The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, May 11th and runs through Sunday, May 17th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 13 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team
Bout of Books is back, I absolutely love taking part in this read-a-thon, not only is it a way to tackle my big pile of books I've been neglecting, but it's also a fun way to get to know other book enthusiasts. The last couple of times I took part in Bout of Books, I've started off really well, but then got a bit off track, but hopefully this time I'll be able to achieve my goal. Once again I couldn't decide on which books to go with, and of course it all depends on my mood, which book I normally go for, but here's the handful of great books I'm going to be choosing from and from here I want to read at least three (I've been slacking reading books lately, so if I complete this goal, this would be an achievement for me!).
I'll be posting my updates on this post here, my Instagram profile here and my Twitter profile. I'm planning on reading Every Last Word with Emma from Never Judge a Book, so I'm really looking forward to that! If you're taking part in Bout of Books, link me up with what you're reading below. Good luck everyone!
I hoped to read The Fill-In Boyfriend but my copy hasn't arrived yet. I read one of Kasie West's on the last boutofbooks. Can't wait to read Evety Last Word with you. Good luck Jasprit. :)
This summer my goal is to join more reading challenges so I can really tackle my TBR! I can't wait to see how you do, your planned books look amazing!
I'm seriously considering doing this Bout of Books, but doing it for myself, not in the challenge, because I think I'd flop, but still, I shall try myself and see how I feel me thinks. Good luck with Fill-In Boyf, and End of Days, I've heard a few iffy things about that, eek!<3
Fantastic! I hope you'll enjoy these books, Jasprit. And good luck!
I'm reading Dreams of Gods and Monsters now :) It's, well, as amazing as expected. Whatever to choose, just make sure to have fun!
I hope you enjoy the books - I did really like Dreams of Gods and Monsters!
Good luck with your bout of books, Jasprit! I have seen this around and would love to join if it were not only for time constraints and my unpredictable reading moods. Haha
Faye at The Social Potato
Yes to Breathe, Annie, Breathe and Jesse's Girl! I loved both myself! I'm reading The Fill-in Boyfriend right now and so far I'm not really all that into it. :( I haven't read the other three books but I've heard amazing things about them. Good luck, Jasprit!
Good luck with your book reading Jasprit! End of Days was a good ending to the series though, I'm waiting for my copy of The Fill In Boyfriend to arrive soon <3 Benish | Feminist Reflections
Nooo, I missed it again it seems! Enjoy! I really can't wait to read your thoughts on End of Days and The Fill-In Boyfriend. Breathe, Annie, Breathe is really good or so people tell me :)
Rachel @ A Perfection Called Books
Fun stuff, lady! I've read all of these but 1 (Laini Taylor's, which I need to correct ASAP), and loved them all - all 4 stars or higher. :) So I think you've got some good books ahead of you. :D
Good luck!
Yay :D Have fun Jasprit. <3 If this haven't already been? Hih. Oh! This week. Have the best time :D I hope you'll love all these books sweetie :D I loved Every Last Word. <3 It was pretty awesome. Happy reading sweetie :)
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