I'm thrilled to be part of the Blog Tour for All For You by Jessica Scott because her stories speak to me! As part of my stop I have my review, an excerpt, and not just one giveaway but TWO. So be sure to scroll down to the bottom for a chance to win!
Publisher: Forever
Publication date: November 25th 2014
My rating: 4 stars
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | IndieBound
Publication date: November 25th 2014
My rating: 4 stars
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | IndieBound
Sergeant Reza Iaconelli joined the army to make something of his life. On the surface, Reza is the perfect soldier, a warrior god who men follow anywhere. But beneath the uniform is a jaded soldier, worn down by the war.
After a disastrous relationship, Army Captain Emily Lindberg donned the uniform, searching for a purpose in a life she'd nearly surrendered control of. She's always admired soldiers, despite her upper-class parents looking down on all things military. When Sergeant Iaconelli ends up in her office, she's unexpectedly drawn to the wicked flirt, despite the barriers that exist between them as officer and enlisted. But as she digs deeper, she discovers that Reza is not what she expected.
This is the second book I’ve read by Jessica Scott and I’m
impressed by her beautiful and realistic portrayal of romance. I felt an emotional connection to these
characters and their story, and rooted for their happy ending!
Captain Emily Lindberg left the privileged life she led in
Cape Code to be a therapist in the army in hopes of making a difference in the
lives of soldiers damaged emotionally by wars. But joining the army has proved
to be more of a challenge that she thought. To help at risk soldiers Emily must
battle against commanders that think the Rest and Resiliency Center is a place
where the screw-ups come to get out of working, a place for “sissies” instead
of refuge for those on the edge.
On first meeting Sergeant First Class Reza Iaconelli, Emily is
struck by how absolutely gorgeous and powerful looking he is, waking up desires
in her long buried:
Her breath caught in
her throat at the sight of the single most beautiful man she’d ever seen.—
Dear Lord, men
actually came put together like this? She’d never met a man who embodied the
fantasy man in uniform like this one.
Immediately after laying eyes on Reza, he opens his mouth
and she puts him firmly in the column with the jerks she’s constantly fighting
against. But there’s a lot more to Reza
than what he presents on the surface and Emily soon realizes there’s a big
heart residing in this powerful, yet vulnerable warrior.
Reza has a whole mess of issues, first from his upbringing
and second from his experiences in war.
He carries a load of guilt and anger and has tried to cope by using
alcohol to numb the pain. He’s sober, but
always just on the edge with the stress of responsibility for his soldiers and
the climate of intolerance nurtured by his commander. Reza’s become cynical, but meeting Emily has
him looking at things in a new light. She’s awakened new feelings in him, a
desire to be a better man, a man good enough for her.
Although I have no experience with military life, Jessica
Scott seemed to capture the harsh realities in a way that touched my heart. Instead of making Reza a sexed-up alpha army
man like we get in a lot of romances, I felt like he was a more of a true-to-life
portrayal of man in uniform. Make no
mistake, though, I was drooling over Reza! He struck a tantalizing picture of masculine
power and protection, enough to make me a little weak in the knees! His desire to protect and care for Emily was
a potent aphrodisiac! What woman doesn’t want a knight in shining armor? Yet,
Emily was a bit of a savior as well, providing comfort and understanding to
Reza without judgment. Something Reza desperately needed.
While their romance ends with a satisfying resolution, I
hope to catch more of Emily and Reza in the next installment! It’s
Always Been You is next and centers on Reza’s friend, Captain Ben Teague.
Can’t wait!
USA Today bestselling author Jessica Scott is a career army officer;
mother of two daughters, three cats and three dogs; wife to a career NCO and
wrangler of all things stuffed and fluffy. She is a terrible cook and even
worse housekeeper, but she's a pretty good shot with her assigned weapon.
She's currently pursuing a PhD in Sociology in her spare time and most
recently, she's been featured as one of Esquire Magazine's
Americans of the Year for 2012.
She's written for the New York Times At War Blog, PBS Point of View: Regarding War Blog, and Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. She deployed to Iraq in 2009 as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom/New Dawn and has served as a company commander at Fort Hood, Texas.
It was fate.
It had to be. A slow warmth unfurled inside him as the doctor he could not get
out of his head looked up at him, her cheeks flushing pink.
She was all
buttoned up at work. Tonight, she looked different. Looser. Unbound.
That’s what she was. Her fire at work. Her refusal to let him bully her. He’d
admired her backbone before.
Tonight, he
admired her in an entirely new light. Her hair framed her face in careless
curls. He hadn’t expected to see her outside of work. He damn sure hadn’t
expected to see her here. An old familiar need rose inside him. A need for
touch, human and warm. A need to lose himself for an interlude in sweat and sex
and stunning pleasure. He’d given up drinking but women had apparently fallen
into that category as well.
It had been
months since he’d felt a woman’s hands on his body.
This woman
was not someone he needed to be talking to at the bar tonight but he found
himself walking toward her anyway.
After the week of confrontation they’d had,
he’d be lucky if she didn’t slap him the minute he approached her.
He could do
this. He could talk to a woman without drinking. Right?
Emily met his
gaze as he approached. He almost smiled.
“Not your usual scene?” he asked,
leaning against the bar.
She shifted,
putting a little space between them. That slight reclamation of power. He made
a noise of approval in his throat. “I’m surprised you’re talking to me.”
“I’m surprised
you’re here. Shouldn’t you be home reading medical journals or something?” Her
cheeks flushed deep pink and he wondered how far down her body that color went.
She tipped
her chin then and looked at him. “Have you been drinking?”
He looked
down at the bottle in his hand. “I don’t drink anymore,” he said quietly. No
reason to delve into his abusive history with alcohol. “You?”
“Glass of wine,” she said.
Reza shrugged
and leaned on the bar, taking another pull off his water and being careful not
to lean too close. She looked like she’d bolt if he pushed her. “That would
explain why you’re talking to me. We haven’t exactly been friendly.”
Her hair
reflected the fading sunlight that filled the room from the wide-open patio
doors. He wanted to fist it between his fingers, watch her neck arch for his
She motioned
toward his bottle with her glass. “‘Anymore’?”
He simply
took another pull off his water. He was going to be damn good and hydrated after
tonight. He wondered what she’d do if he leaned a little closer. “Long story.”
“One you’re
not keen on sharing?” she asked. She leaned her cheek on one palm. The sun
glinted across her cheek.
“Let’s just
say alcohol and I aren’t on speaking terms. Bad things happen when I drink.” It
was nothing to be ashamed of but there it was. Shame wound up his spine and
squeezed the air from his lungs. He was just like his dad after all.
“You say that
like giving up alcohol is a bad thing,” Emily said quietly.
Reza snorted
softly. He should have guessed she wouldn’t let it alone. She had stubbornness
that could last for days. “It’s not something I’m proud of.”
Her hand on
his forearm startled him. Soft and strong, her fingers pressed into his skin.
“But stopping is something to be proud of.”
Reza stared
down at her hand, pale against the dark shadows of his own skin. A long silence
hung between them.
He lifted his
gaze to hers.
“It takes a
lot of strength to break with the past,” she said softly.
“What are you
doing?” Her eyes glittered in the setting sun and he thought he caught the
sight of the tiniest edge of her lip curling.
Her fingers
slipped from his skin. “Offering my professional support?”
His lips
quirked. “Was that a joke?”
“Maybe,” she
said. “I’m working on developing a biting sense of humor. Defense mechanism
against raging asshole commanders.”
Reza barked
out a laugh. “You look different out of uniform,” he said lightly, pressing his
advantage at this unexpected truce.
“So do you.”
He angled his
body toward hers. “You like my makeup?” he asked.
Her lips parting
as she tried to figure out if he was kidding or not. Finally, she cracked the
barest hint of a smile.
powerful woke inside him and he moved before he thought about it. He reached
for her, brushing a strand of hair from her cheek. The simple gesture was
crushing in its intimacy. Her lips froze in a partial gasp, as though her
breath had caught in her throat.
Iaconelli,” she said quietly, her voice husky. But she didn’t move away. Didn’t
flinch from his touch.
“Reza.” He swallowed the sharp bite of
arousal in his blood, more powerful without the haze of alcohol that usually
clouded his reactions. “My name is Reza.”
His breath
was locked in his lungs, the sound of his name on her lips triggering something
dark and powerful and overwhelming.
He wanted
this woman. The woman who’d stood in opposition to him this week. The woman who
lifted her chin and stood steadfast between him and his soldiers.
There was
strength in this woman. Strength and courage.
“I’m Emily.”
Her words a rushed breath.
He lowered
his hand, unwilling to push any further than he’d already gone. This was new
territory for him. Unfamiliar and strange and filled with potential and fear.
“It was nice
talking to you tonight, Emily,” he said when he could speak.
He waited for
her acknowledgment that she’d heard him. Some slight movement of her head or
tip of her chin.
Instead her
throat moved as she swallowed and she blinked quickly, shattering the spell
between them.
He left her
then because to push further would challenge the limits of his restraint. He
wasn’t ready to fall into bed with someone. No matter how compelling Emily
might be.
He waited and
he watched for the rest of the evening. Watched her slip out with her friend,
leaving an empty space at the bar.
Leaving him
alone with the fear that included the empty loneliness as well as the cold
silence of sobriety.
His thoughts
raced as he made sure his troopers all got home that night, and Teague crashed
on his couch.
He fell into
bed later, need and desire twisted up, filling the cold dead space left inside
him by the lack of alcohol. A dead space he usually filled with work while
deployed. Tonight, though, unfamiliar pleasure hunted his thoughts, whispering
that he could still love a woman, that he didn’t have to be drunk to climb into
bed with someone.
But Emily
wasn’t a random someone.
And she was
so far out of his league, it wasn’t even funny. Even if there was some sexual
attraction there, she wasn’t likely to go slumming with a burned-out
infantryman like him.
He lay there
in the darkness, waiting, clinging to the single, simple pleasure of her touch,
hoping that maybe tonight he could sleep, avoiding the nightmares that reminded
him of the monster he’d become.
A beast who
had lost his compassion somewhere on the road to Baghdad.
About the author:

She's written for the New York Times At War Blog, PBS Point of View: Regarding War Blog, and Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. She deployed to Iraq in 2009 as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom/New Dawn and has served as a company commander at Fort Hood, Texas.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Lovely review, Rachel. I'm glad you enjoyed this one. I finished All I Want for Christmas last night and really enjoyed it. Perfect holiday read. Thank you for recommending it! I look forward to reading this book as well.
This sounds like something I could enjoy. You know I'll read any romance books you recommend, Rachel. :)
Rachel, this sounds like a completely lovely book that I would love to read. I love reading books with characters in the military and this sounds amazing, especially because they are both in the military. I love your description of Reza and Emily sounds fantastic as well. I'm going to have get a copy of this.
Beautiful review!
This sounds like such an awesome romance, Rachel!! I love how both the characters are pretty fleshed out, and it's especially nice to see that the relationship between Reza and Emily is pretty mutual. I love it when characters in a romance truly help each other out, in different ways.
Lovely review, as always, Rachel! <3
-Aneeqah @ My Not So Real Life
I am a little bit hesitant when it comes to military romances, but this one does sounds good.
Thanks for the giveaway. I love military romances.
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