Hi everyone, where has the month gone by, I can't believe it's November already, I think because the weather really hasn't changed over here, (I haven't even been using my scarf or gloves yet!) that it doesn't feel like Winter is around the corner, Winter is my favourite season by the way, with Christmas my favourite holiday. Can you believe they've already put up the Christmas decorations in my town centre? And Starbucks and Costa have started their Christmas drinks this week too! What is going on?
What I've been up to.
Work has been killing my butt big time lately, that all I want to do is sleep when I get home, but I've persevered and renewed my membership at the gym and been going back to my circuits class, the first one literally killed me, but I'm slowly getting back to it. I've also slowly started getting back to eating healthy, the Sourced Boxes have been keeping me going. But I've tried getting up earlier so I can meal prep too. Smoothie bowls and cookies have been my go to as of late (You can see all the photos of my healthy food on my Instagram here.)
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What I've been watching.
I haven't been able to catch up with my TV shows at all this month, everytime I intend to I'm either too tired or distracted my something else, I need to play catch up this month for sure! But I have been watching all the films with my younger sister, we watched Beauty & the Beast, Princess and the Frog and Megamind. Megamind was definitely one of my favourites!
Number of books read: 12! The last time I read this many books was all the way back in February! And I've still been continuing with my audiobook reads too, with me finishing 4 this month!
Best read of last month:
Best read of last month:
(Click on Book for Goodreads link).
I listened to The Deal on audio and honestly with the mood I've been in lately its exactly what I needed, the sexual chemistry between our characters was off the charts! I think Garrett is definitely one of my top fictional crushes!
Three Books I'm looking forward to reading next month.
(Click on Book for Goodreads link).
These are three books that I've been highly anticipating for sometime now, retellings haven't really been my thing the last couple of times that I picked them up, but my sister recently read my copy of Hunted and absolutely loved it and Meyer hasn't let me down with her books so far, so of course I can't wait any longer before diving right in. And I adore all of Cotugno's books I've read in the past and so if anyone is going to get my back into reading contemporary YA I'm sure this will be the book!
I'm already so excited about November, there will be another Jas and Allie Adventures! I've actually been prepping for this, as I always seem to be the one that can never finish her food off, this time it hopefully won't be the case! I also get to meet the lovely Keertana, I'm so excited for this, as Keertana was one of my earliest friends when I first started blogging and I can't wait to finally meet her in real life! And November is my birthday month, I have a few reunions and catch ups with friends to look forward, so an exciting month nonetheless! I hope you all have a wonderful month!
OMG Megamind! Such a great movie, definitely one of my favorites.
I hope you're able to successfully play catch up this month. =D
I've only read 99 Days by Katie Cotugno as yet and that was a wild reading experience. Really looking forward to Heartless with no idea what to expect especially because of the widespread ratings.
Yay so happy you liked The Deal! I am in need of a serious re-read - going to listen to it this time actually!
And, I cannot believe it's November and all the Xmas stuff already
So so so happy you are reading The Opportunist - I hope you like it. I love it so much but I know it is not for everyone
That's awesome you'll be meeting Keertana! Lucky you - I love her. :) I'd love to meet more of my bloggy friends. It's fun! Good job with reading 12 books and being healthy. I haven't been to the gym in forever. It's just difficult to get there with working and the fact that I don't drive, so I tend to get stuck at home. I am trying to eat healthier though.
OMG, that healthy eating though! I haven't been exercising much, so I've been trying to compensate by eating even better. I don't think that's how it works but... school has been kicking *my* butt!
I loved Heartless! I got Hunted and Fireworks as well, but I'm not sure if I'll read Fireworks since it was sent unsolicited and I'm not sure if Cotugno's books are for me. I've heard ehhh things about a previous book of hers. :/ I loved The Deal though. :D
I hope you have a great November, Jasprit! Spam us with all the pictures of you and Keertana! :D
Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!
Real life kept me busy lately too. I’m looking forward to Hunted too, though I’ve seen some mixed reviews. I hope you’ll have a great time with Allie and Keertana. It’s so wonderful that you’ll be able to meet each other in real life.
Jasprit, I am so impressed by your healthy eating initiatives! I am a hopeless case eating bread and cheese all the time... :/ But GO YOU! I'm also so excited to see what you think of Hunted! I liked it but had a few conflicted feelings about the re-telling as a whole, so I'll be curious to see how our thoughts compare. And, ofc, I am SO EXCITED TO SEE YOU SOON!!!! <3
I'm glad you both had a great October :D Sorry for being so slow to comment. <3 Hugs. I hope you are both doing great :) And eee, I have only seen Megamind once, but I loved it lots :D And ahh, Hunted. <3 I adored it.
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