Publisher: CreateSpace Independent
Publication Date: 15th January 2013
My rating: 4 Stars.

*Contains some spoilers*
When I found out that this book was from Leah’s perspective, I really didn’t want to give this book a go, but being reunited with my other favourite characters even for the briefest of moments I was eager for. I didn’t think that Leah could be any more horrible and twisted than how she came across in The Opportunist, but by getting in her head in this book it made me realise that I couldn’t be more wrong. We really got to know the real Leah in Dirty Red. I could understand that she’d had a tough upbringing and with the way her parents were with her, I could understand her need to be loved and wanted. But honestly she was going about it totally the wrong way. Whenever I thought I’d finally feel some sort of emotion for Leah and even start to feel sorry for her, some other revelation would come about that made me hate her even more. And she was a mother for goodness sake, she had Caleb and a lovely baby, why couldn’t she just accept it and make the most of it? But no that could never be enough. Honestly the extremes she went to and how she couldn’t have a care in the world about anyone but herself seriously made me sick. When it comes to horrible characters I’m always willing to give them a chance, maybe they’ll come around and win you over in the end. But everything with Leah just got worse and worse. I was absolutely devastated with what happened to Caleb, you could tell that he was just about getting through and his baby girl was the only thing helping him. I just wanted Caleb to be rid of her already, but she always had a way of reeling him back in.
Again Fisher did a great job, with the alternate past and present chapters, although I did find myself once again just wanting to gobble up the present chapters, the past did give great insights into Caleb and Leah’s back story and how everything started between them. Although I was initially wary to read this book from Leah’s perspective, I didn’t completely end up hating it. Leah was a wretched, manipulative character, probably one of the worst I’ve come across in a long time, but I enjoyed this story a lot and getting Leah’s perspective although difficult to read at times, I liked that Fisher took the risk with it.
Of course I had to buy Thief as soon as I finished Dirty Red, I’m excited to finally get Caleb’s perspective, because I’ve honestly fallen in love with the guy. I’ve been warned to prepare for all the emotions, which I’m quite nervous about, because I have my particular ending in mind, but with everyone involved and Leah’s possessiveness I just don’t know how things will end. Please don’t destroy my heart Ms Fisher!
I've heard a lot about this series. I really should start reading it. How many books in the series in total any idea?
I looove this book, it's my favorite of the series, which is weird since I fucking despise Leah with a fiery passion. I loved being inside her twisted head and I was so happy that the author didn't try to make us like her or feel sorry for her. Leah was plain and simple a crazy bitch.
Nereyda│ Nick & Nereyda’s Infinite Booklist
I'm glad this ended up being worth the read! Sometimes you just have to try it out and see!
I love this concept of writing each book from a different character's perspective, even if that character is the "villain". I'm so curious to see how this author pulls this off but I'm going to hold off on diving into this series until you confirm that the pay-off by the end is worth it. Wonderful review, as always, Jasprit! <3
There's three altogether, I read them all within a week!
Great review Jasprit! And yes, I remember reading this the first time and being completely bowled over by Leah. TF got inside her mind and spilled it out like WHOA ! Caleb's POV definitely is the most interesting about Olivia's and Leah's to bring this whole series together. So glad you read this series!! ♥
Ooo, from a different character's perspective! I'm glad this book worked for you despite initial hesitation. I personally am not a fan of the past/present switches because, like you, I like the present chapters more. But the insight from the past is often helpful, so I really should appreciate those chapters more. :D
Great review, Jasprit!
Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!
Lovely review Jasprit :D I'm glad you liked this one. <3 While it do sound interesting, not for me, and I don't think I could like that girl, lol :) Thank you for sharing. <3
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