Publisher: MIRA Ink
Publication date: 7th February 2014
My rating: 4 stars

Nothing should come between best friends, not even boys. ESPECIALLY not boys. Natalie and Brooke have had each other's backs forever. Natalie is the quiet one, college bound and happy to stay home and watch old movies. Brooke is the life of every party, the girl everyone wants to be. Then it happens - one crazy night that Natalie can't remember and Brooke's boyfriend, Aiden, can't forget. Suddenly there's a question mark in Natalie and Brooke's friendship that tests everything they thought they knew about each other and has both girls discovering what true friendship really means.
Anything to Have You was a really surprising read. Despite
some obvious flaws, I whipped through this book in one day. I normally don’t do
cheating books, but books which involve two best friends and one of their
boyfriends I find highly addicting. (I blame my obsession with programmes such
as Sunset Beach and The OC for this).
Natalie is the stay at home type of girl, she prefers
spending quiet time reading or knitting whereas her friend Brooke is always at
parties and getting crazy drunk. Brooke decided that this year would be
different, it was their senior year at school and Natalie had to be a little spontaneous.
So Natalie agrees to go to Alexa’s party and it does end up being a memorable
party for a long time to come. Natalie wakes up in bed next to Brooke’s
boyfriend Aiden; she remembers kissing Eric that night so knows that she
couldn’t have slept with Aiden. Also she’d woken up beside him half decent, but
she can’t shake the niggling feeling that she slept with somebody else.
This is where Natalie messed up if I was in her shoes I
would be committed in trying to find out who I slept with. But she asks one
person who denies it and then automatically assumes it’s the other guy without
confirming it and then ends up telling her best friend. This was a stupid thing
to do and of course there were several tell tales signs of what was to come (highlight to view spoiler) (she was pregnant), but I was largely able to overlook this because of the
gorgeous relationship which emerged between Natalie and Aiden. Yes Aiden was
her best friend Brooke’s boyfriend, but Brooke seriously didn’t give a toss
about their relationship, she would openly flirt with other guys in front of
Aiden and even though Aiden confronted her several times about this she said
she would stop, but would start right back up. Also we learn a vital titbit
when we’re given insights into Brooke and Natalie’s past and this had me
utterly convinced that Aiden and Natalie should be together. Seriously which
friend does this?
And Brooke’s behaviour didn’t get any better as the story
progressed. We were given chapters from her in the middle of the book (as I
wasn’t a huge fan of hers in the first place, I really did want to skip over
these and get back to what was happening with Aiden and Natalie). Aiden and
Natalie didn’t go cheating behind Brooke’s back, but it was clear that they had
some sort of connection which definitely went further than the relationship
Brooke and Aiden had going on. The time they spent together was sweet and it
was nice to see both of them who had been going through their fair share of
crap with Brooke have a good time. Also Brooke wasn’t the sweet and innocent
party she was making herself out to be either. Natalie and Aiden definitely
made this story for me.
Harbison’s writing had a very addictive feel to it, despite
there being glaringly obvious things characters should have picked up on and a
sort of rushed wrapped up neat ending. I had a really fun time reading this
book, it’s a book where I didn’t need to over think things, but just sit back
relax and completely lose myself in this story.
I haven't seen this cover before but I like the simplicity! I wasn't so sure about this one after some time--but you made me want to reconsider! This does sound pretty interesting though.
Great review! <33
This sounds a little bit like SOMETHING BORROWED. It follows a similar story line in regards to the minor infidelity, though this novel has different aspects to it too. I'm not sure it's for me - I tend to lean towards chick-lit with characters I can get behind opposed to be irritated with, like Brooke - though if I'm in the right mood this could work out perfectly. Wonderful review, Jasprit! :)
P.S. - I'm definitely interested in buddy-reading High & Dry by Sarah Skilton. You asked if I was on a Showcase Sunday post awhile back and I assumed I replied, though I don't think I did, so we can figure out dates whenever we're both free. :)
Sweeeeeet! I was going to forgo reading this but after reading yours and another blogger friend's review I think I just might pick this up after all :) I don't like cheating (or almost-cheating) either, especially when it involves 2 best friends and a boyfriend but I think I'll make an exception for this! Lovely review Jasprit<333
I have this one but haven't read it yet. It sounds like something I would like... although I'm trying to get away from frenemies books, they still are a huge guilty pleasure of mine. I do always have to laugh in books (and on TV) when the girl wakes up and isn't sure if she's had sex or not. Not to be gross, but like you really can't tell if a penis recently entered you?? I can believe that maybe you don't remember who, but it's just hard for me that they're not knowing if an event happened. I just know my body would know.
Anyway good review I totally will read this book :)
I'm glad you liked this one better than I did, Jasprit. I had trouble liking Brooke's character and POV. She was such a frustrating character. I did like Natalie in general, but I wanted her to acknowledge her feelings and stand up to Brooke.
Her relationship with Aiden was sweet though and they had great chemistry together.
Great review, Jasprit.
I like ya books with characters who do make mistakes or do things that frustrate me now, as an adult, bc it does seem realistic to me. I like when an author can create growing experiences out of sketchy situations.
Aiden and Natalie's relationship seems very endearing, and I can definitely see why you enjoyed it.
Lovely review, Jasprit!
I'm glad you enjoyed this Jasprit. I personally couldn't finish it, and even with your review, I still think I did the right thing for me. I'm glad the book was enjoyable and I am in some ways glad that my assumptions were correct. Still, a great review :)
The OC. Oh, there were times! LOL. Seth Cohen will forever be my hero until the end of days:') Oh, the concept sounds so intriguing even if I don't like cheating books. I highlighted the text and holy cow! ARE YOU SERIOUS? Okay, I need to know more O____O Okay, soafter the past thing I really really want to know more. Gah, why you make me so intrigued, Jas? Yeah, I haven't seen that many reviews, but I want to read this. Great review? Yeah, you bet! :D
Seems like an interesting book...definitely a thinker type of read. That's great you enjoyed it and was able to read it quickly!
Oh, poor Natalie! Peer pressure is a difficult thing, especially when it's your BFF dragging you out to party. And then not knowing who you slept with? D'oh!
I've seen a lot of reviewers say they don't think Brooke's POV added to the story so I was reluctant to check it out but you've changed my mind :D Thanks for an ace review, Jasprit and I'm happy you liked it overall!
hum... interesting. Since I think the whole cheating and theme in this seemed to have bothered a lot of people. Not sure how many people stayed with it till the end, but you know... humm I only read one book with a cheating theme in it and the way it was done it was different.
I agree with Keertana, this book seems like an echo of Something Borrowed for me. But it's great that you ended up liking this book, Jasprit! It's nice to read something light without having to think everything sometimes. Ah, one-day-read book is so good. ;)
Wonderful review, Jaspit! <3
I think the one thing that bugs me about these sort of books is the fact that the best friend is a mess :/ It confuses me because how can two people call themselves best friends yet act nothing like it.
I have to say though, the relationship between Aiden and Natalie really makes me want to pick this book up. I can see that the romance between the two will be worth it.
I am glad you enjoyed this one!
Great Review, Jasprit! :)
The addictive writing sounds great, and the dynamics between Nat and Brooke sounds like somethign I would like
Thanks for sharing that you enjoyed the writing. I didn't think this would be something that I'd pick up but after reading your review, I think I'll reconsider - the characters did seem quite interesting.
Hmmm not really sure to feel about this D: I'm very opposed to cheating, no matter how minor or major it can be, no matter if it's just a "lapse of judgement" or whatnot. I'm not sure I'll be able to take in Natalie and Aiden's blossoming relationship while the latter's still with his girlfriend (even if she is a bitch and a frustrating person to follow). I mean, if you're having so much trouble connecting with her, why not simply break up? At least that way you're absolutely and totally free to develop romances with another girl. So even though he and Natalie may have great chemistry, it doesn't change the fact there was some infidelity going on behind the scenes, and I'm not sure I can take that D:
I'm glad you enjoyed it though! :)
Faye @ The Social Potato
I agree with you about Anything To Have You being an addicting read! Brooke was such a frustrating character, but I loved Natalie and Aiden. I think the author also handled the cheating issue pretty well. Great review, Jasprit! :)
I'm glad you were able to enjoy this one. I had so many problems with it and it just made me stabby. lol I hated Brooke and her POVs didn't work for me. And I agree with what you said about the ending. Too rushed and Brooke never improved. But I did love Natalie and Aiden! :)
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