Kate and to his daughter that Semper Fi is more than a motto—and to
himself that there’s more than one way to be a hero.
Carolina Man was a
moving romance full of heart. This is the third story in the Dare Island
series, and I loved this one so much I plan on going back and reading the first
Luke Fletcher is a Marine on tour in Afghanistan when he
receives the news that his high school girl friend, Dawn, has named him as the
father and guardian of her ten-year-old daughter, Taylor, in her will. He’s
shocked but doesn’t hesitate in stepping up and taking responsibility. Thankfully he has his family to care for her
until his leave comes up, and the Fletchers are all about pulling together, “back
to back to back” is their motto. In the
midst of all this is Kate, the reserved and dedicated attorney who’s handled
Dawn’s will. She goes above and beyond her duties, and Luke can’t help but be
drawn to this beautiful, selfless, and guarded woman.
Kate Dolan is an attorney who has made it her life to fight
for the rights of women and children.
Kate didn’t have any advocate or protector when she was growing up, but
she’s no longer a victim and is there to step up and fight for others. At first, Kate is doubtful of Luke. As the executor of Dawn’s will she’s worried
about Luke taking on custody of ten-year-old Taylor when he’s never met her.
Add to the concern is the fact that he’s a Marine, like her father. Yet, at
every turn Luke surprises her with his care and concern, and his willingness to
do whatever he needs to for Taylor. Slowly her admiration for him as a good man
turns into an intense attraction.
With your big muscled arms and your big generous heart and your
tightlipped determination to be what Taylor needs. How could I resist you?
Kate and Luke’s romance was mature, thoughtful, and yet full
of passion. Every time they were close the sparks would fly! Still, Kate is very hesitant when it comes to
any relationship. Growing up with an
alcoholic and abusive father left her with intimacy and trust issues, but thankfully
Luke is very respectful and patient with her. I loved that he didn’t push her,
and knew when to give her space. I admired Kate for being aware enough to
realize when her past was holding her back, and in spite of her fears having
the courage to open up and take a chance. Kate’s abusive background provides much needed
insight when it comes to Taylor and the two shared a bond that warmed my heart.
The three of them, Luke, Kate and Taylor, were just perfect together!
The Fletchers were an amazing family. Big, loud and loving and at first it’s
overwhelming to Kate, but it’s also tempting.
Being part of the Fletcher’s means knowing that someone always has your
back. I can’t wait to get back to the
two previous stories and get to know the Fletchers better.
I can’t write this review without mentioning the
At the beginning while Luke is
stationed in Afghanistan, his team comes across a neglected and abused dog and
my emotions were running on high because of the situation.
The little side story was so touching (I’m a
huge animal lover), and I’ve found out that it’s based on fact.
Virginia Kantra researched this for the story
and you can find out more about Hunky Marines and Cute Puppies in her guest
post on
on The Jaunty Quills.
Worth the click
for the pictures alone!
Sooo cute!
This story captured my heart from the very first page! It was realistic, heartfelt, and moving. If you’re looking for a romance to sweep you
away Carolina Man fits the bill nicely!
Connect with Virginia Kantra:
The publisher has graciously provided a Paperback
copy of Carolina Man to one lucky reader. Entrants must be 18 years
or older. The giveaway is open to US Residents only. Just
fill out the rafflecopter for a chance to win.