Saturday, 27 October 2012

Author Event Recap and Giveaway: Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl

Hello readers.  Well it's been a busy week for me.  Between working and trying to squeeze these author events in, I'm tired, but it was worth it. I immediately perk up when the authors show up, fan-girling away.  As an added bonus, I'm giving away a Signed Copy of the latest and last in The Beautiful Creatures series: Beautiful Redemption, so don't forget to scroll down and enter below.  There's probably one more author event I'll be attending before the holidays.  I think the events will quiet down for a bit until after the New Year.

Leigh Bardugo, Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl

Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl are the authors of the hit series Beautiful CreaturesThe first book has been made into a movie which is due to hit the theaters February 13th, 2013 (see trailer below). I was pleasantly surprised to find out this event would be moderated by Leigh Bardugo, author of Shadow and Bone, who did a fabulous job.  Kami and Margaret were fascinating to listen to, and you can see how these larger-than-life personalities could come up with such a wonderful story.

Kami and Margie began the night by relating how they decided to write Beatiful Creatures, and it was a fascinating story.  Apparently, Kami was the third grade teacher to all three of Margaret's daughters, and due to the many meetings Margaret was called into over her daughter's "spirited behavior," they struck up a friendship.  In response to a challenge given by Margaret's daughters to come up with a story that was different from what was on the market, they crafted the idea of Beautiful Creatures in one long lunch.  They wrote chapters and passed them around to family members, and to Margaret's daughters to get the teenage perspective.  Soon her daughters were sharing these chapters with school friends, and then it went viral, moving through high schools.  They would get feedback on the story and characters, and this shaped the first book.  Link and Ridley were originally throw away characters but in response to feedback their roles become much larger.  They never shopped the story around, and had little idea how the whole publishing industry worked.  A writer friend of Margaret's submitted their book without their knowledge and it was bought.  Soon after the movie rights were purchased, before the book was even released.  

Both Kami and Margaret are very happy with everything about the movie, from the casting, to the sets, and costumes.  Before filming, the director Richard LaGravenese, sat them down and grilled them for hours on the universe and rules of Beautiful Creatures.  He had a notebook full of notes and questions, and was very serious about staying true to the story.  They said Ethan and Lena are spot on casting, just observing the actors on set, they knew they were the perfect choices.  The trailer looks amazing, and I can't wait to see how the movie turns out!  

I have a Signed copy of Beautiful Redemption plus some swag to giveaway to one lucky person.  The giveaway is INTERNATIONAL.  So fill out the rafflecopter below for a chance to win.  The only requirement is that you follow the blog via GFC. The giveaway will run for two weeks, so make sure you get your entry in soon.  Thanks for visiting and good luck! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


dope said...

To be honest,I'm not much enthusiastic about books being made into movies,especially if I've read the book and liked it.I feel that the movie destroys my image of the book,as I usually don't like those movies.But on the other hand,if I haven't read the book and seem to like the movie,I've got nothing against it.

Dragana M. said...

I have dual opinion with books made into movies. I am always excited when my favorite book is going to be made into a movie and then disappointed if the movies was not good. But if I watch the movie before the book, usually I never read the book, because I know too much about the plot. So I don't like that part.

Kristia said...

If it's a well done production I don't mind, I just want them to be based on the books. Of course I always read the books first and I always like them better but it's a different experience.
Thank you for the giveaway!

Maidenveil said...

I'm really excited and anxious about the adaptation of the book to movie. The series is really beautiful and I'm excited in how they will translate it to the big screen. At the same time it makes me anxious too because having read the book, I have a set of expectations.

-Len of Musings of a Reader Happy

Kar.- said...

At first, I'm always very excited about any book I've read being made into a movie, but then the movie let me down or they left out my favorite part or something like that happens... I still have hope though. There are exceptions... I loved The Hunger Games movies almost as much as the book. So I hope this one to be great.. I'm really hoping! :)

Lexi Edwards said...

It depends what book. Some books are just destined to be movies and some aren't. I can't be certain about BC, but I hope to be pleasantly surprised!

Book Passion for Life said...

Girl, I'm frigging jealous of all these author events you've been going too!! =) Books to movies - I love them providing they are done well. Twilight was okay, The Hunger Games was done better so I have high hopes for other movies too! Thanks for the chance! =)

Alu said...

Normally the book is always why turn it into a movie?!

Erin W. said...

If I was being honest here I don't like books being turned into films unless, of course, they get a great cast so . . . I guess it really depends on the book.

Thanks for the giveaway.

All the Ups and Downs said...

I don't really mind books being turned into films. I've discovered a lot of great books due to seeing the film first & not knowing it was a book.


Veronika said...

I'm always excited to see books turn into movies and see the scenes not only on pages but on the big screen. Sometimes (often) afterward I don't enjoy the movie as I did the book. I think it's normal, because the book is always better! :D

Zemira said...

Whenever I hear books are turning into movies it makes me happy because more people will hear about them,not just the people who read them.

Ange said...

Excited because I can't wait to see it come alive, but hesitant because they always change stuff and have to leave a ton out.

Reviewing Shelf said...

Love that!

Atmika@I Talk Books! said...

I like when books are made into a movies. But it should be done well. I think the author should be kept involved.

Unknown said...

I kinda like it but, I get really high expectations and get really disappointed if I don't like the film

Unknown said...

I generally love books that are made into movies, if I've read the book first

Unknown said...

I generally love books that are made into movies, if I've read the book first

Unknown said...

I haven't even read the first book yet. I know I'am such a loser. I need to finish this series before the movie. Thanks for the chance to win :D


bibliophilekid said...

I love the beautiful creatures!! Awesome giveaway

Julie R said...

I have mixed feelings. Many times the movie does not do the book justice.

Sam (Realm of Fiction) said...

I'm always a bit hesitant to watch films that were adapted from books that I have read as very few really do the books justice (unless they were bad books, hah!) Anyway, it's cool that you got to meet those two - and the awesome Leigh Bardugo too! :) Thanks for sharing.

Megan said...

I just heard of the "Beautiful" series, but they sound awesome. So, I'm sure the movie would be awesome!

Dani F. said...

I like that is made into a movie, that way the books will be more international. In my country hasn't come out the series, which is really bad because it sound really good. The same thing happened with Harry Potter and the Hunger Games and Twilight

Rachel said...

It's not the same without you Nicole! :(

I think I have the same feeling as most of our readers here, it's really hard to live up to the book in a movie adaptation. Although, I did really enjoy The Hunger Games. I think something that helps me is if I leave a lot of time in between reading the book and watching the movie, because I can't remember the details clearly and then I'm not upset where they don't stay true to the books. :)

rocksann said...

Part of me is happy because then the books get more exposure but a lot of the times I don't really care for the movies. I will normally see the movie more out of curiousity not excitement, I just make sure to go in with low expectaions & just enjoy it for what it is.

Steph said...

I like them, as long as they're done right. If the movie keeps true to the book and doesn't make a big mess of it, then I'll usually watch it.

usagi, said...

Hopefully they'll respect the original content of the book when making it into the movie. That being said, I'm pretty excited for it!

Unknown said...

I'm pretty excited. I've seen the trailer and it looks amazing!

Liss Martz said...

Really excited, but I'm hoping they stick to the essential of the book, other way it's going to be a waste of my time and money

Anonymous said...

Oh, how wonderful to have met these authors (especially Bardugo!) and listened to their interesting speeches. I haven't read Beautiful Creatures and am hesitant of watching the movie, but, we'll see what critics and fans of Beautiful Creatures make of it...

Alicia said...

If it is well done, then I enjoy them (i.e. Harry Potter). If it is badly done for no good reason (i.e. Twilight, where they forgot to put make up below "Edward"s chin so that he was too toned and Bella was paler than his neck, or when they forgot that he was supposed to 'sparkle' in the sunlight, or in Eclipse when they had the scene where Bella almost freezes to death ... and then she wakes up the next morning and walks outside without a jacket - grr okay rant over) then I can't stand them.

This is really exciting, I just picked up Beautiful Creatures today and I am so eager to read it!

Denise Z said...

Books made into movies can go either way. If the movie is done well, great. I generally I try to keep them separate in my mind as they are rarely true to the book and there is almost always more in the book.

Texas Book Lover said...

As long as they stick as close to the book as close to the book as possible I am good with it. I am usually disappointed with the movies because they never quite live up what I far this trailer looks very good!

Unknown said...

I like books turned to movies as long as they don't change the story too much and ruin them. It seems I always get excited about the idea but always like the book better:p

Erinberry said...

I love turning books into movies. Some of my favorite movies are the ones that are based on books. Thanks for the giveaway!

Erin K.

nurmawati djuhawan said...

i love books become fave are twilight series and hunger games series...
thx u so much ^^

Unknown said...

Another great event?! How lucky you are!!
I actually enjoy books being made into movies. That often gets me to read a book that I might put off.


bibliophilekid said...

i think it will make a big fuss in Hollywood since everything is so much compared to either Twilight or Hunger Games. they will keep on comparing it. but i think this is will be a good movie. since ive already read the 3 books, im looking forward that the movie will be astonishing..:D

Unknown said...

I have mixed feelings about it. I feel like at times they do such a fabulous job with it and at other times they just completely blow it. Making a book into a movie is a really hard thing because you have to try and decide which parts are most important and which can be altered, taken out, or changed and I can't imagine doing that to a book.

LMcLendon said...

How do you feel about books being made into movies?

I almost always enjoy the book more than the movie.

Mel@Thedailyprophecy said...

I have mixed feelings.. I always love the book more, because of all the details, but I like to see the characters come alive on the screen :)

Dovile said...

As long as they are close to books or have only additional scenes that complement books but don't actually make great changes, then I like them. I hate it when movies are only based on books, but cloned into one more stupid Hollywood flick for brainless viewers.

DeeDee Griffin said...

Love it! I always try to read the book first though.

deasuluna said...

It depends it's very rare for them to actually do the book justice sometimes and then they always make changes that upset me and cause me to re-read a book to just find out what went wrong or what was cut out, rather than for enjoyment sake.

javalotta said...

I get excited when I find out a book is being made into a movie as long as they do a good job. Sometimes they change the story so much or cast actors I feel are totally wrong for the part, so it's very hit or miss for me. I do always want to read the book first, if I haven't already, before I see the movie. As a general rule, the book is usually better.:)

Unknown said...

Actually, I really have hated the movies based on books, but still keeps hoping that someone do a really good movie of a book

Arlene said...

So great to hear you had a fun time! I'm so behind on this series, but I'm still excited to see the movie. Awesome post as always! :D

Anonymous said...

I like it when the authors are directly involved in the production. I hate it when the movie version is inaccurate.

Suzanne (Parabooklover) said...

I'm not a fan of book to movie adaptations, especially with books that I love. While the Harry Potter books were good, they weren't great, and yet the books were so amazing. I'm really not looking forward to the Mortal Instruments movie and I really don't like JCB as Jace.

Unknown said...

I love when books are made into movies because I love to see the book being played out in front of my eyes. However, I always seem to be disappointed with the movie adaptations. But, I'll never learn...I still get excited to see the adaptations of books!

-- Sam @ SIK Book Reviews

Jolene and Family said...

I love it as long as it's produced well

Jess said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I can't help but get excited but I feel like its really make or break because there is so much anticipation from the fans for it to live up to how they imagined it.

Ashfa said...

If it's exactly like the book, I don't mind.

Unknown said...

I usually like them, but they will never compare to the actual books.

Anonymous said...

So cool! I'm your #1,000 follower <3

I try to watch the movie as a different "entity" separated from the book, and mostly I tend not to dislike the movies by doing so. Even THG, which is very different from the book is an adaptation I like. But we have to agree that some adaptations are horrible and fail across the board, unfortunately =(

Thx for the giveaway <3

Anonymous said...

I usually hate them (but there are exceptions, of course).
Anyway books are ALWAYS better then movies.

hbjgvhuogyihpo said...

Books to movie adaptions are always hard for me. If it's a favorite of mine and the movie messes it up... it sort of ruins that book for me. So I don't know. I guess when it comes to movie adaptions I never expect too much, so I don't end up being disappointed. But it's hard! :P

Unknown said...

It depends on how well they do. If they make the movie terribly different from the book, then I get mad.

fs1 said...

I like books turning into movies. Usually I see them as another take on the same story, but I don't think that it's good that the movie is too much different from the book.
Thank you so much :)

Unknown said...

How do you feel about books being made into movies? Sometimes I am disappointed in the movie

Natasha Areena said...

I like books being made into movies as I love watching what I've read come to life on screen :)

Jennifer G W said...

I like books being made into movies most of the time if they're not to different from the book. Thanks for the giveaway!!

Unknown said...

I usually like the book better but I love the sookie stack house series and also love true blood asp the same is true for the vampire diaries

Eleonor said...

I'm really excited for the movie and I hope it will be as good as the book!

Filia Oktarina said...

I am excited and can't wait to watch it on movie :)

_Sandra_ said...

My emotions are conflicted about that one - on one hand, it's nice to see book coming alive in that way, but on the other hand I'm usually disappointed with adaptation, so it's never a win-win situation for me.
Thanks for a giveaway! :)

Unknown said...

Well it depends on how good the actors are able to get into character and who produces the movie as well. Some books that have been made into movies are great, but others don't do the book justice.

Jenn said...

I have mixed feelings. If they choose to stay true to the source material then they usually turn out pretty good! However, that rarely happens and the movie tends to ruin my perception of the book.

Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

i love it! the movie may not always be as good as the book, but i love when books are made into movies!

Angie said...

I don't really have a problem with it, but most of the time the movie is disappointing, and the book is ALWAYS better! Thank you so much for your generosity and this amazing giveaway!! :D (Angie Edwards)

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